Sequel: Fighting Ourselves.
Status: Completed.

Like Walking Into a Dream

"Hope you cleaned the mess !"

“We managed to stay together for 3 years, even when you were in France and I was here. And we managed to keep our relation secret for all those years. I love you and you love me. You can still sneak out of your window every night, we’ll just have to be more careful. And you know, 4 months isn’t that long. After all, we’ve been together for like 3 years and a half or something…” he said with a reassuring smile. Adeline nodded slowly. They were both lying on his bed, cuddling.

“You’re right. What time is it?” she asked.

“It’s nearly 7pm…” replied Johnny, looking at his watch. Adeline’s eyes widened. She jumped off the bed and looked through Johnny’s CD, trying to find one that could be hers.

“Oh I had completely forgotten about this!” she said triumphantly as she held a Billy Crawford CD. She put her shoes back on and ran down the stairs, to the front door. She was outside when Johnny caught up with her.

“Adeline you forgot your bag inside!” he said. Adeline sighed and ran back inside, followed by Johnny. She ran back downstairs with her schoolbag, she opened the door and was about to get out of the house when Johnny pulled her back inside and kissed her. They broke the kiss and finally left the house.

Zacky was watching them from a window in the living room.

“What the hell is going on?” he muttered out loud as he saw Adeline running back inside and then the door being opened then closed. Matt, who was making his way to the bathroom stopped and stood behind Zacky.

“Since when finding a CD can take you 1 hour and a half!” Zacky said looking at Matt. Matt simply shrugged, he took one last glance at them before going upstairs to take a shower. Zacky went back to the kitchen to help the guys making dinner.

Johnny and Adeline came in running. They kicked off their shoes and joined the others in the kitchen.

“Hey!” said Adeline happily as she sat on the counter. Johnny walked over to the fridge and handed her a can of Coke.

“Took you long enough to find the CD!” said Brian, putting the bowl of popcorns in the microwave. Adeline was about to snap back at him but decided against it.

“Have you ever been to Johnny’s room? It’s a mess! That’s why it took me ages to find it.” She explained, as Johnny winked at her. She smiled at him.

“What’s your CD?” asked Zacky. Adeline jumped off the counter and went to the hall to take it from her bag. She walked back to the kitchen and handed it to him.

“Billy Crawford? What the fuck!” said Zacky as he looked at the CD. The others just laughed. Zacky looked suspiciously at Adeline before handing her the CD. She smiled at him and took it back, grinning. She looked around the kitchen and her eyes widened.

“Where are Matt and Ellie?” she asked all of a sudden, panic taking over her.

“Matt’s upstairs taking a shower. Ellie’s downstairs, taking a shower too.” Explained Brian, taking the bow of popcorns out of the microwave. Adeline sighed in relief while Zacky smirked.


Ellie stepped out of the shower and sighed. She had forgotten to take her hairbrush upstairs. She wrapped a towel around her body and quickly made her way to the upstairs’ bathroom, completely forgetting about Matt being inside. She opened the door and was face to face with Matt who had a towel wrapped around his waist. Ellie’s eyes widened and she looked up at him and blushed, “I am so so sorry. I completely forgot you were in there!” she apologized.

“No problem!” said Matt with a smile. Ellie gulped and walked past him to get her hairbrush. Matt walked over to her. When she turned around, his face was inches away from hers. Ellie took a step back. As Matt was walking forward, Ellie was walking backward until she hit the bath and fell backwards, hitting her head at the same time.

Matt picked her up in his arms and walked to the kitchen to get some ice for her head. “I am so sorry!” he apologized over and over again. Ellie didn’t reply, she was a little dizzy from the shock. When Matt stepped in the kitchen with nothing but a towel, holding Ellie (who’s was only in a towel too) the guys started making comments about the situation:

“Oh! Look, did Matt finally got laid?” said Jimmy.

“Hope you cleaned the mess!” added Zacky.

“You could have been more careful!” laughed Brian. Ellie glared at them while Matt simply smiled and put Ellie’s down on a chair. He walked over to the fridge to take some ice. Ellie got up and made her way back to her room, not even waiting for Matt to take the ice. She got dressed and walked back to the kitchen, completely ignoring them and went to sit outside. Matt looked taken aback when he saw Ellie going outside.

“What did I do?” he asked, unbelievingly. Adeline, who was still sitting on the counter smiled at him.

“You didn’t say anything when the boys made comments. You should have contradicted them, you knew she wouldn’t like it if they were making fun of the two of us. And you guys should have shut up, you knew it wasn’t true!” she added in a smart ass tone. Matt ran to the bathroom to get dressed and ran back to the kitchen and joined Ellie outside. He sat in front of her and the two of them simply glared at each others.

“What are they doing?” asked Brian, trying to see what was going on. Johnny walked over to the window and looked.
“They are glaring at each others!” he explained. Matt and Ellie kept glaring at each others for a few minutes before they both started laughing.

“They are laughing!” said Johnny.

“Yeah, we can hear them. Dumbass!” replied Zacky as he walked over to the window to see what was going to happen next. Matt got up and so did Ellie. Matt took a step forward and wrapped his arms around Ellie, hugging her close to his chest.

“They are hugging each others!” said Johnny. Matt leant closer and kissed her.

“Wooh!” said Zack and Johnny at the same time. “You don’t want to know what they are doing now!” said Zacky with a smile as he turned to see the others. Adeline’s face changed from curiosity to pure shock.

“Don’t be so shocked Adeline! You knew it would happen sooner or later! They were made for each others!” said Brian, laughing at her shocked face. Adeline didn’t say anything, she saw Zacky’s smirk and ran to her room as fast as she could, slamming the door shut behind her. She knew it would happen, of course she knew it. She just wished she could have had more time. She was counting down the minutes before Matt or Zacky would knock on her door to tell her to fulfill her part of the deal.
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Here's chapter 11 :)
hope you like it,
comments or messages would be great !