Status: Complete

For Reasons Unknown

Chapter 19

Three weeks had past and Brian and Maya hadn’t found the time to see each other due to work commitments. Brian was busy with the band and Maya had thrown herself into her work to take her mind off things and was now doing shifts on her own again. It was her way of dealing with things and she also found it a good way to deal with not seeing much of Brian.

William Begg had been sentenced and was now serving a 20 year jail term for two accounts of rape and the original attack on Maya. This news had given Maya the closure she needed to put that part of her life behind her and carry on with the life she wanted. The day she had been informed of his sentencing she made the decision to forget about that event and move on and be happy.

Maya finally decided to book a few days off work so that she could go down to Huntington to see Brian and was now on the phone trying to tell him.

“Babe, how many dates have we been on? Don’t you think it’s time you let me come down to Huntington?” Maya argued and Brian huffed.

“Ok, but with one condition. You stay over.”

“Brian, I don’t know if I’m-“

“In the spare room if you want, but I’m not having you drive home too late at night.” he interrupted her protest.

“Ok, I’ll stay 0ver, if it means that you’ll let me come down to Huntington.”

“Good, I’ll even put fresh linen on the bed and clean up the rest of the house.”

“Ahh, you don’t have to make a fuss for me.” Maya replied in a soft yet sarcastic tone.

“Anything for you beautiful.” He cooed.

“Does that mean I can expect breakfast in bed Saturday morning?”

“With freshly squeezed orange juice.” Brian replied.

“Ok. Are you running for boyfriend of the year or something?” Maya laughed.

“No, just want to treat you right.” Brian said sounding a little disheartened.

“Sorry Brian, I’m just not used to it.” Maya apologised.

“Well, you’ve never dated me before have you?” Brian replied cockily.

“True, now I have got the whole weekend off so you’ll have to plan something for us to do – I’m driving back Sunday.”

“Sunday? So you were planning to stay over the entire time?” Maya laughed and nodded her head.

“Yeah, but you didn’t really give me the chance to explain properly.” She said laughing.

“Ok, I’ll come up with something for us to do.” Brian replied.

“Good, I’ll see you Friday evening; I’ve got to get back to work. I’ll text you later.”

“Yeah, bye babe.” He replied as they both hung up and Maya put her phone back in her pocket before heading back upstairs to the bar.

It was nearing 6pm when Maya drove slowly down the street looking for Brian’s house. She spotted his Escalade parked in a driveway a little further down and so revved the engine as she sped up and pulled in sharply beside the Escalade. She got off the bike and removed her helmet. She looked up towards the house and began to walk towards the front door.

Halfway up the driveway the door opened and Brian stood in the doorway, leaning up against the frame. She smiled at him and he smiled back.

“My bike’s ok there isn’t it?”She asked.

“Yeah of course.” He replied as she reached him.

“Good ride down?” he asked as he leant down towards her for a kiss.

“Mmmhmm.” She murmured as their lips met.

“Come on.” He said turning back into the house. As Maya followed him she was met by yapping and almost tripped over a small ball of white that was circling her feet.

“Pinkly calm down, come here.” Brian said picking up the small dog.

“Maya meet Pinkly.” He said holding the dog out towards her.

“Hello Pinkly” Maya said moving her head closer to him as she went to smooth him and was immediately licked all over her nose and mouth.

“I think he likes you.” Brian said pulling him away and setting him down again. “He’s always had good taste in women.” He replied turning back and kissing Maya briefly on her lips.

“Babe, can I ask a favour?” she asked taking the backpack off her back. “Can I take a shower? Five hours on the back of a bike with these leathers isn’t good for me. I must stink.”

“You smell ok to me, but yeah, come on I’ll give you the tour and show you the shower.” He said turning towards the stairs.

“Down there we have the living room, dining room, kitchen, leading out to the back yard.” He began pointing back towards the kitchen as they climbed the stairs. “There’s also a basement which has been converted into a studio for me to practice in. Then up here we have four bedrooms and a bathroom. I’ve set up this room for you.” He said opening the door and walking in to a large room. Maya followed him in and took in her surroundings.

The room was painted in a pale purple with violet finishing’s. There was a large king sized bed resting against the middle of the back wall and dark mahogany furniture.

“I’ve put some towels out for you, you’ve got the bathroom to yourself as well, I’ll use my En-suite.” He said pointing at the towels on the bed.

“Thanks babe.” She replied simply putting her backpack down beside the bed and her helmet beside it. She started to remove her bike gear before Brian spoke again, watching her in a daze.

“Ok, I’ll leave you to it, the bathroom is down the hall, second door on the right. I told Jimmy that we’ll be over at about half 7.” He explained as she finished taking off her biker boots.

“Ok, that gives me just enough time I think.” She said glancing at her watch.

“Hey don’t rush,” he replied giving her a small wink as he left the bedroom. Maya smiled as she picked up the towels off the bed and went to find the bathroom.

Maya applied her lip gloss and gave herself another look over in the mirror and adjusted her outfit slightly. She took a nervous deep breath before turning and leaving the bedroom. As she walked down the stairs she could see Brian sat on the sofa ready, flicking aimlessly through the channels. As she neared the bottom of the stairs he must have heard her as he turned around. They exchanged smiles as she reached the bottom of the stairs and he stood up.

“Do I look ok?” she asked nervously as he continued to walk over to her.

“You look beautiful as ever.” He said leaning in to kiss her. She smiled against his lips before he pulled away, placing his hands on her hips. His eyes gazed over her outfit quickly.

