Status: Complete

For Reasons Unknown

Chapter 23

“Ok. So I don’t want to add to the pressure but by the time you get back Rob from head office will be here. There’s been some talk about some new bars opening up and he’ll need a manager for one of them.” Mike said as Maya prepared to go and take her licensee test. Maya’s eyes widened as she took in all that he’d just said.

“Oh thanks Mike! Like I’m not nervous enough already!” she yelled sarcastically. She was a little nervous about the test but knew that she should pass it with ease.

“Hey come on you’ll be fine. I’ll see you back here once you’ve finished waving your certificate in my face.” he said reassuringly.

“Ok, I’ll see you soon.” She said grabbing her helmet. She was taking the test in one of the council offices downtown. As she reached her bike her cell phone began to ring and she knew immediately that it was a message from Brian.

“Good luck babe. You’ll do fine. Ring me once you’ve finished. Love you.” She smiled as she read it and pressed reply.

“Thanks babe. Love you too.” She sent the message and got on her bike.

A little over an hour later Maya was sat in a small waiting room waiting for her results. It was a simple multiple choice test and Maya was pretty confident that she’d gotten the 95% she needed to pass. She sipped her latte slowly as she replied to five messages with one reply. Brian, Abi, Bridget, Mike and Leana had text her asking how the test had gone.

“Think it went ok. Just waiting for the results. Text you as soon as I know.” She sent and took another sip of her drink. Just as another message came through Maya was interrupted by the test invigilator came into the room. She quickly closed her phone and put it back in her pocket as the invigilator began to talk.

“Ok, when I call out your name step forward to receive your results.” She said and started calling out names. In turn they were given a small brown envelope. Then it was Maya’s turn. She stepped forward and took the envelope from the woman and made her way out of the room. She walked all the way out of the building and over to where she had parked the bike holding the envelope tightly in her grasp.

Slowly she opened it up and took out two pieces of paper. The first one she looked at was her test paper, marked with a grade on the top. A smile grew quickly across her face as she read the score marked in red pen at the top of the page. 98%. She’d passed. The second paper was further proof that she’d passed. It was her certificate. With a yelp of joy she took her phone back out of her pocket. She really didn’t know who to tell first so she decided to send a mass message that simply read

“98% - I’ve fucking passed!” and sent it to almost everyone in her contacts list.

Before she could do anything else Brian’s number was flashing up on the screen.

“Hey!” she yelled cheerfully

“Fucking well done babe. I knew you’d pass” he yelled back sounding as excited as what she was.

“Yeah, it’s fucking awesome!”

“I can’t wait to see you so we can celebrate.” Brian said suggestively. Maya sighed.

“Yeah, but when will that be? I haven’t got a day off until the end of next week. And you’ve got band stuff too.”

“I know babe, it sucks but we’ll get together next weekend hopefully.” He replied.

“Ok, I’ll look forward to it. Bye babe, I’ll talk to you later.” She answered.

“Bye babe.” He replied and hung up. Whilst she’d been on the phone she’d had 14 replies congratulating her. She read them all quickly and set off back to the pub.

“Congratulations Maya. 98% that’s an excellent score. More than what Michael got if I remember rightly.” Rob said shaking Maya’s hand. Maya blushed as Mike nodded his head.

“I only scored 94%” Mike admitted.

“Now Maya, I was hoping to have a word with you.” Rob said gesturing for her to join him, Bridget and Mike at their table.

“We have recently taken over a few bars along the Californian coast and are looking for young, new managers to run them. Now from what I understand, and judging by your test score, you are probably one of the best trainee managers this company has and I’d like to give you the opportunity to prove yourself at one of the ne bars.” Maya’s eyes widened as she listened to what he had to say as did her smile.

“So would you be willing to give it a go?”

“Where would I have to move to?” Maya asked half excited, half nervous.

“Well, we currently have two bars that need a new manager. One in Bakersfield.” Maya smiled. That was at least two hours closer to Brian. That would be almost perfect.

“The other one is on PCH in Huntington beach.” He added.

Maya couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Oh my god really? Huntington beach?” she rushed, checking that she had heard him correctly.

“Yes really, does that one spark an interest?” Maya nodded enthusiastically.

“Isn’t that where Brian lives?” Bridget asked and again Maya nodded.

