Status: Complete

For Reasons Unknown

Chapter 16

“Wh-what are you do-doing here?” she stuttered as he continued to walk towards her. She was frozen to the spot.

“I’ve been looking for you.” He said getting closer to her. She could hear Damien down in the cellar and prayed that he would come back up soon.

“I thought I’d found you on Friday night, but it said in this morning’s paper that the poor girl just looked like you.” Maya still couldn’t move and he was now right up closer to her. She could smell him; feel his breath on her face. It took her straight back to that alley way four months ago. Tears stung her eyes as she felt him take one more step closer to her. She winced as he placed a hand on her hip and pulled her closer to him, their lips now millimetres apart. She swallowed hard and closed her eyes as she felt his lips roughly touch hers. He forced his tongue into her mouth as tears fell down her face. He pulled away, an evil glint in his dark eyes.

“Let’s make ourselves a bit more comfortable shall we?” he sneered as he pushed her onto the sofa behind her and quickly climbed onto of her. He quickly undid her pants button before ripping them down. He straddled her as he undid his own button and lowered them and his boxers far enough down to expose his penis.

“Help me out a bit.” He whispered grabbing her hand and forcing her to rub her hand up and down his small length until he had hardened.

“Good girl.” He growled before lowering himself and forcing himself into her. She let out a screech of pain as he entered her and found more tears falling from her eyes. He thrust himself into her over and over and with each thrust came more pain and tears. She tried her best to blank out what was happening to her and prayed that it would end soon. He moaned loudly into her ear as an indication that he finished and quickly pulled out of her. She felt him get off her and she quickly pulled her legs up to her chest, hugging herself closely as tears continued to escape her closed eyes.

Her eyes shot open as she heard Damien’s voice yell. She couldn’t tell what he yelled but there was a brief exchange of words and then a loud thud against the wooden floor. She gasped silently as she heard soft footsteps walk towards her.

“Maya? Are you ok?” Damien’s soft voice asked as he crouched down beside her. She pulled back sharply as he gently placed an arm against hers.

“Where is he?” she whispered.

“Out cold, I recognised him from the paper. Did he?” she nodded silently, without him having to finish his sentence.

“I’m gonna call the cops.” Damien said quietly and he got up and walked off.

She closed her eyes again and tried to blank out what was going on around her and what had just happened to her. She could hear Damien on the phone to the police and a short while later she heard him let a pair of officers into the bar and bolting the door behind them.

As they came closer to her she could hear Damien explain what had happened from his point of view. She opened her eyes again to see Damien crouched down beside her again.

“Maya, this is officer Freese; she’s here to talk to you about what happened.” He said softly and Maya lifted her head slightly to see Officer Freese and nodded to acknowledge her.

“Hi Maya, now I know this is going to be hard, but I want you to tell me what happened here tonight.” She said sitting down on the sofa opposite her.

Maya cried through every word of her statement as Damien helped the other officer with his statement. It wasn’t long before they were joined by a member of the forensic department.
Maya remained lying on the sofa the entire time but soon shot up at the sound of a familiar voice yelling at one of the officers demanding to know what was going on.

Slowly Maya stood up and walked over to where she could see the front door and Brian waving a bag of Chinese food around as he argued with the officer.

“Let him in.” Maya croaked causing both Brian and the officer to turn to face her.

“Maya? What’s happened?” Brian asked pushing past the officer and walking quickly over to her, taking her into his safe, strong arms.

“He came to get me.” she mumbled into his chest, soaking his shirt with tears.

“What did he do?” he whispered in a hoarse voice.

Maya couldn’t say the words so she just sobbed more into his chest.

“Baby, did he -?” Maya began to nod before he could finish asking his question.

“Oh God, I’m sorry, I promised to keep you safe.” He whispered as he tightened his grip around her.

“Maya, I’m sorry to disturb you but I need you to go with me to the hospital so that a DNA sample can be taken and we can get you some medication for any STIs you may have contracted.” Officer Freese said softly as Maya lifted her head from Brian’s chest.

“I can go with her right?” Brian asked.

“If Maya agrees, then yes by all means” she replied.

“I want him with me.” Maya stated tightening her grip on Brian.

“Ok, when you’re ready.” Officer Freese said with a gentle smile.

At the hospital Maya was checked over and had a DNA sample taken. She was given a cocktail of medication to take for the next couple of days to stop any STIs he may have given her developing and also the morning after pill as he hadn’t used any form of birth control.

As soon as she checked her phone as she left the hospital with Brian she saw that she had a number of text messages and missed calls. She went through the list to see that there were messages from Damien and Mike as well as from Abi who had also left her three missed calls and an answer phone message. They were all asking her if she was ok. Damien’s message made her promise to text him in the morning to let him know if she was ok. Mike’s was to check if she was ok as Damien had called him to lock up and stuff and that he wasn’t expecting her in for the rest of the week and Abi’s message was one of concern after Damien had called her to tell her what had happened.
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Ok, so I wanted to post a chapter as a thank you for those of you who have commented and explained about the subscription thing. =)
This chapter was really hard for me to write for a few reasons so please comment and make me happy =)