Dream Another Sunset With You.


Dear Jerry,

I just want you to know that you can't actually say anything to make it one hundred percent better. But the things you write down on the paper helps me so much. It gives me hope. Hope that he is out there, possibly waiting for me, and even if he isn't waiting, hopefully he is at least still thinking about me. I just cant think of what I would be doing without you. I would probably be eating ice cream, and watching sappy old love movies. So, thank you for being the reason I don't weigh ten thousand pounds.

Do you really think he would do any of that? Do you honestly think he would be hung up on me like that? Because last time I checked, he had no problem with getting any girl he wanted with a snap of his fingers. I doubt he is doing any of the things you said before, wishing i was there, waiting for me, heartbroken thinking about me. Or even crying for me, for that matter. There's honestly, just no way. I don't even stand a chance..

Wow. Jerry, you did it again, you made me stop and think. But I don't understand how you can't know this guy, yet, you say you know that he will be mine. I want to believe you, honestly. I do. But I cant bring myself to say, Oh that Jerry, he is right, he is always right, and he was about the love that Joseph Adam, felt for me. I just cant say that, because I do not think that he is/was/will be mine. I just fail to see how you can see this. I do not think that the world is gonna go my way this time.

Awe, people will love you no matter how funny you are, or how empty you are feeling. I just want you to know, that I appreciate you being honest with me, it makes me feel so much more comfortable with you. I really hope one day you take your love, that girl, you were talking about, into your arms, and kiss her lips full of passion. It would make my day if you were happy. Also, Jerry, crying isn't a horrible thing, its when you bottle things up, and then become a strong wall, that no one can break down, thats when you should worry about something. You are strong, you have to be, crying doesn't make you any less of a man.

You saying these things, are they lies, just things you feel need to be said, so that I don't go and jump off a cliff? Or is it honestly, something you feel. I wanna know.

I'm sure someone feels it for you. I always tell myself, There's someone for everyone. There's a someone for you too. Someone who loves you unconditionally, and I bet, its the girl you keep telling me about, even though, I don't know her name. So please don't be jealous, because there's gotta be someone feeling that for you.

Okay, I don't mind being a coward, and if you are one too, then that makes it so much better. Because you make everything seem less scary.

I already told you, I'm sure someone in this scary beautiful world, feels for you, what I feel for him, and hopefully what he feels for me too. I don't know if I could go on without him feeling the same way, I mean, that sounds cliche, but its true. He is the reason I believe I am still here, knowing he is out there, possibly waiting for me, or even thinking about me for a second for a month, is worth waking up everyday. I believe that if there is, a first kiss, and if it is perfect, then it will the most magical thing I know. I think it will make me weak in the knees, I just want him to be the one that makes me feel things I have never felt before. Please go out and find that girl you love, for me? Do it, there's no need in both of us being love sick, like teenagers.

Ha ha! Thats funny..You thinking it was that, Joseph. No, just a coincidence..Their teenie fans piss me off, though.

Are you sure I have his heart? I think that you are amazing for trying to keep my hopes up though.

You talked his ear off? About what? What could keep you going, on and on about that? Just curious.

Thank you for saying that I will never be lame, but I do believe, if you are wrong about anything, then this would be the thing you were wrong about. Because I am so lame, its scary. I'm blushing now, actually. Ha ha!


P.S. You make me smile every time I see that cursive handwriting, because it means, a letter full of wisdom, and from my friend.


Dear, Jamie.

Hope. Hope is something you should have every day of your life, its something you cant just live without. Because without hope (and love), life isn't well, life. Its easy to lose hope in things, but its so hard you get that hope back once you've lost it. I know I lost hope a while ago and thought I'd never get that hope or courage to tell the girl that I've been thinking about and dreaming about for years. Until now I was to afraid to say that I loved her. I didn't want to believe it, and I didn't want anyone else to see it. Because, well, I didn't want my heart to be broken.

You are welcome, by the way, getting you up and doing stuff every day used to be hard, because I know how lazy you can be. :] I know he is hung up on you, a mans got to be crazy to not want to devour you for dinner and desert every night, ;] if you know what I mean. I swear I am not coming on to you. But I do believe in my heart that he is actually wishing you were his to hold. Wishing all the things that went left unsaid over the years said.

I think the world is gonna go your way, Jamie. Stop putting all this effort into saying no, he doesn't, into fighting for what you want. A friend told me that I needed to go out and tell the girl I loved, that I loved her. Another friend told me 'If you think like she doesn't like you, then you aren't gonna go anywhere, you will get no where. You have to have faith and be determined, thats the only thing that is gonna make you stand out from all the rest. You just have to believe and put all that negative energy, the energy you put into putting yourself down, into making this happen.' I swear I never thought I'd hear anything like that come from his lips. Because he isn't the brightest color in the crayon box, but it stopped me, and made me think. And thats the reason that I now have the love of my life, as mine.

Thanks, you made me feel like a man. Ha ha! And oh man, as I was saying before, I did! I told her! I told Anna! I told her that I was thinking about her, and that I loved her so much, more than words could express! Jamie, she said yes! She said yes to being mine! I am truly the happiest man on the face of the earth. Honestly. I never thought she would ever in a million years wanna be with me or love me back, but she did! She did, and I never have to wonder what if. She is truly amazing, and shes my Anna.

The things I say to you, I say them as a friend, because they are so true, they aren't things to keep you from doing stupid shit, they are things to keep you fighting for the one you love. I do a lot of this for you, ME writing to YOU is one of those big things. I have risked my relationship with my brother writing to you, for reasons, I don't want to explain now. Its just something that I felt needed to be done. You wouldn't understand why, but one day you just might.

You were right, even when I read that and shook my head no, thinking there is no possible way Anna could feel this much love and raw emotion for me. But I was proved wrong, you were right. I can admit that. Because now, its amazing and I can kiss her whenever I want. You can not even begin to feel the amount of joy I am feeling right now. Its like every things finally coming together.

Awe, truth be told. If we weren't talking. I probably wouldn't have taken that next step and told Anna. We hadn't talked in months, and it just seems as though one day she was thinking about me too, cos she was the one who called me. She then asked me to lunch, and we talked, then at the end of the night, when I took her home, I told her what I had been feeling. Which lead to an amazing passionate night, we kissed on the front step, and that lead to us going inside, and then, we made love, like actual love. It was the best thing, I have ever known, it wasn't like some random quick fuck, it was pure honest, sweet love, and I didn't want that with anyone but her.

Yes, their teenie fans can piss off anyone. And are you sure!? Cos that would be friggen sweet man! Ha ha! Kidding. But still. :]

I'm positive. You have his heart. No one else.

Oh, just things. Guy things.

Awe, you were always cute when you blushed. Always a high light in my day. I remember I would say things to you, and you would instantly turn red. I would always smile because I loved it. You, my friend, are not lame. Period.


P.S. Some of the letters are pointless. But I believe that I smile every time I see your neat handwriting as well. :]
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:] Hope you loved it.
Told you there were gonna be twists.
That chapter had one of them in it.
Who do YOU think is writing those letters?
Who do you think wrote the first couple letters, was it the same person?
Hmm..questions, questions.
Care to answer them?
Comments are loved.
So please leave them!

P.S. Its 11:22 p.m.
Ha ha late, to post, but I HAD to get it out, I am so excited!