“You already know someone living there?” Rob enquired

“My boyfriend and his friends.” Maya replied enthusiastically.

“Oh lovely. So I guess I can appoint you the new manager of our Huntington Beach bar. Congratulations.” He concluded holding out his hand.

“Thank-you so much. I won’t let you down.” Maya said shaking his hand.

“I’m sure you won’t.” Rob chuckled. “Now we aim to open the weekend after Halloween, so we need you down there ASAP. There’s a small flat above the pub where you can live and Bridget and Mike have told me that there is another member of staff here that may be willing to transfer with you – Abi is it?”

“Yeah, I would love it if she’d come too.” Maya cheered. Rob then continued to explain all about the pub and what needed to be done before it opened. It needed to be decorated and there were a few more staff that needed to be hired and Rob wanted Maya to help with the interviews. As she took in all that Rob was saying she couldn’t help but imagine the look on Brian’s face when he found out. It was in those moments that she decided to surprise him.

“Babe I’m sorry, but celebrating will have to wait. Mike’s ill and so I’ve got to cover most of his shifts. It’ll definitely be next weekend now before I get some time to myself.” Maya apologised hoping that he couldn’t tell that she was lying to him. She already had a plan for surprising him. She heard Brian sigh on the other end of the phone.

“Ok, but I get to celebrate with you for an entire day – just the two of us – when we do meet up.” he whined. Maya nodded, happy that she’d been able to convince him and keep the secret. So far so good. They talked for a little while longer as Maya began to make a list of the things that needed to be done before she left. There was just so much to do and it was going to be so hard to keep it all from Brian for the next week. After saying her good-byes to Brian she decided to put her plan into action and dialled Gena’s number.

“Maya hi! What can I do for you?” she asked on answering.

“Hey Gena. I need a huge favour.” Maya replied

“What do you need Hun?” she said intrigued.

“Ok, I’m going to tell you something – but I want to keep it as a surprise from Brian.” Maya began to explain.

“Ooh, what is it – I love secrets.” She said excitedly.

“Well, um, I’ve been made manager of a pub.” She began but was cut off by a sequel from Gena.

“Congratulations honey. Where?”

“This is the best part! Down on PCH.” Maya explained.

“Huntington?” Gena questioned unbelievably.

“Yeah Huntington. I’ve got to start packing ASAP, I’m moving down on Saturday”

“This Saturday? Oh My God that’s fucking awesome. So when will you be telling Brian and how can I help?”

“Well, with this new job I can be down in Huntington for Halloween and come to your party.” Maya began to explain her plan to Gena.

“Ok, so I’ll see you in a couple of days, we’ll meet up and talk through the plan before the party.” Gena said excitedly after listening to Maya’s plan.

“Yeah I’ll give you a ring when I get down there.” Maya replied before hanging up.

Maya spent the rest of the evening pottering around looking for stuff that she would need to pack and also got together some cases, boxes and parcel tape ready for when she started packing in the morning.

She only stopped when Abi returned from work.

“Are you coming with me?” Maya asked as her best friend walked through the apartment.

“Do you really think I’d let you move over 5 hours away from me if there was a chance to come with?” Maya screeched and hugged Abi.

“What about you and Austin?”

“A long distance relationship has worked for you and Brian. It can work for us.” She replied optimistically.

“And if not he can move his ass down to Huntington with us.” She added.

“So? What did Brian say? Bet he’s freaking out!” Abi asked as they both collapsed on the sofa.

“I’m telling him at Gena’s birthday slash Halloween party.” She explained making the slash sign with her hand.

“You’re going to surprise him?” she confirmed as Maya nodded with a smirk on her face.

“He thinks I’m working solid until next weekend and he’s busy doing band stuff so we’ve arranged for him to come up next weekend.” She explained.

“Oh, I’d love to see the look on his face when you turn up at the party!” Abi said excitedly.

“Yeah me too” she replied with a smirk which turned into a yawn.

“I’m shattered, do you fancy a hot chocolate before I head to bed?” she asked through another yawn. Abi nodded through a yawn as Maya lifted herself off the couch.
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I decided to update before the end of the year,before I go and get ready to go out...... and if I get a chapter or two finished tomorrow I'll update again =) Comments are always loved