Status: Complete

For Reasons Unknown

Chapter 26

“Babe! You’ve got to go!” Maya groaned as she tried to sort out the bar. Brian was supposed to be helping but kept on distracting her.

“But I’m helping!” he whined pretending to polish the t-bars.

“No! You’re distracting me, and don’t take this the wrong way “ she began as she walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

“– cos any other time I’d welcome the distraction and if this was any other day I’d have taken you back up stairs by now-“ these last few words had turned Brian’s pout into a large smile.

“Today – Today I am too stressed to even think of the things we could be doing.” She continued as his smiled faltered slightly.

“So, you are going to go, so I can finish this before the other’s arrive for the staff meeting, and you are going to come back just after seven with the other guys, and then when it’s all over and all my stress has gone, I’m going to take you upstairs and reward your patients.”
She whispered seductively and kissed him briefly on the lips. She felt him smile against his lips and pulled away to see a naughty smirk on his face.

“Are your rewards as good as your punishments?”

“Even better.” She whispered her reply as she nibbled on his earlobe. A growl emitted from his throat as he pulled away.

“Ok, I’ll see you at about 7.” He said kissing her briefly before breaking away from her and turning to leave. Maya followed him to the door where he stopped and picked something up off the floor.

“You’ve got mail!” he said in a sing-song voice, turning around and waving the envelope in her face.

“Ooh, my first bit of – Oh my God” she said snatching the letter from his hand and studying the handwriting on the envelope. Her eye widened and a smile appeared on her face as she ripped open the envelope.

“It’s from my dad!” she smiled as she pulled the card from the envelope.

“Your dad?” Brian replied a little shocked and confused. She’d never mentioned her family before.

“Yeah.” She replied simply as tears welled up in her eyes as she read the words he’d written.

“To My Beautiful Angel.
I am so sorry I can’t be with you on your special day. You wouldn’t believe how proud I am of you for what you’ve achieved, and for getting through these past couple of months. I should have been there to support you.
Good luck for today (I hope this card made it in time), I’ll be over to see you soon I promise before Christmas.
I love you baby girl. Love from Dad, Charlotte, Becky and Gavin.”

Maya blinked away the tears that were threatening to escape her eyes.

“Everything ok?” Brian questioned. Maya looked up at him with a smile and nodded.

“Yeah, it’s just that I miss my dad so much. He lives in Florida, so I don’t get to see him much.” She explained.

“How about your mom?” Brian asked.

“I don’t see her at all.” She said frowning and Brian gave her a questioning look.

“This is not the time to explain about her” Maya began. “But if you really want to know I’ll tell you when I’m not so stressed out.” She concluded.

“Babe you don’t have to tell me anything about your family and past.” Brian protested.

“I know, but it’s ok, I don’t mind you knowing, it’s just that here and know is not the right time and place.” She explained.
“I’ll see you in a few hours.” She added smiling at him again.

“Ok, I’ll see you later. I love you.” He replied placing a soft kiss on her lips before leaving.


For the millionth time Maya checked herself in the mirror, adjusting her outfit again. Gena had come over to do her hair and makeup and had just left to go and get herself ready.
The bar was opening in about an hour and Maya was about to go down to make sure everything was ready. Her staff and some of head office people were going to be arriving shortly to have a good luck drink before the opened. Deciding that she looked ok and that it was way too late to do anything about it anyway, Maya grabbed her purse and bar keys and headed down the stairs to the bar.

As she turned on the lights there was a knock at the door. She opened it to find Daniel, Jemima, Craig, and Sophie all waiting outside.

“Now that’s good to see.” Maya began as she opened the door wide enough for them to walk in. “Eagar, punctual staff.” She added as she bolted the door behind them.

“So what’s the deal boss.” Craig asked cheerfully as they returned from taking their things to the staff room.

“Well, firstly you can get us all a drink while I go through the ‘agenda’.” Maya said quoting the air.

“What do you guys want?” she asked as the others joined her around the long table. They all gave their orders and Craig set about getting them.

“Right, so the first thing we’ve got to do is set up the bar ready. Rob and a few other’s from head office will be here shortly to have a good luck drink with us.” She began to run through the agenda once Craig had returned with their drinks.

“Right then guys and girls, a toast, to you guys and the opening of The Talisman.” Rob said holding up his glass of champagne. Everyone joined him in the toast and took a sip from their own glasses.

“Maya. A few words?” Rob asked looking at Maya to speak. Maya blushed, unprepared to say anything.

“Um, well, I um, just want to say thank you, first of all to you Rob, for giving me this wonderful opportunity and secondly I would like to thank my new team of staff. I hope this is the beginning for a brilliant, successful bar. Good luck tonight guys. Have fun.” She said raising
her glass. Again everyone joined in the toast.

“Ok, it’s nearing 7, let’s get ready to open.” Rob said glancing at the watch on his wrist.

“Ok guys, Sophie and Daniel I want you running the bar to begin with, Craig I want you there too but I also want you out on the floor, collecting glasses, keeping the floor clean, re-stocking the bar when it needs to be done. Jem, you’re going to be on the front door with me, greeting people with their free shots.” Maya explained and everyone nodded.

