Sequel: Fighting Ourselves.
Status: Completed.

Like Walking Into a Dream

I Don't Belong Here

Ellie and Adeline hadn’t been there for the past 3 years. The two girls got out of the pickup as soon as it stopped in front of the house.

“Finally!” said Adeline as she stood next to Ellie, looking at the house.

She looked over her shoulder, to the other side of the street and frowned. There were 5 boys standing there with either their skateboards or their bike.

“Bande de blaireaux!” Adeline said when she saw them.

Her eyes widened when she recognized who it was, she took her bag from the pickup before she ran to the front door, snatching the keys from her grandfather’s hand. She opened the front door and screamed in frustration, pacing in the hall. Ellie was still outside, she quickly waved at the guys, as she saw them coming her way, and took her bag before going into the house. She opened the front door and saw Adeline. She was on her knees, her arms in the air, screaming: WHY!!?!!. Ellie quickly closed the door behind her and dropped her bag in the hall before she made her way to the stairs and sat on the first step, looking at Adeline, who was now cursing in French about how much she wish she wasn’t there, or at least, without them being on the other side of the road.

“Adeline, calm down! You knew they would be here! They live here after all!” said Ellie.

Adeline sighed, “I wish they had moved out of the state, or something like that, but no! They are still right there and all…” she mumbled the last part, but was cut-off by their grandparents opening the door.

“Those boys are so sweet!” said Bella, Ellie and Adeline’s grandmother. “They have been coming to help us every now and then. They came to see us at least once a week. They were very excited about you coming here. For the past 2 weeks, they had been asking us the exact moment when you’d finally arrived. They really missed you!” said Bella as she looked at her granddaughters. “I wanted to invite them for dinner…”

Bella was cut off by Adeline, “I’m tired, I’m going to sleep! With the décalage horaire and all, I’m exhausted! Good Night!” she quickly said, ready to get up from the floor.

“I was going to say: but I knew you would be tired so I asked them to come over tomorrow. Oh, and Matt will be driving you to school tomorrow morning. We hadn’t found you a car yet…” explained Bella as she made her way to the kitchen.

Adeline threw her arms in the air in despair but her grandfather thought it was in excitation.

“I knew you would be happy about seeing them again!” he said.

Adeline wanted to tell him that it was the complete opposite but Ellie glared at her so she simply nodded and got up. Ellie and Adeline made their way to the kitchen to help their grandmother making dinner.

“You know, they really missed you!” said Bella.

“You already say that!” mumbled Adeline under her breath as she set the table in the kitchen. Ellie glared at her sister, before punching her in the arm, “Stop being like that!” she whispered.

“Being like what?” asked Adeline.

“Blasé!” replied Ellie, as she handed her the plates.

“I’m not blasé!” retorted Adeline, “I’m just not very happy to see them, that’s all!” she muttered.

“Just because you think Johnny and Jimmy forgot that you were best friends?” asked Ellie, teasing her younger sister. Adeline glared at her, threatening her with a fork.

“I don’t care about them!” she replied angrily. Ellie laughed and was about to say something but was cut off by Bella,

“Adeline, do you still hate Matt because he threw you an apple in the head when you were 5?” she asked. Ellie tried to contain her laugher.

“I was six and he was eight. He was a lot stronger than I was!” muttered Adeline.

“You know he was only fooling around…” replied Edward, their grandfather, as he entered the kitchen. “He hit me twice! And then he screamed: GOAL!” said Adeline, as she sat at the table. Ellie was laughing when she sat at the table, in front of Adeline.

“It’s not funny!” mumbled Adeline.

Ellie laughed harder, “You still hate him for that! I can’t believe it! It happened 10 years ago!” she said between laughter.

“Yeah, but whatever. You never had any problem with them! Matt was completely crazy about you and the two others were your friends. I was friend with Johnny because they were making as much fun of him as they were doing with me!” said Adeline. Ellie glared at her,

“He wasn’t!”

“He was! He even gave you a daisy on day, saying that he ‘liked you’!” replied Adeline, smirking. Ellie looked down at her plate, blushing.

“Enough girls!” said Edward as he sat at the table too. The girls stuck out their tongues at each others, like two children.
They ate dinner, talking about the good old days and how great, nice and gentle those boys were. During that part, it was mainly Bella who was speaking. Adeline would often roll her eyes, and Ellie would kick her from under the table. After dinner, the girls grabbed their bags and got into their rooms. Adeline’s was on the right side, Ellie’s was on the left side. They waved at each others before going into their own rooms.
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Okay, I'm back :)
just hope you'll like it.
And please, leave a comment or a message to let me know what do you think about the first chapter.

A xxx