Status: Complete

For Reasons Unknown

Chapter 21

Maya had heard a door open heard footsteps down the hallway but was sure that they hadn’t gone down stairs. She could now hear a scratching sound and realised that it was coming from the bedroom door. Confused she got up and opened the door. Before she got it fully open a little white ball of fluff ran in and jumped onto the bed. Maya giggled and closed the door and walked back over to the bed where Pinkly sat scratching his neck. It was when she got closer to him that she noticed the reason he was scratching so much.

Attached to his collar was a folded piece of paper. Maya sat onto the bed, crossing her legs and pulled Pinkly into her lap so that she could remove the paper. As she unfolded the paper the dog made himself comfortable in her lap. A smile appeared across her face as she began to read the note.

Please don’t be mad at him. It’s not really his fault he’s a jackass sometimes, ok most of the time, but he has this habit sometimes where he speaks before he thinks and ends up hurting the people he really cares about. I’ve told him that you’re not like other girls, and I know he’s crazy about you. Please forgive him; I can’t bare him when he’s moping around the place. X

At the bottom Brian had drawn a little dog footprint. Maya laughed at how adorable he was. Never in a million years would she have guessed that Synyster Gates could be this adorable when she’d seen him on that stage, looking like he would kick anyone’s ass if he wanted to.

“Brian!” she called making Pinkly raise his head. She heard scuffling outside the door and then the door slowly opened. Both Maya and Pinkly watched as Brian sheepishly poked his head through the door.

“You’re a fucking dick. Do you know that?” she said as a smile appeared across her face. Noticing the smile he made his way fully into the room nodding.

“I’m sorry, I should have known.” He said walking over to sit next to her on the bed.

“Damn right you should have known. I’m not like that at all.” She yelled quietly.

“Babe, I know, it’s just that I’m not used to girls liking me, they all love Synyster Gates but-“

“But I’m not other girls, It’s Brian Haner I’m falling for, Synyster Gates is just added bonus!” she said placing her hands on his knees. He looked up into her hazel eyes and smiled.

“You’re falling for me?” he asked and Maya blushed.

“Yeah, I am. I can’t help it, I can’t stop thinking about you, I’m so happy when I’m around you or talking to you on the phone. I’ve never been this happy.” she said before his lips met hers in another breathtaking kiss.
They moved closer to each other and Pinkly promptly jumped off Maya’s lap and out of the bedroom. The kiss quickly progressed and both were quickly naked again with Brian nipping at the sensitive skin on her neck. Maya felt him hard against her and used all her strength to roll them both over so that she was on top, straddling him.

His hands quickly took to resting on her hips and guided her onto him. She moaned quietly as she slowly rode him, feeling him thrust gently into her, rubbing his thumb over her spot as he did so. They kept eye contact the entire time until Maya was overcome with ecstasy and closed her eyes as she let out another moan. As if knowing what she wanted she felt Brian quicken the pace, moving her faster. Her breathing and heart rate quickened with the pace and Maya suddenly found that she was screaming out his name as her juices poured over his throbbing shaft.

“Oh God Maya.” Brian bellowed as he shuddered, bucking his hips one last time. Maya leant down and kissed him forcefully.

“That was fucking amazing.” He whispered breathlessly as she kissed down his jaw line, collapsing on top of him.

“Mmmhmm.” She mumbled against his neck.

“Maya. I love you.” Brian said quietly as they lay in silence allowing their breathing and hear rate return to normal once again.

She leaned up to look into her eyes and placed her lips onto his.

“I love you too.” She whispered back with a smile before resting her head back on his chest, giving a content sigh and closing her eyes.

Something cold against her skin made Maya shudder and open her eyes. She was still lying next to Brian, her head on his chest, his arms around her body holding her close to him. She then realised that Pinkly had rejoined them and was trying to get Brian’s attention by licking his face.

“Ok Pinkly I’m awake. What do you want?” he groaned. Maya rolled off his chest and instantly felt cold. She shuddered again and grabbed for the duvet and pulled it over her.

“Sorry babe.” Brian mumbled getting off the bed and looking around for his discarded clothes.

“Stupid dog, come on what do you want? Food or out?” he asked. The dog gave a small yap and ran out of the room with Brian following slowly behind. Maya groaned and decided that she should get up too. She had no idea what the time was but got dressed again and headed down stairs. She curled back up on the sofa and pulled the duvet around her as she heard Brian potter around in the kitchen.

“So shall we watch The Crow now?” he asked as he walked back into the living room with a large bag of chips in his hand. Maya nodded so Brian went over to the DVD player and put the film in. He curled up under the duvet with her and they settled down to watch one of Maya’s favourite films.


“Do you have to go right now?” Brian whined as Maya got her things ready to leave for Stockton.

“Do you want me to drive home in the dark?” Maya reasoned with him.

“You could just stay here a little while longer.” Brian said following her out of the bathroom where she’d collected all her toiletries.

“And what about work?”

“Fuck work!” he said and Maya rolled her eyes smiling.

“Brian! I’ll be back as soon as I get a couple of days off, or you’ll be able to come up and see Me.” she explained continuing to pack.

“Tomorrow?” he asked and Maya chuckled at his desperation.

“You could always come back with me tonight if you’re not doing anything tomorrow.” Maya suggested and Brian’s eye widened.

“Really? But how will I get back?” he questioned.

“I don’t know? Couldn’t one of the guys drive up to get you?” she suggested and a wide smile spread across his face as he took out his cell phone and dialled someone’s number.

“Zacky, hey, yeah I’m fantastic cheers, but I need a small favour.” He began, walking over and wrapping his arms around Maya’s waist.

“I wanna head up to Stockton with Maya and was wondering if you could give me a ride home tomorrow?” he asked casually. A smile spread across his face as Zack gave his reply.

“Vengeance, I could kiss you. Yeah Maya’s working in the afternoon so if you wanna head up with Gena we could have some lunch somewhere my treat.” There was a short pause as Zack spoke.

“Cheers dude, I’ll see you both tomorrow. Bye.” He hung up and kissed the sensitive skin at the crook of her neck causing her to moan softly. He took this as a cue to carry one and began massaging his tongue over her sensitive spot; she tilted her head to give him more room but then pulled away.

“Babe, we’ve gotta get going. I hate driving in the dark; we’ll have time for all that when we get there.” She said leaning back across to kiss him.
♠ ♠ ♠
How lame was that note? lol
So this is your Christmas Update... I'm going away for Christmas, first to Dean's folks and then to mine with no access to the internet =( So there won't be an update until Sunday Night at the earliest... So i'm going to take this opportunity to wish all my readers and subscribers and especially my commenters A Very Merry Christmas! Have fun xox =)