Sequel: Fighting Ourselves.
Status: Completed.

Like Walking Into a Dream

"I have as friends the biggest jerks on earth"

I was already showered and dressed when Ellie and the guys came downstairs. I couldn’t help but noticed that Johnny and Kate weren’t there. I just supposed they left before they all get to sleep. I wondered if he walked her home or if she stayed at his house…

“Adeline!” said Ellie, waving her hand in front of my face. I blinked and looked at her, I think I wasn’t looking too well because she immediately placed her hand on my forehead.
“You should stay in bed!” she said, concerned.

“I’m fine…” I whispered as I pushed her hand away and kept my gaze focused on the glass of orange juice I had in front of me. Between the moment Ellie told me to stay home and the moment the bell rang, announcing lunch time was a complete blur. I guess they tried to talk to me but I wasn’t listening. My mind was elsewhere… I took my bag, throw my things inside, not bothering to zip it up and walked out of the class, to my locker. I wasn’t looking where I was going or if Ellie or any of the guys were here, I kept walking looking at my feet.

“Adeline! Watch out!” I heard someone yell, but before I could react, I had fallen on the floor. I heard footsteps and shouting. I sat up, rubbed my neck and saw a hand in front of me. I looked up and recognized the boy who was extending his hand as one of the many boys that the guys loved to made fun at, and I also remembered that he was in the my class in French. I smiled up at him as I got up.

“Sorry, I wasn’t looking!” he apologized, rubbing his neck. Obviously he was afraid that one of the guys might say something at him…

“Don’t worry, it’s my fault. I should have paid more attention to where I was going…” I apologized, gathering my things. He knelled down and helped me.

“I don’t wanna sound rude or anything but you look like you need to talk…” he said as he handed me my pencil case. I looked at him, taken aback. He quickly apologized, “Sorry, it’s none of my business!” he quickly said as he started getting up.

“No, no it’s okay. You’re kinda right though, everything seems to go wrong at the moment…” I mumbled, more to myself.

“Yeah, I kinda know that feeling…” he whispered, looking at his shoes. “But anyway, I know we don’t know each others and that you’re going out with one of the guys but maybe we could got to Starbucks after school? That’s only if you want to…” he suggested, biting his lip. I quickly looked around and saw Johnny with Kate, I looked back at the guy and nodded. “Sure, why not!” I smiled shyly. He nodded, looked over my shoulder and quickly walked away. I didn’t understand the reason until I felt two arms wrapping around me. I turned around and looked at Brian.

“You seem completely out! You sure you’re alright? And what was that Jay guy telling you about?” he asked. I simply looked at him, ready to burst into tears as I remembered the last ‘conversation’ I had with Johnny. I didn’t know if I could be able to speak properly so I simply nodded and took his hand. We made our way to the cafeteria, I didn’t eat anything and I didn’t remember anything except the fact that Johnny wasn’t sitting next to me or anywhere in sight…


It was the end of the day, I gathered my things and slowly but surely made my way to the parking lot. I noticed the guys all gathered around someone, this couldn’t be good… I thought as I was walking closer. When I reached them, I noticed that Zacky was holding someone by the collar while the others were all laughing, maybe not all, Ellie was in Matt’s car, glaring at the guys and Johnny wasn’t there. As I came to stand beside Brian, I recognized their victim as the guy I had talked to earlier. I quickly dropped my bag and pushed Zacky, making him released the guy.

“Why are you bullying him?” I asked, looking at them. They all shrugged. Ellie got out of the car.

“Why? He didn’t do anything to you, did he?” I asked again. They all looked at each others. I felt the anger rising in me. They might have felt it because Zacky spoke up:

“He’s a fag!” said Zacky, his arms crossed over his chest, trying to look bad ass. Jimmy nodded. I instinctively looked at Brian, only to see that he was nodding to and that Johnny was coming with his girlfriend. At that moment, I felt a huge need to let out the anger that was boiling inside of me.

“You are just a bunch of assholes!” I yelled, clenching my fists. “You always feel the need to bully someone so you could feel like you’re on top of the world. You’re bullying Johnny because he’s short! You’re bullying Jay because he loves boys instead of girls, well this is none of your fucking business, is it? As far as I know you’re not concerned and he never said he wanted to fuck you or anything, has he? And you know I could make fun of all of you! Jimmy is just too fucking tall and crazy for anyone’s good! Zacky is just the biggest bastard doubled with the person I hate the most on this earth! Matt is built like a freaking wardrobe and Brian is an ass!” I screamed, looking at them one by one. “I can’t believe I have as friends the biggest jerks on earth!” as said as I picked up my bag, grabbed Jay by the wrist and pushed Zack out of my way. “I am going to the Starbucks with Jay, don’t wait for me or anything.” I said as me and Jay walked away. “And I hate you all!”


I didn’t even look back, I didn’t know whether it was Brian or Ellie who screamed after me.