Sequel: Fighting Ourselves.
Status: Completed.

Like Walking Into a Dream

"I just didn't hear right..."

Adeline’s POV

When I got home, it was around 10pm. I opened the front door as quietly as possible, and closed it behind me, locking it at the same time. As I walked past the living room, I saw my sister and Nate fast asleep on the sofa. I hurried to my room and sat on my bed. I sat there for a few minutes before I opened my window and jumped out of it. I made my way to Brian’s house and climbed on the fence. I managed to reach his window and pushed it open since it wasn’t locked. He was laying on his bed, his hands crossed behind his head, looking at the ceiling. The sound I made when I jumped on his floor made him looked at me and his eyes were bloodshot. I felt my heart shattering to pieces. It was my fault…

“What are you doing here?” he asked, as he sat up but made no move to come towards me.

“You have to listen to me!” I said, trying to keep my voice low and steady.

“What if I don’t want to!” he spat. I gulped, he wasn’t supposed to talk to me like that, I mean… I knew it was my fault but Brian had never talk to me like that before… I stood speechless, completely forgetting what I wanted to tell him.

“What do you want to tell me? I already know everything! The bet you made with Zack and Matt… I understand now why you were all distant at first. It’s been four months now, so what? The bet’s over. We have nothing to say to each others. You won the bet, hope you’re happy now!” he said, at his hands were gripping the bed sheets. He was trying to control himself, I knew it.

“Brian… I…” he cut me off.

“What? Say it! What do you have to say now? You were going to break up with me anyway! I can’t believe it, I was so fucking blind! You were just playing a game! And I… I thought you loved me!” he said, his voice staying rather calm. His eyes were shinning, he was on the verge of crying. I bit my lip, as the tears started to fall once again. It wasn’t supposed to end like this… I was supposed to apologize, and cry and then he’d comfort me and we could start over from that moment but no. I wiped the tears and opened my mouth to speak but he beat me to it.

“I hate you…” he muttered. My eyes widened, I just didn’t hear right… I couldn’t have!

“Wh…what?” I managed to ask, it was just above whisper.

“You hear me. I hate you. Now leave me alone!” he said, pointing at the open window. I slowly made my way there, and passed one leg over the edge and looked at him one last time. He was back to his previous position, except that this time, the tears were falling freely… I had to fight the urge to run to him and hugged him. But I didn’t. I jumped off the window and landed on the ground. I rose to my feet and my way back to my room. I quickly got undressed and got under the covers. I didn’t sleep this night. Everytime I closed my eyes, I couldn’t help but remembered his face when he told me that he hated me… The words were still ringing in my ears…


Ellie’s POV

I woke up to the sound of something crashing on the floor. I slowly rubbed my eyes and stretched a bit. I saw arms tightly wrapped around my waist. I turned my head a little and saw that the arms belonged to Nate. I should have known… Waking up in Nate’s arms was completely different than waking up in Matt’s arms… I managed to get out of his grip and made my way to the kitchen, where the sound was coming from.

I saw a bowl, broken on the floor with milk splashed everywhere but no sign of Adeline… I took a sponge and started to clean the mess when my sister entered the room, holding her stomach and her face deadly white. She had dark circles around her eyes and she looked like a ghost in her huge faded GD T-shirt and a pair of Brian’s boxers (I’m guessing she kept them as her pyjamas once and forgot to give him back.)

“Sorry about that!” she quickly apologized and she knelled down, took the sponge from my hand and started cleaning the floor. I got back on my feet.

“We have to get ready for school!” she said as she got up and went to the sink. It was never a good sign whenever she was acting like nothing had happened. She was paler than usual and seemed out of everything… Once she was done cleaning the floor, she hurried to the bathroom. I sighed and started to make breakfast for me and Nate…

Later that day

We were all sitting at a table. By all, I mean: Nate, Jay, me and Adeline (who still hadn’t eat anything!). The ambiance was that great, because well… We all know the reasons. The guys were trying their best to cheer us up, but it wasn’t something easy.

“Bro, could you give your fork please?” asked Nate. Jay handed him his fork. Wait, bro?

“Did you just call him Bro?” I asked, looking up from my plate.

“I sure did! Why?” he replied. I frowned.

“You are siblings?” Adeline asked, looking away from Brian’s table.

“Hell yeah!” they both replied at the same time, smiling. It made us smile, both Adeline and I.

“You never told me!” said Adeline, pointing at fork at Jay. He held his hands up in the air.

“You never asked!” he said in defence.

“And before you kill me with your knife, he’s my little brother!” said Nate, pointing at Jay and looking at me with a smile. I couldn’t help but laugh, the way he said that was hilarious. Adeline soon joined me and we kept on laughing for a while. Sure, it might not be that funny but it felt so good to laugh…


Johnny’s POV

I was sitting at the table with Jimmy and Brian and Kate. Matt and Zacky had decided not to eat with us, well they were at the same table but at opposite end. I was fine with that and so were the others. We needed time to calm things down. I was currently looking at my plate, I was about to start eating when Kate spoke up.

“See how those little bitches are laughing?” she said, venom in her voice. That’s what made me look up. I was curious to see who she was talking about. I looked up and followed her accusing manicured finger. She was pointing to Ellie and Adeline. Brian and Jimmy had also looked up from their plates and were looking in the same direction as I was.

“What did you just say?” asked Matt from the opposite end. Kate had spoken so loudly that even Matt and Zacky heard her.
“I said that those bitches are laughing for nothing! I wonder what you ever saw in them! You’re much better without them anyway!” she said, almost proud of herself as she crossed her arms over her chest. Matt’s eyes darkened. Sure he wasn’t with Ellie anymore but if there was one thing that could make him angry was talking shit about the girl he loved, which obviously meant Ellie. He got up from his sit and went to sit with us, Zacky followed.

“Do not insult Ellie!” he threatened. The lack of sleep and his broken heart was making him even more irritable.

“Why do you care! She’s good for nothing! And you’re not with her anymore!” she replied, obviously not aware that she was going to be beaten up. I interfered.

“Wow guys, just calm the fuck down alright. Kate, don’t talk shit about our friends, and Matt just breathe okay?” I said, trying to calm the atmosphere. How wrong of me, because then, she did the unforgivable…

“Hey! It’s true! Ellie’s a bitch but her sister is even worst! She can’t even dress properly, and has fucking bad taste in music. Just look at her! She’s just fucking useless! Why she’s still here anyway? She should have gone back to France! So we could finally get some peace!” she said. I looked at Brian, his hands had a tight grip on the edge of the table as he was glaring at Kate, who was just sitting right in front of him. It was clear that her words had affected him but he wasn’t showing it, well if he doesn’t, I will!

“Do not fucking talk about my best friend like that, you hear me? She’s a great girl and her music taste is awesome! If don’t like them then, why don’t you leave! They are our friends, and they have been since forever. You’re nothing compared to them, so if your stupid flat ass can’t understand that then I suggest you leave now before I’ll do something I might never regret! They aren’t the bitches here, you are!” I screamed at her. Her eyes were filled with tears as she stormed out of the cafeteria, probably going to tell her stupid friends about what happened.

Don’t get me wrong, I really cared about Kate and all but she just couldn’t insult my friends, especially not Adeline. I clenched my fists as I breathed in and out trying to calm down…
♠ ♠ ♠
4 chapters left ^^"
hope you liked this one!
and thank you all for your comments and everything!
you guys rule! xD