Sequel: Fighting Ourselves.
Status: Completed.

Like Walking Into a Dream

"It's not what you think!"

Brian's POV

I followed Adeline to her room and sat on her bed as she excused herself to go to the bathroom. I made myself comfortable and looked around her room.

I couldn’t believe I had been with her for 4 months. 4 months! It was a new record for me! I smiled to myself as I saw the picture of us she had on her nightstand, we had taken it at Christmas, under the mistletoe. I took a better look around her room and noticed what a mess it was… This girl couldn’t tidy… It was even worse than my room, and I’m a guy! I looked at her desk and noticed the little video camera, the same we had used to record our ‘truth or dare’ game. She wouldn’t mind me looking at it… I sat on her bed and pressed play.

I was laughing when I saw myself and Ellie getting out of the house to go and buy that pregnancy test I had to buy as a dare. Then it was Matt and Adeline. They both looked pretty drunk, if you ask me… I frowned when I heard “Right… I dare you to date Brian…For more than 4 months.” It was Matt who was speaking. My heart missed several beats when I heard the next sentence, it was Adeline: “Deal! You ask Ellie to be your girlfriend, and I’ll date Brian!” I stopped breathing. “Deal!” I was shocked to say the least. 4 months, 4 months based on a pure lie. Nothing but a lie. I looked up from the tiny screen only to see Adeline, standing in the doorway, her hand over her mouth. Her face as blank as if she had just seen a ghost. I let the video camera on her bed as I slowly got up. I made my way to the door and walked out of her room without looking at her.

“Brian! It’s not what you think!” she called after me as I ran down the stairs. I didn’t listen to her, I didn’t wanted to. It would be nothing but lies again, and I was sick of it. I slammed the front door behind me and didn’t look back. I won’t say it didn’t hurt, because it sure did. It was like being stabbed in the heart… I swear my heart just broke, might sound cliché to you but it’s true. I loved her to death, and she lied. She lied all along… I tried to block away the tears as I walked past Matt’s car and hurried to mine, I got in and rested my head on the steering wheel, unable to move.


Adeline's POV

I watched in horror as I heard the sentence that led me into this mess. I saw Brian’s face falling from joy to disgust, hate, sadness and sorrow. From the moment he got up and the moment he slammed the door behind him, I didn’t breath. I tried to explain but he ignored me and kept going. As he slammed the door behind him, I fell on my knees and cried. That was the only thing I could do…


Ellie's POV

I came back from Starbucks with Nate, he was a really sweet guy, and it was a shame that Matt hated him… I shouldn’t think about Matt, or Adeline. I opened the front door and let Nate in. We were both drinking our can of Coke in the kitchen when my sister came in. I was about to yell at her but immediately decided against it when I saw her face. It was nothing but pure misery and sorrow. My guess: Brian knew, and despised what Zack said earlier, she did love him. I got up and pulled my younger sister in a tight hug, rubbing small circles on her back, trying to calm her down. Nate got up and went into the living room to leave us alone.

“He hates me, I know he does. But I love him!” she kept mumbling, between sobs. I truly felt sorry for her…
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Alright, it's slowly coming to an end ^^"
hope you like this chapter!