Status: Complete

For Reasons Unknown

Chapter 24

Three days later Maya had finished unpacking her stuff in her new apartment that was situated above the bar. Abi would be joining her at the end of the week as she had to stay on in Stockton as Kat had a week off and Abi had to cover her as until they hired new bar staff.

The pub itself was almost ready to open. It was painted, all the furniture was in and ready; it just needed a few more members of staff, glasses and the important thing that every bar needs – Alcohol!

Maya was holding interviews with rob on Monday; the glasses and bar equipment was arriving Tuesday and the alcohol was arriving Wednesday and Thursday ready for the bar to open on Friday evening.

On Sunday Maya had been told that she was going to be training up Abi to be her deputy manager and also met the two other bar staff that had already been hired.
There was Daniel, who’d worked part-time in the LA bar when he was at college and Jemima who had worked in bars around Huntington since she’d turned 21.

It was hard though. She was so close to Brian and she wanted to tell him every time he called or texted her. She was amazed that she’d managed to keep her secret for the entire week. On her second day in Huntington she almost spotted by Jimmy at the store but luckily enough he was distracted by a sales assistant giving away a free sample of a new chocolate. She quickly made her exit and kept going out to a minimum and even had to get Gena to help her with a few things.

“Gena I’m telling you, I’ll be glad to get tonight over and done with. I’m getting a little too good at lying and making stuff up. It’s a bit scary.” Maya explained as she wandered around the bar waiting for the beer delivery.

“I know Hun, but it’s only like, another five hours – just think about the look on his face when he finds out.”

“Yeah I-“

“And all the hot sex you’ll get tonight!” she yelled, almost deafening Maya before they both

“Yeah, that’s a good point, and I’ll...oh for fucks sake!” Maya yelled turning away from the window.

“What?” Gena asked to her sudden silence.

“Matt and Val walking down the street, right outside the bar.” Maya explained. Gena giggled.

“Five hours sweetie. Give me a ring when you’re here.”

“Yeah, thanks Hun, see you soon.”

Maya suddenly found herself feeling nervous as she dialled Gena’s number, standing outside her house, ready to find Brian.

“Hey! Are you outside?” Gena asked in a hushed voice with music blaring in the background.

“Yeah! Come and get me!” Maya demanded. Within seconds Gena was emerging through her front door still holding her phone to her ear, dressed as wonder woman.

“Oh my God, you look amazing! Brian is going to flip when he sees you.” She yelled as they approached each other.

“Then why the fuck am I feeling so nervous?”

“God knows Hun, but you’ll be fine, come on, you can’t let the man wait too much longer he’s being miserable and has started drowning his sorrows in vodka.” Gena said taking hold of her hand and pulling her towards the house.

“There he is-“Gena said pointing out Brian once they’d made it through the living room full of people. Maya looked across to where she was pointing and could see Brian sullenly sat at the kitchen counter sipping what she assumed to be vodka. She took a deep breath before turning to Gena.

“Happy birthday Hun.” She said passing her a card and a small gift bag.

Before Gena could reply Maya had already started walking off towards Brian.

“Hey sexy, do you want to dance?” Maya whispered into Brian’s ear as she got closer to him, moving from behind him to his side, running a finger down his spine.

“Only with my girlfriend.” he mumbled looking up at her briefly as he pulled away from her touch. Maya sighed deeply.

“Well then I guess you just got lucky.” She whispered against his ear, ignoring the fact that he was pulling away from her. She stood up straight again and waited with a smile for him to realise who she was.”

“Listen. I have a girl- Maya?” he yelled before fusing his lips against hers in a breathtaking kiss. They stumbled backwards through the force of the kiss and she moaned loudly in pleasure as his tongue caressed hers. They pulled out of the passionate kiss, breathless and smiling at each other.

“How are you here?” Brian asked in a confused whisper, his hands holding onto her firmly at the hips, staring into her eyes.

“I wanted to surprise you, and there’s something I’ve got to tell you.” Maya replied smiling broadly at him.

“What is it?” Brian asked all serious looking all of a sudden. Maya took a deep breath.

“I’ve been made manager of my own bar.” Maya replied still smiling. Brian’s face dropped.

“How far away?” he asked solemnly, fearing the worst.

“From here? Oh about half a mile!” she replied casually, watching his face change.

“Half a mile?” he repeated confused.

“On PCH.” Maya elaborated as his face changed again, this time to one of shock and happiness.

“On PCH? Really? You’re going to be working here in Huntington?” with every question Maya nodded her answer, her smile widening.

“I’ve actually been here since Saturday. The bar opens Friday.” Maya explained. Brian’s eyes almost popped out of his head.

“You’ve been here since Saturday?” he yelled as Maya nodded quietly.

“Oh my God. I can’t believe this. You have really moved down to Huntington? We can see each other every day?” again with every question Maya nodded her answer.

“Yeah! Isn’t it cool?” Gena yelled interrupting the pair. She and the others had been watching them from the doorway almost the entire time.

“Did you know about this?” Brian asked.

Gena nodded enthusiastically “It’s been killing me!” she added as Brian’s gaze returned to Maya. His forehead came to rest on hers, their lips just millimetres apart.

“I love you, and I’ve missed you so much.” He whispered. Maya didn’t need to answer with words. She just allowed their lips to touch and let themselves be taken into another soft, slow, passionate kiss.

“I guess it’s now my turn to tell you something.” Brian whispered, kissing the end of her nose gently. The smile on Maya’s face faltered slightly.

“What is it?” she asked nervously.

“Not here” Brian said eyeing up their group of friends who were mostly still congregated watching them. He took hold of her hand and began to gently guide her through the mass of people towards the stairs.

“Make sure you use one of the spare rooms.” Zack yelled after them, to which Brian replied by flipping him off. Brian led Maya down the upstairs hallway to a small spare room going by the boxes stacked in the corner and the two unstrung guitars beside the bed.

Brian sat down on the edge of the bed and gently pulled Maya to sit next to him.

“So what’s this thing you’ve got to tell me?” Maya asked through a nervous laugh.
♠ ♠ ♠
HAPPY NEW YEAR to all my readers and subscribers! Hope you enjoyed the update!
I'm in a good mood so if I get enough comments I may just update again tomorrow when I get home from my shopping trip! =)
Maya's costume