Dream Another Sunset With You.


Dear, Jerry.

Oh my teddy bear! I am truly happy for you. I am so glad that one of us isn't sitting home alone eating bags of popcorn, watching a scary movie, tonight. I mean, I am not doing that, where did you think of that crazy idea..Okay fine. I am. I have nothing else to do. My friends are all out busy, mostly on dates when I cant even get a boy to even look in my direction.

And even though I would love to have some attention from the opposite sex. I would never be actually happy with it, because, well, the boy who was giving me attention, wouldn't be Joseph.. I know, I know, you are so tired of hearing about him and how much my life sucks. Hearing about all the things I have done wrong, and all the lame things I have to say about him. I just, I wish that one day he could just see. Whatever, my goal is to completely stop talking about him in my letters to you. Its hard to not, but I should. I know you hate hearing about it. Once again, I am sorry.

On another note, the one I originally started out with. I am so unbelievably happy for you, Jerry. I told you, you were capable of doing it. I knew you were too amazing, and that no girl could not love you back. See you kept telling me things, like have hope, and faith, and all this, yet, you seemed to put yourself down..Which I don't understand. How you have this amazing, really thought out way of putting words, and then, when I say something about the girl loving you back, you just either over looked what I said, or denied it. But I am proud to rub it in your face and say: I told you so.

Guys do not, and will not ever, in a million years, want to 'devour me for dinner and desert.' Yes, I know what you meant. It was very flattering, but flattery will get you no where, Jerry. Also, I don't understand how you can know that he is wishing for everything to be different, and for everything that didn't happen, to have happened then? I just don't get how you can be so, incredibly positive..

I say everything I just said in the paragraph above, to come to the part where you have this inspirational shit popping out at me. Thanks for that, honestly. Thank you for making me think I was wrong for everything I did. Or maybe the feeling isn't, being wrong, but just, now I'm even more confused than before. Great job.

I am so happy, and I do not think that I can say that enough. You deserve it, I deserve to know what its like to be so in love sometimes it hurts. I know when I think about Joseph, it hurts so much. I think its cause I love him so much, more than anything, then again, it might also be the pain of knowing I will never have what I want. I am slowly starting to let go of that dream. Letting go seems so much harder than holding on. I'm not even sure why, but I just want it to all be over. I wish I had never fallen in love with that boy, because knowing I cant have him, or be with him, is so painful. But, Anna is a lucky, lucky girl. And I am assuming that you are a lucky boy.

So you aren't lying to me. Good to know, I never assume someone isn't telling me the truth, anyways. I never think about if someone is lying just to lie, or if they aren't being truthful. I don't know why, I guess I just assume that people aren't gonna hurt me, even if they are..

Please do not tell me this. You are risking your relationship by writing to me? Wait, why, what does it matter that you are writing to me? Does your brother know me? I am suspicious. :] Kidding, but really, why is YOU writing to ME risking your relationship? I hope that I will understand, eventually...

I know I was right, and I can only hope that you are right about the things you say. Because I just want Joseph to feel the same for me, I just cant bring myself to be like, yeah, he loves me back. I don't know why. I want to, but I cant.

Well I am glad I inspired you to tell her. I mean, not gonna lie, I feel like I did a good deed. Like I made someone actually happy. Like I helped you find happiness. And please do not squash my dream, and say that I didn't because I will go so emotional, and cry. Also, that is such an amazing thing, finally making love to her, just makes me happy inside. :]

I know, they infuriate me. I would love to slap them across the face, and then run them over with my car, and then walk away slowly.

I am glad you know. I wish I knew.

Okay, guy things, ha ha nice.

Awe, I am blushing now, I was not cute. But I happen to blush a lot, you do that to me. I can't even explain to you how many times a day I blush. :]


P.S. Awe. I'm so glad. <3


Dear, Jamie.

I read that first line. 'Oh my teddy bear!' and I busted out laughing. Also, thanks so much. I am terribly sorry that this letter is being sent so late. But Anna and I have been so busy, we have been together almost every single day. We are getting ready for Thanksgiving. She is spending the holidays with me and my family, seeing as her father is sick, and her mother is having take care of him. They weren't planning on a huge holiday season, but It'll be fine, we are gonna take them some dinner on Thanksgiving. What are your plans?

Since you said that you wanted to stray away from the subject of Joseph, I will just tell you about my life, and how things are going, to maybe, help you out. Even though I do not mind that you talk about him. I don't mind reading about how much you love him. I don't mind it one bit. I just wish you could take my word for it, and know that he loves you back.

But on a different note, I think we are going to all cook Thanks giving dinner together, me my mom and brothers. While my father, and probably my oldest brother watch football, or something. I know I will be keeping tabs on how well the cowboys play. They are my favorite team. My brothers like them too, even if we are more of baseball fans. Yankees, to be exact, but seeing as baseball season has ended, football is next in line.

How is the weather in New Jersey? It keeps changing here in Texas, one day its cold, the next its hot. And nothing, can beat the snow in New Jersey. It seems as though mother nature cant make up her mind about the weather here in Texas. She can't decide if she wants it hot or cold. I know I would prefer it to be cold, especially during this time of year. But its okay, because for Christmas we are going home to New Jersey, and New York for new years. I love New York in the winter time, its so beautiful, and romantic.

I was almost busted, writing to you earlier, my brother said he was going to go to the gym. And usually when he does, he goes for like two hours, but then that day he came back like thirty minutes later. I had to stash the letter in my pants...That was probably awkward to tell you, but its a fact. I don't want him to know just yet. I don't think he should maybe one day, though.

I am listening to Taylor Swift. DON'T JUDGE ME! ha ha! My mom wanted me to find songs to put together for the 'opening of the Christmas presents' this year, and so I have downloaded every one I can think of, and listening to them over and over again. Her song, 'Christmases When You Were Mine', is such a good one, I cant even explain it. I really do like her as an artist. She has grown to become such an amazing successful one. Just thought I'd add in how I felt about her. :]

I will take this moment to thank you for saying all the sweet things you do. To me, and about Anna and I. I am definitely the lucky one, Anna is just the most amazing beautiful girl I have ever known. (Besides you, of course, only I see you like that, in other ways, and for different reasons.) Please just do me ONE BIG favor, and do not let him go, not yet at least. Hang on to him, please. I am begging you.

Thats a good thing, I think. People assume things and it ruins things sometimes. Assuming is never really a good thing. Because you can be wrong and ruin a friendship or surprise or something. So I think thats a pretty great quality.

In time you will find out why. :] I swear, Jamie.

I don't expect you to be cocky, just have a little faith in me and the things I say to you?

In all honesty Jamie, you did help me find my happiness, helped me actually go for it, and realize that I needed to be a man and not be such a chicken about it, and just tell her. And it paid off. :]

I like it when you blushhhh! :]


P.S. If you ever need me. I'm just a letter away, and also, you are amazing, I thought you should know this.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to 'SoClicheOfJellyBeans' for the 'Oh My Teddy Bear' bit. :] I figured it was just that amazing that it needed to be used.
Also, its 3:23 am.
But I wanted to get this out.
Hope it meets the standards, of you guys.
And. yeah.
