Status: Complete

For Reasons Unknown

Chapter 2

“Maya, this is Sergeant Sloan; she’s come to take your statement.” Matt said walking back into the room.
“Hi” Maya said solemnly looking up.

“Hi, as Mr Sanders said, I’m Sergeant Sloan, I understand there was an incident outside earlier this evening?” she said standing against the counter opposite her.

“Yeah, that’s right.” Maya said glancing at Matt who was still stood in the doorway.

“I’ll be just down the hall in the bar at the end if you need me.” He said warmly. Maya smiled at him with a nod of her head.

“I may need to talk to you later as well Mr. Sanders.” Sergeant Sloan said before he shut the door with a nod of the head.

“Right, if you would like to run through the events of the night that led up to the incident in as much detail as possible.” She began, holding her pen at the top of her note book ready to take Maya’s statement.

Slowly Maya began to go through the events of the night after she left the gig, giving a description of her attacker and how Matt had saved her from being raped.

“Right, if you would like to read through your statement to make sure I have taken it down accurately and sign at the bottom.” Sergeant Sloan said as she passed her note book over to Maya.

“What happens now?” Maya asked as she began to read her statement.

“Well, I’ll take a statement off Mr. Sanders, head back to the station and start looking for this guy and hopefully get him behind bars.” She explained and Maya nodded as she continued to read. She signed the bottom of her statement and wiped her eyes. It was late and she was worn out, she should have been nearing home by now, but instead she was still over two hours train ride away and the next train would not be until seven thirty in the morning.

“Ok, so if there’s anything else I can help you with don’t hesitate to call me on – here’s my card – and I’ll also contact you if we have any developments with the case.” Sergeant Sloan said. Maya stood up and thanked her for her help.

“Um, I’ll go find Matt and send him up to give his statement.” She said and walked out of the room. Slowly she made her way down the corridor to the bar area where Matt had told her he’d be waiting for her. As she got closer she could hear the sound of background music and the mumbling of people talking. She placed her hand on the door and took a deep breath, suddenly feeling unexplainably nervous. As she walked into the room she became aware of a few of the people watching her. She quickly found matt as he’d stood from where he’d been sat and was now making his way across to her. She stood still and let him walk to her, watching the reaction of the others.

“Everything ok?” he asked as he got close to her. She nodded with a weak smile.

“She wants to speak to you now.” She said glancing at the other band members, some of which were talking to others but watched them out of the corner of their eyes.

“ok, but listen, I’ve, um, I had to tell the guys what happened and um, well we’ve decided that you can stay on the bus with us tonight and we’ll drive you home tomorrow, you can have my bunk.” He explained glancing back at the others.

“Thanks, but really, there’s no need, I –“

“Where else are you going to go? You need somewhere to sleep, we have a shower as well, please, and I want to make sure you get home safe.” Matt pleaded.

“Ok, thanks, that’s very kind of you.”

“It’s the least we can do, after what you’ve been through. Let me introduce you to the others before I go give my statement.” He said gently ushering her towards the table where they were sat.

She was introduced to the others before Matt left to talk to Sergeant Sloan and Zack offered to get her a drink.

“So you were at the show huh? Enjoy?” Synyster Gates asked after a moment of awkward silence.

“Oh my god, yeah, you were amazing, you’ve got to be one of the best guitarists on the planet, and those solos are amazing!” Maya said passionately, causing Synyster Gates to smile at the compliment.

“The rest of you are amazing as well, you’re a wicked band, on albums and live.” She continued as Zack returned with her drink. She took a sip, licked her lips and then drank the rest in one long gulp. She placed the glass back down in front of her and wiped her mouth.

“I needed that.” She said simply as she spotted their stunned faces watching her. “Excuse me when I go and get another.” She added getting up. “I need to wipe certain images from my head.” she concluded solemnly before walking over to the bar and ordering another double gin and bitter lemon.

She’d drunk another three doubles by the time Matt returned from giving his statement.

She’d relaxed in front of the guys and they’d done the same with her. She was no longer the girl who’d got attacked outside one of their gigs. She was a girl who’d had an amazing time at the gig and was now hanging out with the band, wearing Syn’s hat after she told him that she normally wore a similar hat but decided against it as she’d lost one of her hats at a Green Day show almost a year ago.

“I was just brought up believing in fate – that everything happens for a reason.” Maya began to explain to the band as Matt returned from the bar with a round of drinks.

“So, what? You were attacked for a reason?” Johnny questioned taking his beer bottle off the tray.

“Yeah, think about it from my point of view. If I hadn’t been dragged into the alleyway I would be at home safe and sound now, instead I’m here, hanging out with Avenged Sevenfold.” She explained.

“I like your way of thinking.” Syn said.

“So is there a reason why you were meant to meet us?” The Rev asked

“Good question. But only time will tell I guess.” She answered before drinking more of her drink.

“I know I get to go to work tomorrow night and make one of the girls I work with insanely jealous which is going to be great fun. She was bad enough when she found out I had got a ticket, I can’t wait to see her face when I tell her that I’ve been sat here drinking with you.”
Maya said thinking about possible reasons and smiling at the image of her colleague finding out about her meeting the band.

“Got a camera?” Zack asked

“Yeah, on my cell. Why?” Maya replied

“Let’s get some proof to show your friend.” He said motioning for her to pass him her cell.

Maya took her cell out of her bag and passed it over to Zack and the group began to pose for a ream of photos, with Zack passing the cell over to Jason, a member of the crew to get a photo of the six of them together.

At two in the morning stewards from the venue asked the group to hurry up and finish their drinks as the venue had to close for the night.

“Right guys, drink up and let’s head back to the bus.” Matt yelled and everyone began to knock back their drinks.

“Right, Maya, to the tour bus!” Syn announced standing up and placing his arm around her shoulders. “We have more beer there somewhere.” He added as they began to walk towards the doors.

“I’ll give you a quick tour while Gates gets the drinks.” Matt said as Maya was about to sit down on the sofas on the bottom floor of the tour bus.

“As you can see we have our living area down stairs with kitchenette and if you’d like to follow me upstairs I’ll show you where the toilet and stuff is.” Matt said as Maya followed him up the stairs.

“The toilet is in there, liquids only sorry, and the shower is opposite, and up here are the bunks, we have Johnny’s, Zack’s, The Revs, JB's, Mattie, and mine, which you’re having tonight, leaving Gates’ opposite you.” Matt explained walking along the tour bus pointing at each bed as they walked along.

“Cool, but um, where are you going to sleep?” Maya asked as they reached the end of the bus.

“Don’t worry about me, I’ll sleep just fine down stairs on the sofa.” Matt replied gently turning her around and ushering her back downstairs.

“I better text my flat mate, let her know I won’t be home tonight.” She said taking out her cell phone as she sat beck down on the sofa next to Syn.
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