Status: Complete

For Reasons Unknown

Chapter 20

Maya groaned loudly into her pillow. Her pounding headache was the first reminder of the previous night’s events. She slowly opened her right eye and peeked out from under the blankets. It wasn’t her bedroom. It wasn’t Brian’s spare room. Was it Brian’s? Had they? No. She was still fully dressed. Where was she? It was then that she became aware of someone’s light breathing next to her.

She slowly turned, opening her other eye and saw Brian fast asleep also fully clothed. She couldn’t help but smile at him. He looked adorable, even with the small drool puddle that had formed on the pillow from the corner of his mouth. She lay and watched him for a moment, realising that they must have still been in Jimmy’s, but had to give into the urgency to pee.

When she came out of the bathroom she decided to head downstairs. Caffeine was needed. No one else was up so she proceeded to make herself a coffee. As she took her first sip she heard footsteps make their way into the kitchen and Jimmy appeared.

“Don’t mind me helping myself?” she asked croakily. He shook his head.

“As long as there’s some for me as well.” He mumbled as he made his way over to pour himself a mug.

“So did you have a good night?” he said somewhat sarcastically. Maya went silent for a moment as she thought back.

“The last thing I can remember was absinthe.” Jimmy chuckled and nodded.

“Yeah, sorry that’s kinda my fault. You didn’t last long much after that. If I remember correctly, you came in to use the bathroom and get yourself another drink and when Brian came in to look for you he found you asleep at the counter.” He said nodding his head towards the part of the counter when she’d fallen asleep.

“You were out of it, so Brian carried you upstairs and put you in the spare room.” He continued as Maya listened carefully to the details missing from her head.

“He didn’t last much longer neither. He disappeared saying that he was going to make sure you were ok.” Jimmy explained.

They sat in silence for a while as they both drank their coffee. Jimmy was pouring them a second cup when another set of footsteps was heard on the stairs. Jimmy grabbed another mug and made a third mug and placed it next to Maya as Brian sat down next to her.

“Morning babe. How long have you been up?” he said hoarsely as he placed a brief kiss on her cheek.

“Enough time to drink a mug of coffee.” Maya replied with a smile.

“How you feeling?” he asked as he raised the mug to his lips.

“My head is banging and I could do with a shower, but I’m ok.”

“I still can’t believe you did six shots of absinthe in a row.” Brian said shaking his head in disbelief. Maya shrugged with a smile and continued to sip her coffee.

“So what do you feel like doing today?” he asked running his hand down her leg and resting it on her knee.

“As little as possible.” Maya groaned.

“Duvet day?” Brian suggested with a smirk. Maya smiled up at him and nodded.

“What’s a duvet day?” Jimmy enquired.

“It’s just your sofa, your duvet, junk food and shitty TV or films for the entire day.” Maya explained.

“Now that does sound like a plan” Leana said walking into the kitchen in her pyjamas, and bed hair.

“Yeah, I think it’s a really good idea. Do you have ice-cream?” Maya asked.

“We can stop off at the store on the way home.” Brian replied. “We’ll finish these and go.” He added.

“I tell you what. You check out my DVD collection when I get the duvet.” Brian said as they walked up his drive, with a big bag of McDonalds and a tub of ice-cream in his hands.
Brian’s film collection was mainly horror/thriller orientated with a few action and comedy titles thrown in.

“So what are we watching?” Brian asked walking back down the stairs with a large purple duvet.

“Not sure yet, I’m tempted to go with Hostel as I actually haven’t seen it yet.” She said not taking her eyes away from the DVD collection.
“Ooh, you’ve got The Crow. I love that film. We’re definitely watching this today. She said excitedly pulling it out of the cabinet.

“But I’m really going to need a shower and get some comfy clothes on.” She said making her way back to the sofa where Brian was sat setting out the McDonalds out of the bag.

“Yeah, let’s eat this first though cos cold McDonalds is nasty, and then we’ll go get comfy.” He said passing her drink to her.

A little under an hour later Maya made her way back downstairs, showered and in her pyjamas. Brian had already returned and was curled up under the duvet watching Fuse.

“What are we watching first?” Maya asked.

“I put Hostel in the machine.” He replied pushing back the duvet to let her climb in under it beside him.

“I got you a bowl of ice-cream” Brian said picking up the bowl of toffee crunch ice-cream from beside the sofa. Maya’s eyes lit up as he placed it in her hands.

“Are you the best boyfriend ever?” she said smiling as she took a spoonful.

“I’m up there with some of the greatest.” He said smugly as he pressed play button on the remote. Maya seductively shared some of her ice-cream with Brian as they began to watch Hostel. Maya then made herself comfortable, laying her head on Brian’s chest, her arm around his waist with his arm placed gently around her shoulder playing with her hair. She was so comfortable that she missed most of Hostel as she drifted in and out of sleep.

She jolted suddenly at the sound of the end credits and sat up as she heard Brian chuckle.

“Enjoy the film babe?” he asked as she turned dazed to look at the TV. She groaned and turned back to face him.
“You’ve left a lovely dribble patch on my t-shirt.” He smirked and she glanced down to see the small wet patch on his shirt.

