Status: Complete

For Reasons Unknown

Chapter 15

On Sunday night Maya was working with Damien. As usual the bar was pretty quiet so they didn’t have much to do. Abi had worked the morning shift with Mike and had done most of the cleaning so they didn’t even have that to busy themselves with. Maya didn’t feel like doing anymore cleaning anyway as she had spent most of the morning cleaning the flat ready for Brian to stay the night.

With nothing much else to do Maya sat at the end of the bar and began to make her way through a few magazines and papers that had been left throughout the day. She began with the real life and celeb stories in the magazines and then got Damien to help her with some of the puzzles.

They filled in all the answers that were easy enough for them and then she began to make her way through the paper as Damien made her a latte.

She was only a few pages in when she turned the page to be hit by an image of a man she recognised. Utterly shocked she stared open mouthed at the picture and read the headline.

Slowly Maya began to read the story.

Late on Friday night a young girl was sexually assaulted in Stockton, by a man who thought she was someone else.
On August 16th of this year, William Begg was found guilty of attempted rape on another Stockton woman, but was given a suspended sentence.

Maya took a sharp intake of breath as she read some of the details of her case.

Police were able to take DNA samples from the scene and the young woman and have admitted that it matches the DNA taken from Begg after he was arrested for the attempted rape back in May.
Furthermore, the victim has told police that during the attack her attacker repeatedly made references of revenge and finishing what he started.

Maya felt tears form in her eyes she continued to read. Slowly she reached for her phone and dialled Brian’s number.

“Hey babe, what’s up?” he said as he answered, followed by some shuffling and clicking as he put his phone onto his hands-free kit as he was driving.

“Babe? Are you ok?” he asked sounding concerned that she hadn’t answered.

“He raped her thinking it was me.” she said through tears that were now falling freely down her cheeks.

“What? Who?” Brian replied as Damien began to read the story so that he could understand why she was crying.

“Begg, he raped a girl Friday night, but he thought it was me.” she began to explain as Damien’s arms pulled her into a comforting hug.

“It’s in the paper.” She continued. “He attacked a girl, who police say bears a striking resemblance to me, and he told her that he was finishing what he had started four months ago.” She said. Brian was silent on the other end of the line. She could just hear his breathing becoming deep and fast.

“Brian, say something.” She pleaded.

“Where is he now?” he asked.

“They don’t know, they’re looking for him.” she replied croakily.

“Ok, I won’t be too much longer, don’t worry, I’ll keep you safe, I promise.” His words were calm, quiet and reassuring.

Maya nodded but then realised he couldn’t see her. “Ok.” She said simply and quietly.

“Baby, you’re going to be fine, he’s probably long gone by now. Now, do I remember you saying the duck in plum sauce was your favourite?” he asked.

A small smile appeared on her lips. “Yeah, well remembered.” She whispered.

“Ok, so I’ll get you some, with some fried rice and some prawn crackers – right?” his voice was soft and reassuring.

“Yeah, that sounds good.” She said through a smile.

“Ok, so I’ll be another hour and a half at the most, are you going to be ok?”

“Yeah, Damien’s here, he’ll be making me change the channel for SpongeBob now.” She said as Damien nodded enthusiastically and grabbed the cable remote.

“Ok, I’ll see you a little later, bye babe.” He said

“Bye babe, thanks.”

“For what?” Brian asked

“Knowing the right things to say and calming me down.” She explained.

“My pleasure. See you in a little while.”

“Bye.” She replied as they both hung up.

After watching two episodes of SpongeBob there was only one customer left in the pub and they knew he would be leaving soon.

As Maya took a quick count of the days takings she suddenly remembered a job that needed to be done.

“Damien, I need you to do me a favour!” she called down the bar to him.

“What’s that boss lady?” he asked spinning a shot bottle just like in the movies.

“Can you go sort out the cellar for the delivery tomorrow? The kegs need to be moved.” She asked.

“Consider it done.” He said setting the bottle down and gabbing the cellar key from it’s place on the wall.

“Thank you, I’ll get up here sorted while you do that and then I can go cash up for the night.” she said as he disappeared down the stairs.

Once she had finished counting the takings she cleared the bar and began to clean up for the night. She then began her walk around of the bar, checking for any empty glasses that had been left and picking up any trash that was lying around. There was still only the one customer left, sat up in the far corner watching the sports channel on the small TV situated opposite him on the wall.

She then proceeded to wash down all the tables, finishing off with the ones at the back of the bar near the pool table and the sofa area.

As she cleaned the tables she heard the front door shut and assumed that it was the last customer leaving. She was proven wrong however when she heard footsteps along the wooden floor. She wasn’t in a position where she could see who it was but made the assumption that it may have been Brian.

Her spray bottle and cloth dropped to the floor as she looked up to see who was walking towards her.

“I found you at last.” William Begg said as if they were long lost friends.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok so I decided to update, despite not having the amount of comments I asked for. Thanks to those of you who did - it means so much to me! =)
Anyway, Please let me know how I doing and leave some feed back.
This story is going to be longer than what I first imagined it being and it's also changing as i've had a few ideas for it xox