Sequel: Fighting Ourselves.
Status: Completed.

Like Walking Into a Dream


The next morning

“Did you know that Zacky had also asked Brian and Johnny to do the ‘bet’ kind of thing…” said Ellie as she was sitting on Adeline’s bed.

“Oh really?” said Adeline, she had a towel wrapped around her body and was looking through her closet. “I think I’ll do it to then…” she said, with that devious smirk. Ellie sighed.


Adeline had asked Jimmy to drive them to school, only Ellie and her. It was part of the ‘vengeance plan’.

“You sure it is a good thing to do?” Ellie asked, unsure as they got out of Jimmy’s pickup.

“Listen, do you want Matt and Zacky to understand their mistake or what?” Adeline asked, looking at Ellie, who bit her lip: “I guess so…” she mumbled.

“Good. Now let’s go!” said Adeline, linking arms with her sister. They had arrived at school earlier than the boys. Jimmy said that he would wait for the boys in his car. Adeline spotted the perfect person.


“Remember what you have to do?” asked Adeline as she looked at the door, the bell was about to ring. Ellie took a deep breath and nodded. “Great.” Adeline turned around and looked at him. “You ready?” Henodded. “Good.” The bell rang. The door opened and like Adeline had planned, Matt walked out of the door. What he saw made him stopped dead in tracks, making the others collide with him.

Ellie was leaning against the lockers, speaking to some boys. Not any boys, someone Matt hated: Nate. That boy had one hand on Ellie’s waist and the other on her cheek. He leant in and kissed her. Matt dropped his bag in the middle of the hall and ran to Nate. He pushed the guy away from Ellie and grabbed him by the collar, slamming him against the lockers before he started beating the shit out of him: he punched him in the face, and in the stomach.

“Do that again and I’ll slit you fucking throat!” muttered Matt, inches away from Nat’s face before he let him go and turned to face Ellie, his face red from anger. Ellie simply crossed her arms in front of her chest, tapping her foot. Matt has his fists clenched. Ellie sighed and shook her head. That's when he realized that she was just teaching him a lesson, his face softened and he let out a sight. Ellie took a step closer and hugged him.

“I hope you understand now…” she said with a small smile.

Nate got up from the floor and walked over to Adeline, wiping away the blood. She handed him 50$ and patted his back. “It’s unbelievable what money can do…You did a great job! Thanks!” Nate took the 50$ and simply smiled before walking away.

Adeline made her way over to the guys. They were all standing next to the class. Brian’s mouth fell when he saw her in a skirt. It was something she wasn’t wearing very often. She walked past him and stood in front of Zacky, who looked at her, slightly worried of what was going to happen next. She pushed him against the wall and moved her face inches away from his: “You’ve been a bad boy Zachary…” she whispered in his ear. Zacky shivered.

“Do you know what I do to bad boys like you?” she asked him, looking at him straight in the eyes. He shook his head and gulped. Why wasn’t she punching him? She rested her hand on his chest and slowly brought it down, keeping eye contact with him.

Brian clenched his fists, ready to interfere but Ellie, who had just reached them, stopped him. “Look!” she whispered, smirking as she was holding Matt’s hand.

Adeline stopped her hand on his crotch. Zacky moaned. Adeline raised an eyebrow, “I think you have a little problem Zacky…” she whispered, smirking. She looked at him, bit her lip and kicked him in the balls. She took a step back and he fell on the floor.

“That’s for making stupid ‘bet’. I hope you understand your mistake: Do not mess around with me Baker, because if you do… It will come right back at you!” she said, as she knelled down next to him. She got up and high-fived Ellie before they both made their way to the cafeteria, leaving the boys behind.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to Damsel_Of_Darkness for the idea!
hope you liked this chapter!

A xxx