“Is this the outfit you bought the last time I was in Stockton?” he asked smiling. Maya knew the question he really wanted answered. She nodded.

“Yeah, I’m wearing everything I bought that day.” She said smiling shyly, feeling herself blush slightly.

“Really?” Brian said in almost a whisper, a smile creeping across his lips. Maya nodded again before his met hers once again.

“So, Maya! Tell us. You’re an A7X fan, but did you fancy Brian before you met him?” Leana asked as they were all sat around on the decking in Jimmy’s backyard as Matt and Brian took charge of the barbecue. Maya felt herself blush as she noticed everyone look over at her for her answer, including a curious Brian.

“Well, um, actually, yeah I guess I did.”

“What do you mean you guess?” he called over, wide eyed. Maya blushed more as she made eye contact with Brian and realised what it must have sounded like.

“I mean Avenged Sevenfold is probably the best looking band in the States and I’m a hot blooded female – of course I fancied you!” she knew that with every word she’d spoken her cheeks turned a deeper shade of red.

“So did you fancy anybody else? Or was it just Gates who took your fancy?” Zack asked crossing his arms across his chest trying to pose. Jimmy, Johnny and Matt quickly joined in, all posing in a row.

Maya swallowed back a laugh, and through the corner of her eyes she could see the other girls doing the same.

“Like I said, Avenged Sevenfold is probably the sexiest band in the states –“she was cut off before she could finish.

“That means she fancies all of us!” Jimmy yelled throwing his arms up in the air in triumph.

“BUT” Maya yelled to get their attention. “Brian does hold like 99.9% of that sexiness.” She said and all the guys apart from Brian looked deflated. Brian was smiling broadly behind them. With that the girls all burst out laughing.

“Hey, she was fucking with us!” Johnny yelled.

“Um, excuse me, why do you care if she fancied you?” Lacey said accusingly crossing her arms over her chest, the other girls following suit.

“I don’t, I, oh I give up you girls are fucking with us and you’re going to twist everything we say.” Johnny said waving his hands around as Brian walked over to Maya with a fresh drink each and a freshly cooked burger each.

“Jimmy. Truth or dare?” Gena called from Zack’s lap. They’d already played ‘Never Ever’ and had been playing truth or dare for half an hour.

“Dare!” he slurred back.

“Ok, hum, oh I don’t know I can’t think of any good ones!” she called out looking around for inspiration.

“Eat the rest of the salsa dip.” Val offered holding up the half eaten jar of salsa.

“Yeah, eat the rest of the salsa dip.” Gena called out and Val passed the jar to Jimmy. Maya chuckled to herself as she watched Jimmy take a spoonful of salsa.

“Move up a little.” Brian whispered against her ear as he returned from the bathroom. Maya was startled a little as she felt his warm, alcohol fuelled breath on her neck. Begg’s face flashed before her eyes and she winced under Brian’s touch as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

“Babe are you ok?” he whispered in concern.

Maya nodded. “Just don’t sneak up on me like that again. It freaks me out.” She explained making herself relax back into his arms, where she knew she was safe. Nothing could harm her while she was in these arms.

“Sorry babe, I wasn’t thinking.” He replied kissing her cheek.

“Right. Maya. I think people have been a little too soft on you so far tonight.” Jimmy yelled, getting her attention, as he wiped some salsa from the corner of his mouth.

“Truth or dare?”he yelled across at her pointing his finger at her.

“Dare.” She yelled back smiling, also pointing her finger.

“Ooh, I was expecting you to say truth! Um, ooh, I dare you to finish this bottle.” He said holding up the bottle of absinthe. Maya glared at the bottle and noticed that everyone else was either following her stare or staring at her.

“Come on, there’s only like two or three shots left.” Jimmy challenged waving the bottle at her. Maya’s eyes widened again knowing that there were more than three shots left.

“Pass it here.” She said holding out her hand. Jimmy smiled at her as he passed her the bottle as everyone else continued to stare between them.

“Are you going to do it straight from the bottle?” Zack asked.

“God no! I’ll need a shot glass and a large glass of vodka and orange. To take the taste away after each shot.” She explained the last part as everyone looked confused by it.

“I’ll get them.” Matt said rising from his seat as Maya studied the bottle.

“There are definitely at least five shots in here, maybe even six or seven.”

“You don’t have to do this dare.” Brian said behind her.

“I know, but I’m ok.” She said turning to smile at him. Matt returned with the shot glass and drink and set them down in front of her. She edged forward, unscrewing the lid off the bottle.

She poured a shot and quickly took it and a sip of her drink. She quickly poured and knocked back a second and third shot and took another drink from her vodka and orange.

“This would be so much easier if it was tequila” she stated pouring the fourth shot.

“Yeah cos you’re really making it look difficult.” Val said sarcastically as Maya picked up her drink to take another sip, wincing as the absinthe burned its way down her throat.

“No point thinking about these things.” Maya replied holding up shot number five to her lips.

“And I told Jimmy there were six shots in here.” She said as the last drops from the bottle hit the shot glass. It quickly disappeared as did the remainder of her vodka and orange and Maya was met by a loud round of applause.

“Wow, you could drink most of us under the table.” Zack said in awe as she sat back in Brian’s arms.

“Plenty of practice. Us bar staff know how to drink better than most of our customers.” She replied.
♠ ♠ ♠
4th time lucky....I tried three times yesterday to update - twice my laptop switched off on me and the third time I couldn't access Mibba for some reason! Anyway here it is - A big Thanks to all my readers etc as usual - comments would be lovely and make me feel better ;) - i've got a stinking cold! :(