Status: Complete

For Reasons Unknown

Chapter 1

It had been the night she’d been waiting for, for months. Ever since she’d seen the advert in Rolling Stone Magazine and phoned up for her ticket. Maya had had one of the best nights of her life and had just called a cab to take her safely home. Avenged Sevenfold had been amazing and Maya had managed to work her way close to the front of the crowd; close enough to clearly see the sweat on Synyster Gates’ forehead. Sadly though the night had to come to an end and Maya was now stood outside waiting for her cab to take her home.

She’d travelled over 40 miles to see one of her favourite bands play and had decided that it would be for the best if she got a cab home. It would be expensive but safer than taking the bus or train home. She stood outside the arena, hugging herself close to keep her warm, watching others who’d been to the gig make their way home. She kept glancing at her watch, keeping an eye on the time, wishing the taxi would hurry up.

“Excuse me miss, do you have a light?” the man’s voice startled her. She hadn’t even heard him approach her. She turned to face a tall, broad man, who was wearing a dark hooded top, the hood of which was pulled as far down over his forehead that it would go.

“Um, yeah, sure.” Maya replied, sticking her hand into her pocket to retrieve her lighter. She handed it to him and he lit his cigarette. She held out her hand for him to return the lighter but instead of placing it in her open her hand he grabbed her hand, pulled it around her back and shoved her forcefully towards the alley way next to them. Before Maya could contemplate screaming his other hand was over her mouth, his cigarette dangerously close to her eyes.

About halfway down the alleyway Maya was spun around and flung against the wall. Her head hit the hard brick wall behind her forcing her to close her eyes in pain. With her eyes still closed she felt the man press his body up against hers. She tried to move out of his grip but her movement only made his hold stronger.

A sickening feeling filled her stomach as he got closer to her, close enough for her to smell him. Underneath the potent smell of cigarettes, beer and sweat was the faint smell of his aftershave. It was Hugo Boss; she knew it as it was the same aftershave that her ex-boyfriend wore.

Tears began to fall down her face as she felt him run his hand up her leg and under her skirt. She knew what was coming next and she knew there was no way to stop it. She cringed at the feel of his skin on hers and put all her energy on concentrating on trying to block what was happening to her.

As the tears continued to fall down her cheeks she felt his hand move further up the underside of her skirt. Then, just as his hand grabbed hold of her underwear, a noise in the alleyway grabbed her attention and made the guy loosen his grip on her.

“Hey! Hey! What the fuck you doing? Get the fuck off her!” a man’s voice yelled out. And with the sound of his words Maya fell to the floor in a heap from being let go by her attacker, who had run back down the alleyway and back into the street.

Maya sat in a pile on the alleyway floor crying. She flinched slightly as she heard someone come closer to her.

“Hey, are you ok? He’s gone now. Did he hurt you?” the voice was rough but caring. Maya brought her hand up and clutched the back of her head where it had hit the wall and felt a small lump that had formed.

“Is your head ok?” the man asked crouching down beside her. Again Maya flinched at his closeness; her trust in strangers had disappeared. She noticed him shuffle back slightly still in a crouching position and she slowly glanced up to take a look at him. A lump quickly formed in her throat as she sat looking up at M Shadows, the guy she’d watched in awe singing to umpteen thousands of people less than an hour ago.

“You ok?” he asked calmly for a third time. Slowly she nodded still clutching the back of her head. “Apart from this lump on the back of my head.” she said solemnly, sniffing back tears.

“You need to get that seen to, come on, it’s ok, you need to get out of this alley.” He said standing up and offering his hand to her. She thought for a second and quickly decided to trust him and took his hand. Once on her feet she hurriedly straightened her clothes and pulled her skirt back down to it correct length and wiped her eyes of tears.

“What’s your name?” M Shadows asked as they began back to the stage door.

“Maya.” She said simply.

“Hey Maya, I’m Matt.” He replied as he opened the door and led her into the building.

“Funnily enough I know who you are, you’re the reason I’m here tonight.” Maya replied as they walked down the corridor.

“I’m sorry, I ...” he began.

“What you sorry for? It was a wicked show, I loved it.”

“Good, but if you hadn’t been here then – what just happened outside wouldn’t have happened.” Matt explained.

“I guess so.” Maya said and was quiet as she followed him along the corridor.

“But on the bright side, I’ve met you.” Maya said as they approached a set of double doors. “I’m an optimist.” She added noticing his questioning look.

He nodded and opened the double doors for her to walk through. On the other side if the doors Maya could hear the noise of music and laughter.

“Let’s get you sorted and get the cops here, then if you want you can meet the others.” Matt said leading her to a small room.

“Thanks.” She said following him into the room which turned out to have been a kind of first aid room with a bench, chair, cupboard and sink. Maya walked over to the bench and sat on it as Matt opened the cupboard. He rummaged around for a moment and then walked over to the sink.

“Sorry we ain’t got any ice, but cold water will help. Here put this on the back of your head, it should help with the swelling.” He said passing her a cold, wet towel. She took it and placed it at the back of her head, wincing as she touched the lump at the back of her head and excess water trickled down the back of her neck.

“Better?” he asked and she nodded in reply. “Good, now do you want me to call the cops?” he asked. Maya looked at him and took a deep breath, contemplating her answer.

Slowly she began to nod. “Yeah, I can’t let guys like that get away with things like that can I?”

“Good.” Matt said taking out his cell phone and dialling 911. “Hello, police please; I need to report an attempted rape.” He began. He explained to the operator what had happened and got told that someone would be there to take a statement straight away.

“Will you be ok in here for a second? I better go tell the guys where I am, I was only meant to be getting more cigarettes from the tour bus.” Matt asked

“Yeah, I’ll be fine; can you bring me back a drink though?” Maya asked

“Sure, I’ll be five minutes.” He said smiling as he opened the door.

Maya used the time that she was on her own to take in the nights events. She’d had a wicked night watching one of her favourite bands play, got close to the front, she’d been attacked in an alleyway and saved by the lead singer of the band and now he was looking after her as she waited for the police to turn up to take her statement. Surreal. The only word to describe it. Surreal.
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Ok, so I decided that this would be my first A7X story - hope you like it.
Comments Please ;)