Sequel: Fighting Ourselves.
Status: Completed.

Like Walking Into a Dream

But what about us?

“So, when are you planning on finally dating Brian?” asked Matt in a whisper as he took the sit next to Adeline, in biology.

“Matt! I told you I would do it, and I will! But first you gotta have to ask Ellie…” she whispered, trying not to get angry.

“Well, I’m planning on asking her after school so you better get ready!” he replied, smirking at her. Adeline sighed and didn’t reply.

“So, how are you going to do it?” asked Matt a few minutes later.

“I don’t know…” replied Adeline, trying to keep her attention on what the teacher was saying. Ellie and Brian were sitting not far away so they had to keep their voice low.

“Well, you should really think about it since…” whispered Matt but Adeline cut him off.

“I fucking got it Matt! Now will you please stop bothering me, I’m trying to understand what’s going on. I told I’ll do it and I will now just the shut fuck up and fuck off!” replied Adeline, a little louder than she expected.

“Adeline! Matt was just trying to have a little chat with you, will you stop being like that! He wasn’t insulting you or anything, was he?” said Ellie, glaring at her sister. She hadn’t heard a word Matt had said, she had just heard Adeline insulting him.

Adeline didn’t say anything, she simply ignored Matt for the rest of the lesson and completely forgot about listening to the teacher. She was too busy thinking about what Matt had said, about their deal and about the decision she had made at the beach. She was angrier when she left the class at the end of the day. She had just on thing in mind, talking to Johnny.

“Oh fuck!” mumbled Adeline as she reached the parking. Jimmy and Zacky had taken the pickup so she would have to go in Matt’s car. Matt was driving, Ellie was on the passenger sit while Adeline was stuck between Johnny and Brian.

“Could you drop me at Johnny’s house?” asked Adeline, glancing at Johnny.

“Why?” asked Matt, looking at her in the driving-mirror.

“I forgot a CD at his house, and I want it back!” she explained casually.

“Can’t you wait?” asked Brian.

“Nope!” she replied as they finally reached their street. As soon as Matt stopped in the driveway, Adeline got out of the car and ran to his house, not bothering the fact that it was Johnny’s house and that he was still getting out of the car.

“She must really like the CD…” mumbled Matt as he drove off to the other side of the road and parked the car in Ellie’s driveway.

As soon as Adeline reached Johnny’s room, she threw herself on his bed and didn’t move.

“Alright, you’ve been acting all weird since you had this ‘little chat’ with Matt and Zacky. What happened?” asked Johnny as he sat next to her. She sat up and took the camera from her bag and handed it to Johnny before she buried her face in his pillow. Johnny didn’t say anything when he listened to the ‘deal’. After a few minutes, Adeline lifted her head and looked at Johnny again.

“What am I going to do?” she asked, hugging her knees against her chest and rocking back and forth. Johnny moved closer and wrapped his arms around her.

“It’s okay...” He said, kissing her forehead, “Just calm down!”

“But what about us?” she whispered, looking at Johnny, crying. He took her face in his hands and looked at her before he pressed his lips against hers.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here is the next chapter, hope you like it :)
This will be the last one for at least a week because MyChemicalRainbow and I are going on Holidays so we won't have any access to Internet... Sorry ><"

A xxx