My Irresistible Worst Nightmare...Yeah Right?

Mercedes Jay Green used to be best friends with Demetri Aaron Jones. But one night changed it all; the death of her mother. He bullied her. Never stopping. Her abusive father sent her to boarding school. She meets new friends, old enemies and loves she would have to choose between. This is not your ordinary love story. This not your ordinary I feel in love with my enemy. This has a major twist coming that would make a sequel be born.
  1. One Hell of a Long Year
    The beginning of Mercedes doom of boardind school
  2. Little Alien Dude has a Gun
    Ok, random chapter. It makes sense to me probably because she is based on me.
  3. You like him?
    Just more information on the gang.
  4. You like her
    Just even more information on the gang.
  5. Umbearable Truth
    How would Demetri react when he finds out the truth why Mercedes was sent to boarding school?
  6. Were
    Things get intresting.
  7. Ravin' and head banging
    Just another random chapter.
  8. How would he react?
    Toughts from Mercedes
  9. April Fool's
    Not really April Fool's but hey whatever.
  10. Do They?
    Friends can be harsh sometimes
  11. The Hills Have Eyes
    Wow this film is so freaky. Things now get a little complicated.
  12. Meet me by the Beach
    School life. Just think of the song Teenage Life then it just fits shool life perfectly. Guess what this chapter is about then.
  13. Ghostbusters
    Not the film but it has it in there...somewhere.
  14. Local Cuisine What Fish n Chips?
    Hey the first twist is in action.
  15. Hyper Active Sleepover.
    I love sleepovers especially my last one. Why not play a game with guys.
  16. Chlo's Revenge
    Well I think the title gives away a bit, but it's not Chlo who is getting revenge.
  17. I Have to Move on
    Is Mercy really losing this, what will she do?
  18. Getting Ready
    Halloween costume shopping.