Status: Complete

For Reasons Unknown

Chapter 12

“Remind me to let you pick the places we go on dates all the time.” Brian said as they left the restaurant, his hand finding Maya’s and lacing their hands together.

“Where you taking me next then beautiful?” he asked pulling her gently closer to him as they began to walk down the street.

“I don’t know; it’s mainly just restaurants down this part of town.” Maya began “other than that, there’s a cinema, a few bars and a club.” She concluded.

“Hmm, not much of a choice then really.”

“Yeah, and the club doesn’t open for another hour neither.” Maya said with a small laugh.

“In that case, I suggest that we should go and see what’s on in the cinema.” Brian said.

“Sounds like a plan.” Maya replied.

“Saw 2 starts in ten minutes?” Maya suggested as they looked up at the board to see what films were playing. Brian turned at her with a questioning look.


“Yeah, it’s supposed to be a lot better than the first one.” She said as she caught sight of the look on his face.

”what? Girls can’t like these kinds of movies?” she questioned, folding her arms across her chest.

“Sorry it’s just that I’m suspicious after my ex, Michelle, she told me she wanted to see the first one but all she really wanted was to do was make out throughout the entire film.”

“Is that such a problem?”

“It is when you really want to see the film and we could have made out at home!” Brian replied smiling.

“Saw 2 it is then, I’ll get the tickets, you go get the popcorn and drinks.” He said passing her a twenty dollar bill.

The cinema was pretty empty so they sat a few rows from the back, in the centre, just as the previews started.

As they watched a preview for “The Wedding Date” an awful looking chick flick, Brian slowly placed his arm around Maya’s shoulders. She looked up at him and smiled.

“Not too cliché?” he whispered close to her ear.

“Not at all.” She replied, turning back to face him as he leant towards her and placed a soft kiss on her lips, which she returned. Brian’s hand gently placed itself against Maya’s cheek and she felt his tongue trace her lower lip. She slowly parted her lips and his tongue immediately began to work its way around her mouth. They both moaned quietly into the kiss and simultaneously pulled away, still smiling into each other’s eyes in the darkness of the cinema.

“Will you be my girlfriend?” Brian asked in a whisper.

“Yes” Maya said simply and Brian leaned in for another gentle kiss. He pulled away quickly just as the film started, with a large smirk on his face. Maya smirked back and threw a handful of popcorn at him.

“Do you mind, I’m trying to watch the film!” he said through a sarcastic laugh.
Not long into the film Maya felt Brian run his fingers gently through her hair. His touch was relaxing and she sunk into her chair. Brian then manoeuvred the both of them so that her head was resting on his chest. This position made it easier for Maya to hide her face when there was too much blood on the large screen in front of her. Brian’s chest was proving a nice place to hide.

“Maya are you sure you’re ok with this film?” Brian asked with a hint of a laugh as she buried her face in his chest yet again.

“I’m fine; I’m just not the best with blood, guts and stuff, after I’ve eaten.”

“Ok, if you’re sure.” He said as he went back to playing with her hair as they watched the film.

When the film finished Brian and Maya walked back to his SUV hand in hand before he drove her home.
“Thanks for a lovely evening Brian.” Maya said as he pulled up outside her apartment building.

“I think it should be me thanking you, we could both have had food poisoning now if we’d gone to the place I wanted.” Brian replied turning to face her.

Their eyes met and the exchanged a smile. Brian leant over to her side and placed his lips against hers. Slowly his lips parted hers and he slipped his tongue into her mouth and began to massage hers slowly and sensually. One of his hands cupped her cheek as the other ran through her long, loose hair. The kiss kept the same, steady pace as Maya’s hand made its way slowly up his side towards the back of his neck. She moaned quietly into the kiss, wanting more, but stopping herself. She wasn’t the kind of girl who had sex with someone on their first date, even if the guy was Synyster Gates.

She pulled out of the kiss knowing that if she allowed it to continue she may lose the will to stop it going further. He was such a good kisser. They were both a little breathless from the kiss but kept eye contact as they both moistened their lips with their tongues.

“I’ll ring you tomorrow?” Brian asked rather than stated.

“Ok. Text me when you get home as well.” She said blushing as Brian gave a little laugh.

“Ok, babe, I will, good night.” he said leaning in and kissing her on the lips again, lingering there for as long as he dared allow himself.

“Good night Brian.” She replied getting out of the escalade and making her way towards her front door. As she let herself in she glanced back to see Brian light a cigarette. He hadn’t smoked all night. He waved over to her and she waved back before making her way into the building. As she reached the first floor stair well she glanced out of the window and spotted the escalade driving down the street.

Unsurprisingly Abi was sat on the sofa watching random TV when Maya walked through the door. Her head snapped around as she heard the door open.

“Hey, so how did it go?” she asked turning fully to face Maya, her eyes wide with excitement.

“It sucked, really badly!” Maya said solemnly slouching over to the sofa. Abi’s face dropped as she watched Maya sit next to her gloomily.

“What? What happened?” she said disheartened.

“He was just so boring.” Maya said, finding it hard not to crack a smile.

“But he’s a rock star – he should have plenty of things to talk about. Did it really go that bad?” Abi said searching for a glimmer of hope.
Maya couldn’t do it anymore. She was a crap liar.

“Well, he did want to take me to Don Luis.” She said.

“Oh no, what did you say?”

“Well, he told me as we were leaving here so I told him what happened the last time we ate there and then suggested that we go to La Esmeralda instead.”

“And?” Abi said hopefully.

“And it was perfect.” She replied, a smile bursting across her face.

“What? But you said.” Abi yelled looking confused.

“I was joking – you’re just too easy to wind up.” Maya said watching the expression on her friends face change.

“So it went well then?” Abi asked.

“Abi, it was almost too good to be true. The meal was lovely and then we went to the cinema.”

“What did you watch? That new romcom?”

“Saw 2-“

“Saw 2?” Abi yelled disappointed.

“Yes, you know I wanted to go see it, anyway, when we watched the previews we kissed.” Maya carried on but was interrupted by Abi squealing.

“Sorry, carry on” she said noticing the look on Maya’s face.

“Anyway, after we kissed he asked me if I’d be his girlfriend.” this time Maya stopped in preparation for Abi’s reaction. Again Abi squealed excitedly.

“I take it you said yes?” she shrieked and Maya nodded.

“Oh. My. God. You are officially the girlfriend of Synyster Gates!” her voice was high pitched and again Maya nodded.

“So when are you seeing him again?” Maya shrugged.

“I don’t know when I get a day off? He’s going to call me tomorrow though.”

“This is so fucking exciting. Oh can you imagine the look on Kat’s face when she finds out? She’s going to be so pissed. Oh and you’re going to become famous for being his girlfriend –“ Maya sat smiling, listening to Abi’s random rambling’s for a while until she actually ran out of things to say about Maya’s new life as a rock star’s girlfriend and they decided to go to bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, so I got Three Stars after the last update so A BIG THANK YOU to my readers, subscribers and to those of you who have commented - you guys are the best!
So lets see if a few more of you could comment - with 51 subscribers I think 5 comments isn't too much to ask?!
I'll try and update again before the weekend as I may be too busy to do so on the weekend as it's my birthday next Monday and my Mum is coming down to take me shopping! YEAY!! xox