Status: Complete

For Reasons Unknown

Chapter 22

Maya stopped outside her apartment door and signalled for Brian to be quiet. They both stood outside listening to the sound of Abi giggling like a school girl. Brian and Maya looked at each other and shrugged. Maya put the key in the door and opened it slowly. As she walked in she looked over to the sofa to see a startled Abi jump up off the sofa.

“Hi Abi.” Maya smiled at the sight of her best friend in just her bra and jeans, which were unbuttoned. Then Maya saw who she was with and her eyes bulged out of their sockets.

“Austin? Hi!” she smiled looking at Abi for an explanation.

“Maya, hey, I wasn’t expecting you home so soon. Hi Brian.” She said turning a beautiful deep shade of red.

“Obviously not.” Maya was trying hard to keep a straight face. “So when did you two hook up?”

“Um, well, I um,“ she blushed more with every stutter.

“Ignore her Abi. Come on you stop embarrassing the poor girl!” Brian said taking hold of her hand and leading her towards her bedroom.

“It’s about time those two got together.” Maya said dumping her bag and bike stuff in the corner of her room. She turned to be taken into Brian’s tattooed arms.

“Now. What was it I said we’d have plenty of time to do when we got home?” she smirked as her lips crashed against his.


“Zack and Gena are going to meet us at that Deli we went to before.” Brian said reading the message he’d just received from Zack.

“Ok babe.” Maya replied simply as she finished applying her eye shadow.

“I hope Austin’s working.” She added with a devious grin.

“Baby! Don’t be mean” Brian warned with a smirk.

“Ok, I’ll leave Austin alone. I’ll have my fun with Abi.” She smiled as she grabbed her purse and jacket.

“You ready?” Brian nodded and followed her out of the apartment, taking a hold of her hand in his.

Thankfully Austin wasn’t working so Maya didn’t have to hold back the urge to comment on the noises coming from Abi’s room the night before. Apparently though Gena had somehow been able to come to the conclusion that her and Brian had slept together at some time during the weekend. Apparently there were ‘signs’ and one of them was that they both blushed when she mentioned it or rather kept on about it and they both found it easier to give in and just admit that they’d had sex!

The four of them walked into the pub ready for Maya to start her shift. A large smile appeared across Maya’s face as she saw who was sat at the end of the bar with Mike.

“Hey Mikey. Miss me?” she asked bouncing up to him, dragging Brian along with her.

“Austin, hey, sorry it took me a second to recognise you.” She said using all her will power not to laugh.

“Hey Maya.” He replied shyly blushing. Abi shot her a look from half way down the bar and Brian gave her a playful tap on her arm.

“Did you have a good weekend?” Mike asked ignoring what had been going on. Maya nodded.

“She did if the screams coming from her room last night are anything to go by!” Abi stated glaring at Maya with a devilish smirk. Maya knew she was blushing but she didn’t care anymore.

“Say’s you who’s drinking hot lemon and whisky for the very same reason.” Mike laughed as did Maya, Brian, Zack and Gena. Austin blushed as did Abi as she glared at Mike.

“Hey, don’t give me evils; I’m just jealous that I’m not getting any.” Mike laughed holding up his hands.

“Maya, you’re with Bridget today, but you’re in charge. We just need to work with you for the next couple of weeks to make sure you’re doing stuff right then you can pass your licensee training at the end of October.” He said getting up and clearing his cup away, getting ready to leave.

“Licensee training?” Maya asked confused. Mike nodded.

“Yeah. Me and Bridget thought we’d enter you for the test on the 24th of October.” Mike explained.

“Oh my god. So I’ll be a manager by the end of the month?” she screeched excitedly and again Mike nodded.

“Does that mean you could get moved soon though?” Brian asked sadly. Again Mike nodded.

“I don’t want you to move any further away from Me.” he whined wrapping his body around hers.

“Hey, you never know it may be closer to you; I know there’s a rumour about them looking at some bars down the coast.” Mike said and Brian’s eyes lit up.

The bar was as quiet as a usual Monday evening. Brian Zack and Gena were still sat at the bar with Maya and Bridget. Bridget was asking her questions about bar work to make sure she knew what she was doing.

“You know Mike thinks that you could easily pass the licensee test and become a fully qualified bar manager before Halloween.” She said as Maya answered another one of her questions to her satisfaction. Maya’s eye’s grew wide.

“Yeah he did tell me that you two had decided to put me up for it. When were you going to tell me about it?”

“The day before?” She shrugged with a smile.

“Hey! Speaking of Halloween.” Gena interrupted. “We always have a big party as it’s my birthday as well. You will come won’t you?” she asked. Maya looked at Bridget for an
answer. She didn’t look too hopeful.

“I don’t know. You know it’s one of the busiest nights of the year and I’m sure Kat’s got holidays booked at the end of the month as well” she looked as disappointed as Maya and the others, but there was nothing she could do about it.

“Sorry babe.” Bridget apologised.

“Hey it’s not your fault. I’ll just have to go down some other time.” Maya replied feeling Brian tighten his grip around her waist.

“Um guys, we’ve gotta get going pretty soon. It’s a long drive back.” Zack said. Brian groaned and held Maya closer to him.

“I don’t wanna go.” He whispered into her ear.

“I know, but you’ve gotta get back, you’ve got band stuff to do in the morning.” She replied.

“What if I quit the band!” he whined.

“Brian don’t be an idiot. You can’t quit the band. Just come up at the weekend if you can.”
She replied turning in his arms to face him. She smiled as he looked at her with his puppy dog eyes and a pouting lip. She reached up to kiss him but nipped at his lip instead.

“Ow” he called pulling back. Maya smirked with a glint in her eye and then kissed him properly.

”I love you” he whispered, looking into her eyes.

“I love you too” she replied staring straight back.

“I’ll probably come up at the weekend.” He said before they exchanged another brief kiss.

“I’ll ring you later.” She said as they parted company at the pub door.

“Make sure you do.” Brian ordered kissing her forehead before letting go of her hand and walking slowly away with Zack and Gena.
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Hope you all had a lovely Christmas! I did...apart from the past two days where I've been forced to spend time with my overly annoying Sister!
Anyway, hope you enjoyed the update.... as always comments are loved =)