Status: Complete

For Reasons Unknown

Chapter 13

As promised, Brian text Maya when he got home that night and then called her the following day. They also either text or called each other every day and arranged for Brian to take her to lunch on Saturday as she was working a split shift.

During that week Maya started her managers training and also had her last visit with Dr. Livingstone. During the session they talked about the court case and about how Maya felt about him getting a suspended sentence. At the end of the session, Dr Livingstone felt confident to say that Maya had come to terms with what had happened to her and didn’t need to see her again.

Maya took out her ringing cell phone as she poured a pint for a customer. She knew by the ringtone that it was Brian so she opened it and held it between her ear and shoulder as she continued to serve.
“Hi babe what’s up?” she asked.

“Hey, I’m just getting into Stockton, where do you want me to meet you?”

“Um, well, um, if you park in the central parking garage, you’ll be able to make your way down to Eden Cafe which is just down the street from the entrance of the garage and I should be there about the same time.”

“Ok, I’ll see you in like ten minutes then. Bye babe.”

“Bye.” She replied as they both hung up.

“Mike, is it ok if I go now? Brian’s here.” She asked as she walked down the bar towards him.

“Yeah sure, I’ll see you in an hour and I promise I’ll give you another break later.” He said as she took out a small mirror and her lip gloss out of her purse and began to apply a layer of purple gloss to her lips and checked the rest of her appearance.

“Yeah no worries see you later.” She said with a smile and walked out of the bar.
She arrived at the deli before Brian so she stood outside to keep an eye out for him. As she glanced up and down the street she spotted him surrounded by a group of teenagers, mainly girls, and he was kindly signing stuff for them. A smile hit her face as she watched him pose for a photo and she was hit with the realisation that she was dating a rock star. She was dating Syn Gates. She decided to walk over to them as she saw the other’s take out their cell phones for a photo.

“Here, let me take a group shot for you.” Maya said as she approached the group, causing them all, including Brian, to turn to look at her.

“Oh, thanks” one of the girls said giving Maya her phone. Brian smiled at her as he caught her eye as the group surrounded him ready for the photo.

“There you go.” Maya said passing the phone back to the girl.

“Send it to me first.” One of the others yelled as Brian worked his way over to Maya through the small group of fans.

“Thanks Syn.” One of the others said as he managed to reach Maya.

“No problem” he replied before turning back to Maya.

“Hey you.” He said taking hold of her hand and placing a kiss on her cheek.

“Hey.” She replied but was drowned out by a scream from one of the girls.

“Oh my god, she’s his girlfriend, she’s so lucky”

“Oh, man! How did she manage that?” they heard someone say as they turned to walk over to the Deli.

“Sorry about that.” Brian said as they made their way to an empty table.

“It’s ok, guess it’s something I’m going to have to get used to.” Maya said handing Brian a menu.

“Don’t you wanna take a look?” he asked.

“Nah, I know what I’m having, me and Abi come here most Saturday’s. I’m having a steak and cheese sandwich.” She explained with a smile.

“Is that what you would recommend?” Brian asked scanning the menu.

“It’s my favourite. But I also like the mighty meaty or the jacket potatoes her are lovely too – with chilli.” She explained.

“That does sound good. Right one steak and cheese sandwich and one jacket potato with chilli. What drink do you want?” Brian said getting up from the table.

“Dr. Pepper please.”

“Coming up.” he replied walking over to the counter to order the food. He returned moments later with their drinks.

“So how’s work?” he asked

“Would be better if Kat hadn’t called in sick this morning. Now I’ve got to cover some of her shift as well so I only get an hour’s break now and then the rest later when it’s quiet.” She explained.

“That kind of sucks huh.” He asked and Maya nodded taking a sip of her drink. “So how’s the training going?”

“Really good. I can now float up a till, cash up once we’ve closed and sort out a change float and I can clean the pump lines. This week I’m going to be doing rotas and stock checks and dealing with manager’s duties, like handling complaints and stuff. Then next week I’m going to be opening up all week, the week after closing all week and then they’ll give me a go at doing it on my own.” She explained excitedly.

“Sounds like you’re really enjoying it.” Brian said watching the expression on her face.

“Yeah, I really am.”

“Chilli jacket?” the waiter asked.

“Yeah that’s mine.” Brian said and the guy put the plate down in front of him and then placing the sandwich down in front of Maya.

“Anything else I can get you?” he asked as Maya smiled up at the guy she knew.

“Maya? Hey, sorry I didn’t realise it was you.” He said, Brian looking at him through narrowed eyes.

“Hey Austin, how’s things?” she replied.

“Busy as usual, no Abi today?” he asked trying to sound casual.

“Sorry honey, she’s doing a late shift, we’ll be in Monday afternoon though.” She replied watching a smile appear on his face.

“Ok, I’ll leave you two to it. See you Monday.” He said walking off back towards the kitchen.

“I’ve been trying to get him and Abi together for weeks now, I know they like each other.” Maya explained as they both started to eat their lunch.

“So when are you off next?” Brian asked as they walked back towards the pub.

“That kind of depends on how long Kat’s off, I may be needed to cover one or two of her shifts. At the moment I’ve got Tuesday off other than that it won’t be until sometime next week.” Maya explained.

“Next week? I’m not sure I can wait that long to see you again.” Brian whined.

“Maybe you’ll have to come and treat me to lunch again then?” Maya replied as she stopped outside the pub.

“I may just do that.” Brian replied, turning her so that they were facing each other. His hands slithered around her waist, hers around his. She felt herself stretch up on her tiptoes as he leant down towards her and placed his lips onto hers. She gently nipped at his bottom lip and he quickly parted his lips and allowed their tongues to collide and massage each other. They pulled apart and looked into each other’s eyes.

“Call me later.” He whispered and Maya nodded.

“When I’m on break.” She said before they exchanged another sweet kiss and she went back to work.

“Kat’s mom called” Mike said to Maya as soon as she joined him behind the bar.
“You’ll never guess what’s wrong with her.” he smiled as Maya looked puzzled.

“Food poisoning?” Maya guessed and Mike shook his head.

“Flu?” again Mike shook his head, the smile on his face growing.

“Um, oh, I don’t know. Just tell me.”

“Chicken pox.” Mike said trying hard to suppress a laugh.

“Chicken pox” she repeated.

“Yeah, apparently a girl in her brother’s class had them last week and now the both of them have broken out in spots.” Mike explained. Maya couldn’t help but laugh. She had a vision of Kat, covered from head to toe in spots and camomile lotion, scratching like a mad woman.

“Of course it does mean that you may have to cover one or two of her shifts.” Mike said causing Maya’s laughter to stop abruptly.

“Sorry, but Bridget’s off next week, Damien can’t do Tuesdays and Abi’s already working.” Mike explained.

“Yeah I know.” Maya said passing change to a customer.

“Right, now I’m going to have to re-do next week’s rota, Kat’s going to be off all week.” Mike said and Maya took out her phone.

“Kat has chicken pox, will be off all week – so I’m going to be working ALL WEEK. Looks like a lunch date is all we’ll be able to manage this week. ;( Xx” she sent it to Brian before walking back down the bar to serve another customer. By the time she returned there was a reply waiting for her.

“Gutted, guess we’ll have to make the most of our lunch date. Xx”

“Look forward to it. Text you later. Xx”
♠ ♠ ♠
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