“Sorry.” She mumbled quietly. Brian gave a small chuckle as he placed a gently finger underneath her chin to lift it up to face him. Silently he brought his lips to hers. They briefly pulled apart, looking into each other’s eyes, before Brian fused their lips together in a breathtaking kiss. He gently placed his hands either side of her face and Maya parted her lips to allow his tongue to explore her mouth.

Maya let out a small moan as one of his hands left her face and placed itself on her hip. She reached her hands up, placing one on his shoulder and the other on the back of his head, taking a hold of his hair. As the kiss intensified Maya manoeuvred herself so that she was sat on Brian’s lap, straddling his waist. His other hand placed itself on her hip and he pulled her closer to him causing them both to moan as Maya come into contact with the hard bulge growing inside Brian’s shorts. Both her hands were now at the back of Brian’s head, entangling her fingers in his long black hair that was still slightly damp from the shower. Maya ground her hips into Brian causing them both to give out a loud moan of pleasure.

Maya pulled away breathless and slightly dazed. She licked her lips before lowering them softly against the soft skin of Brian’s neck. She began to kiss him, placing small sweet kisses along his jaw line; from his earlobe right down to his Adams apple. He let out another stifled moan as she nipped the skin that lay on his pulse point.
She pulled away and looked again into his eyes.

“Which room is yours?” she whispered staring directly into his dark brown eyes.

“Maya are you sure?” he replied softly not breaking eye contact. She softly placed her lips on his before pushing herself off him and taking hold of both his hands, lifting him off the sofa as she did so. She turned and slowly led him up the stairs.

“Last door at the end of the corridor.” Brian said as they reached the top of the stairs. Maya continued to lead him towards the bedroom. As they reached the door Maya was picked up bridal style and carried through the door. She gave out a small nervous chuckle as Brian stopped to slam the door shut with his foot. She leant up and wrapped her hands around his neck, pulling him close to her for a kiss.

He slowly lowered her and as her feet touched the ground again she moved her hands to his hips, sliding them up his body, making sure to take his shirt up with them. She felt him do the same to her top and their lips parted as their tops got pulled over their heads simultaneously.

Brian guided Maya back and gently lowered her onto the bed. As soon as he was on top of her she reached for the waist band of his shorts and tugged them down as they kissed passionately. Brian groaned loudly into her mouth as both his shorts and his boxers got pulled roughly over his erection. His lips left hers and slowly and sensually made their way down her body, starting from the soft skin below her earlobe, down her neck to her collarbone. From there he made his way to her breasts, skilfully removing her bra as he paid equal attention to both nipples. Once her bra was removed he places a line of soft kisses down her torso to the top of her pyjama bottoms.Maya moaned loudly as she felt him slowly pull off her bottoms.

She’d closed her eyes and was enjoying the feel of Brian’s naked body against hers; the smell of him and the bed sheets; the way she could now feel his warm breath against the inside of her thigh as his fingers wound themselves around the thin elastic at the hips of her panties and began to pull them down.

Even with her eyes closed she felt them roll back into the back of her head as she felt his tongue flicker lightly against her spot as he finished pulling off her panties. She gave a loud moan and felt herself buck her hips towards him before she felt Brian’s lips on hers, his tongue forcing its way into her mouth. She gasped loudly into the kiss as she felt his fingers enter her and begin to massage her inside.

“Oh Fuck.” She moaned as she could already feel the hot tension build up in the pit of her stomach. Brian quickly removed his fingers and plunged his length into her causing her to moan louder than before. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist pulling him as close as possible to her as he began to thrust slowly into her.

“Fuck Brian. Faster.” She moaned and he immediately quickened the pace and began hitting her spot with every thrust. She could feel her orgasm build deep inside her and flung her head as far back onto the pillow as she could and raised her hips up to him.

“Oh God Brian. Fuck” she screamed as the burning sensation exploded inside her and she came over him. He growled loudly as she involuntarily tugged at his long hair but still continued to thrust into her causing another orgasm to build inside her.

“Oh Brian!” she yelled again as he also called out her name as she felt him shudder inside her. He slowly brought himself to a stop riding out their orgasms and collapsed on the bed next to her. They were silent for a moment as they both caught their breath and their heart rates began to return to normal. Brian turned his head and kissed her on her cheek. She responded with a content sigh.

“Are you ok?” he asked softly, and she gave out another content sigh and smiled.

“Hell yeah, I’ve just had amazing sex with Synyster Gates.” She whispered through a smirk.
Brian’s eyes narrowed.

“Was that all it was?” he frowned as did Maya, not knowing why he was being like this.

“What do you mean?” she asked lifting herself up to look at him properly.

“Is this just a way to get people jealous? A talking point for you and you’re friends?” Maya couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“Oh. My. God. I can’t believe you’re seriously asking me that?” she yelled getting off the bed and grabbing her pyjamas and putting them back on.

“After all that I’ve been through with you these past few months, with what happened with Begg - I thought you’d have known that I’m not like that at all!” she yelled, slamming the door behind her. She marched down the hallway, past a startled Pinkly and into the spare room. She flung herself onto the bed and cursed under her breath. Did he really think that she was that shallow?
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm not going to ask for comments on this chapter today (Although if you really want to don't let me stop you) but i've done a Xmas one shot for you guys as a thank you for your comments etc so please follow the link below and leave comments on that one....
Cabin Fever
If I do get enough comments between both stories I may make a special effort to update again before Christmas! :)