Dream Another Sunset With You.


Dear Jerry.

There's a good chance this letter wont have anything to do with anything we've talked about before. I needed to write to you. I am so scared, something tragic happened, Jerry. Something I cant even, I don't even want to think about..It's so sad.

You see, my cousin, my baby cousin, he-he was hit by a drunk driver, Jerry. He isn't here. He's gone.. Gone forever, and I wont ever get to see him. I never got to say goodbye. The bad thing, the worst, the awful thing is that I was mean to him the last time I talked to him..

I don't mean to just throw whatever we've been talking about for the past weeks out, and in time maybe I will reply to that letter, but right now I cant stop crying.
I'm sure by the time this letter is done with, it will be tear stained and some ink will be running, but you will at least know I'm not lying.

I don't know what to do anymore Jerry. He was my baby cousin. I just saw him the other day..I didn't know it would be my last time. Anyways, today I have to go see my aunt, I'm heading over there after I send this letter off. Because I need you, now more than ever.

Thank you for being such an amazingly great friend, I can talk to you about anything, and I thought that I would let you in on what was going on.

I'm fifteen minutes late, so I'll end this letter here. Sorry for it being so short. I just cant think straight at the moment.


P.S. Again, I'm sorry its so short.


Dear Jamie,

Oh my God. I am so sorry, Jay. I wish I could be there for you. I'm not one of those people who is amazing at showing sympathy, and I'm so sure that I'm sorry is the last thing you wanna hear now. Because I'm sure you've heard it a billion times. I just, I am baffled. I don't know what to say at all that could make this even a little bit better. Gah. I just..

I want you to know that you are in mine and my family's thoughts. Even if they don't know I'm writing to you. I just, I cant think of anything to say, without coming off as in sensitive. Because as I said before, I am not a person who is great at showing that I am sorry, and that I am thinking about you. Hoping that you are at least trying to have a good day, considering the circumstances. I just, wow.

No one knows how God works. And no one knows whats next. And just look at it this way, God wanted his son back home. God wanted to hold is baby boy, again. He, God, does not need to ask for him back, he takes him when he needs him. And maybe God felt that your cousin, did what he needed to do, and brought him back to tell him job well done.

Maybe your cousin helped someone who needed it so bad, and God sent him there to get his job done. And maybe he helped that person and God said that his job was done, so he brought him home.

Jamie, sweetie. I am so sorry that you are going through this alone, with out me, I mean. And I have the idea what on Christmas, or New Years eve, rather, we meet somewhere, just so I can tell you how much I've missed you? Is that something you'd be up for? Think about it, please, once this stuff is over for you. I hate to see you hurt.


P.S. I don't mind it being short. I understand. You're hurting. I get it.
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I know its short.
I didn't feel it needed to say much.
And. I want lots of comments.
Because this is most likely gonna be ending soon.
As are, hopefully, all of my stories.
Because I have other things I need to focus on.
Don't worry.
I wont leave for good.