Sequel: Fighting Ourselves.
Status: Completed.

Like Walking Into a Dream

Flirt and Hate are 2 different things

The morning went by quickly and soon it was lunchtime. Ellie and Adeline made their way to the cafeteria and sat at a table. The preps weren’t far away from them and were glaring at them. Matt, followed by the other boys walked over to Ellie and Adeline’s table and sat with them. Brian, who was last, walked past the preps and winked at them before taking a sit next to Jimmy.

“I can’t stand them! Fucking sluts!” he mumbled, taking a bit of his pizza.

Adeline raised an eyebrow, “Why did you wink at them, then?” she asked.

“Because I can’t walk over to them and tell them that I hate them!” he said in defense.

“There is a difference between flirting with someone and going to tell them to fuck off!” she replied, “See, I hate Matt and I’d rather telling him to fuck off than flirting with him!” explained Adeline. Ellie, who was sitting in front of her, kicked her from under the table and focused her attention back on her conversation with Matt.

Ellie spent the lunch talking with Matt while Adeline was telling about how they should tell everyone what they thought about them, like she had done with Matt earlier. The bell rang, telling them to go back to class.

Next period was Maths, followed by Biology. They were all in the same class. Ellie was sitting in the back, on the left, next to Matt; Adeline was sitting on the right, next to Johnny.

“Alright everyone, I got a little something for you today!” the teacher said, handing them a paper. Adeline looked at the paper before she raised her hand, “Sorry Sir, but my sister and I just arrived. Do we really have to do it?” she asked, trying to be polite.

“You are a student here Miss, that give you the obligation to do the test!” he explained, not even looking at her. Adeline frowned, took a pen and did the test. She was the first one to get out of the class, soon followed by Ellie. The two girls were waiting for the boys next to the cars when the group of preps came closer.

“Those guys aren’t for you! We were here first!” said a girl, her arms crossed over her chest. “They are ours and then you come out of nowhere, acting like they are yours…” she added.

Ellie looked at them, an eyebrow raised with the ‘what-the-fuck-are-you-talking-about?’ look. Adeline, on the other hand, was trying to keep her cool… but failed.

“Who the fuck do you think you are? If they were really ‘yours’, you’d be dating them, not drooling over them! I’ve known the guys since forever. I saw them in nappies and trying to make a sandcastle. I even saw Jimmy eating sand, so don’t tell me I come from nowhere! I know them, you don’t! And that’s final. Now get fuck!” said Adeline, clenching her fists, ready to punch the closest girl.

“Don’t you dare…” she was cut off by the arriving of Matt, Brian, Zacky, Johnny and Jimmy.

“Rosemary! What the hell are you doing over here? Trying to find some new fan girls to add to your group?” asked Matt, standing next to Ellie. Rosemary looked over to Brian but screamed when she saw Jimmy’s face inches away from hers. “Bouh!” he screamed, making her jump and ran away in fear. Adeline high-fived Jimmy, before she got in the pickup and waited for him and Johnny to get in the car. Ellie got in Matt’s car.

When Matt parked the car in the driveway, Ellie got out of the car, took her bag and waved at everyone. “Thanks Matt. See you guys later!” she said before she walked to her grandparents’ house and closed the door behind her. Adeline was already there, trying to find something to eat in the kitchen.

“We only ate like, 3 hours ago or something!” said Ellie, dropping her bag in the hall.

“And so what? I’m hungry!” replied Adeline, as she jumped on the counter and opened a bag of cookies. Ellie shook her head and took a can of Coke from the fridge.

“How was your first day?” asked Bella, coming in the kitchen.

“It was okay, I guess” replied Ellie, before she took a sip of her can.

“It was horrible…” mumbled Adeline, taking a bit of a cookie.

The two girls looked at each others weirdly. They never had the same opinion.