Sequel: Fighting Ourselves.
Status: Completed.

Like Walking Into a Dream

I don't know what's worst...

Adeline ran down the stairs and past the kitchen.

“Where are you going?” asked her grandmother.

“To Johnny’s house. I’m supposed to help the guys with their French homework. Don’t know when I’ll be back!” said Adeline before she put her shoes on, grabbed her bag and left the house. She just had to cross the road, Johnny’s house was on the other side. Bella shook her head and went back to reading her book.

“Grandma? I’m off to Matt’s house, he’s grounded but I’m going to help him with the French homework!” said Ellie as she sat on a chair and put her shoes on.

“Alright!” said Bella, smiling at her granddaughter. It amazed her how different Adeline and Ellie could be and at the same so similar…

Ellie took her bag and closed the door behind her. Matt’s house was on the left. She knocked on the door and was greeted by Matt. He hugged her and she followed him to his room.

“I finished my homework just 5 minutes ago… Do you wanna watch a movie instead?” he suggested while closing the door behind them. He made his way to the TV and took a DVD.

“Yeah, why not!” replied Ellie as she dropped her bag next to Matt’s desk. She kicked off her shoes and made herself comfortable on Matt’s bed.


Adeline knew Johnny’s parents were out so she simply entered the house, not bothering to knock or anything because she knew the boys wouldn’t get downstairs to open the door. She kicked off her shoes and jogged up the stairs, Johnny’s room was on the right. She opened the door and dropped her bag.

“I see you were waiting for me, you didn’t even open your books…” she said with a small smile as she sat on Johnny’s bed.

The boys looked at each others before sighing and taking their books. Adeline looked at Johnny’s paper and sighed,

“You didn’t even try!” she sighed.

“Hey! You said you would help us!” retorted Johnny.

Adeline shook her head, “I said I would help you, I won’t do it for you!” she said, taking Jimmy’s paper.

“Right, you didn’t do anything except doodling…” she sighed, giving him his paper back. “I won’t even look at yours Zacky, or Brian…” she mumbled. She laid on Johnny’s bed, and looked at the ceiling.

“Tell me when you have at least one sentence done…” she mumbled, crossing her arms behind her head.

The guys looked at each others before Jimmy extended his hand, trying to grab Adeline’s bag.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you!” she threatened, her eyes still closed.

Jimmy sighed and focused on his paper while the others were looking at a magazine. After 10 minutes of pure silence, Adeline sat up.

“Alright, I know you didn’t do anything…” she said as she took Johnny’s paper and took a pen. She started to write on it. “Alright!” she said giving Johnny’s paper back, “Now you just have to copy with your own writing. I made sure there are a few mistakes…” she said as she laid down on her stomach and looked at the guys trying to copy over Johnny’s shoulder.


Matt and Ellie were both lying on Matt’s bed, watching a movie. Ellie had her back against the wall, hugging a pillow while Matt was sitting next to her, his arm around her shoulder. Ellie’s gaze was fixed on the screen while Matt’s attention was on Ellie.

“Could you stop watching me, it’s embarrassing…” she whispered, looking at him for a brief second. Matt didn’t reply but kept his attention on her. After a while, Ellie looked at Matt in a way to let him know that he was being annoying, but instead of looking away, Matt moved his face closer to hers. Ellie didn’t look away, she kept her attention on Matt. Their faces were inches away from each others. They were about to kiss when Matt’s mother came in, not bothering to knock on the door.

“Oh, I’m so sorry!” she said, ready to walk away, embarrassed.

“No it’s okay, I gotta go anyway…” mumbled Ellie, getting up from the bed and grabbing her bag and running down the stairs. She was bright red when she left Matt’s room. She ran straight to Adeline’s room and sat on her bed, waiting for her sister to come back.


Adeline yawned, “Sorry guys but I’m going back to my house, I need sleep!” she said, yawning again.

“It’s not even 10pm!” said Jimmy, looking up at her.

“Maybe, but I’m tired. And you guys aren’t much fun…” she said, getting up from the bed and taking her bag. She opened the door and waved at them before she made her way back downstairs. She put her shoes on and crossed the road, to her grandparents’ house.

Adeline was surprised to see Ellie on her bed.

“What are you doing here?” she asked, dropping her bag on the chair and sitting on her bed, next to her sister.

“I nearly kissed Matt!” said Ellie, looking at her hands.

“Finally!” said Adeline, clapping her hands together.

“The thing is, her mother came in just at this moment…” explained Ellie.

Adeline slapped her forehead, “And I guess you ran straight back here, right?” she asked her sister. Ellie nodded. Adeline shook her head and got up. She made her way to the window and closed the curtains.

“I’m tired of seeing Matt watching me, it is creepy!” she said to her sister. Matt’s room was right across hers. “We should exchange our rooms so that Matt won’t ask me to call you or anything…” said Adeline as she sat back down.

“Brian’s room is across mine!” said Ellie, Adeline sighed.

“Right, I don’t know what’s worst then…” she said thoughtfully.

Ellie shook her head and got up. “I’m going to sleep! See ya tomorrow!” she said as she hugged her younger sister and made her way to her own room, which was just on the other side of the corridor.
♠ ♠ ♠
thanks for the comments on the last chapter :)