“Good evening ladies, welcome to The Talisman, Jem will give you your free shot, hope you enjoy your night!” Maya greeted a group of young women as they entered the bar.

“Thanks, we will.” One of the girls replied as she took her shot from Jem and downed it quickly.

It was only just quarter past seven and the bar was already reasonably busy. She turned to look in towards the bar to check that everyone was ok behind the bar and exchanged a reassuring nod with Daniel.

“Holy shit, it’s the guys from Avenged Sevenfold.” Jem screeched. Maya turned her head quickly to see the guys walking down the street towards the bar. She smiled as she saw Brian walking slightly in front of the others.

“Oh my god, it’s Synyster fucking Gates. He’s one hot piece of ass, and his girlfriend isn’t with him.” Jem said and Maya shot her an amused look as the guys came closer.

“Sorry boss, but the things I would do to him...” she trailed off quietly as they stopped, each of them smiling.

“Good evening, welcome to The Talisman.” Maya smiled up at them all as Brian took a step forward.

“Hey, beautiful. Things going ok?” he whispered leaning in to kiss her. Their lips met briefly in a soft, sweet kiss.

“Perfectly so far.” She replied leaning in for another kiss.

“I’ve got to stay out her for the meet and greet for a while, I’ll be in to see you as soon as I can.” She added before kissing him again.

“Ok babe, see you in a bit.” He replied kissing her forehead before taking a shot off the tray Jem was holding. Maya couldn’t help but smile at the look on Jem’s face. She was stood there open mouthed, staring at Brian.

“Hey, looking good boss lady” Jimmy yelled leaning down to give Maya a hug and a kiss on her cheek.

“Why thank you Mr. Sullivan.” Maya laughed as he let go of her and proceeded to take a shot off the tray Jem was holding. She was still stood there in complete shock. Maya was then quickly greeted by Leana, Zacky, Gena, Matt, Val, Lacey, Johnny and the Berry’s before they all took a shot off the tray.

“I’ll see you all later.” Maya yelled after them as they all made their way towards the bar to get a drink.

“Jem are you ok?” Maya asked noticing that she still looked a little shocked.

“You’re his...He’s your...?” she managed to say, pointing back towards Brian.

“Yes. Synyster Gates is my boyfriend.” She explained slowly trying to hold back a laugh.

“Oh. My. God, I’m sorry! I had no idea! If I’d known I wouldn’t have said all that stuff about...”

“About him being a hot piece of ass and the things you would do to him...” Maya said finding it hard to keep a straight face.

“Maya, I’m sorry, I um, oh god please don’t fire me!” Jem stuttered.

“Fire you? Jem, don’t be stupid, I’m not angry at you” she stopped to greet another group of people as they walked into the bar.

“As I was saying. I’m not angry at you. You’re right. He is a hot piece of ass. And there are plenty of things that I have loved doing with him and to him!” she said with a playful smirk. Jem smiled back.

“I can’t believe that my boss is dating Synyster fucking Gates. Does this mean that the A7X guys will be here all the time?” she asked smiling and Maya nodded.

“Probably, when they’re not on tour anyway!” Maya smiled.

“You better refill that tray of shots quickly.” She added as another two guys wandered into the bar.

“Hey, I thought you may want a drink.” Brian said handing her a glass of coke. “And I wanted to come over here and see you.” He said blushing slightly as he leaned down to give her a kiss on the cheek.

“Thanks babe.” She replied taking a sip. “The doormen should be here soon so I’ll be able to come in and spend some time with you.” She added.

“What’s with the band stuff set up on the stage?” he asked pointing up at the small stage area.

“Oh that’s for the Band-e-oke band.” She began to explain as a confused look appeared on Brian’s face.

“It’s like Karaoke but with a live band. We had it a few times up in Stockton.” She explained and Brian nodded his understanding.

“Sounds like fun, are you going to have a turn?”

“Not if I can help it” she replied

“There she is! The big boss lady!” Maya’s eyes widened and her head snapped around at the sound of a familiar voice.

“Oh my God! Abi! What are...Austin? Damien? Mike? Kat?” she yelled seeing the others stood behind Abi.

“We’ve come to support you!” Abi yelled pulling Maya into a hug.

“But who’s looking after the pub if you’re all here?” Maya asked completely confused.

“Me and Bridget flipped a coin to decide who would stay and train up the two new bar staff we’ve had to hire. She lost so I’ve driven these lot down to support you.” Mike explained.

“Oh my god. I can’t believe you guys!” Maya yelled smiling broadly at her friends.

“Hey, it was a good excuse to get absolutely wasted!” Damien chimed in with a smirk.

“Oh thanks Damo!” she yelled playfully hitting him on his arm.

“Only joking honey” he said pulling her into a hug and kissing her cheek.

“Just go and get yourselves a drink, I’ll be in shortly.” Maya said ushering them all through the door.

“I’ll come and find you once the doormen are here.” She said stretching up to kiss Brian.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the first of three chapters covering the opening night of the new bar....
I've also been doing some maths and I've got 113 subscribers with 86 comments from 43 different readers.... That works out at 70 of you haven't commented yet... so let's see if i can get some comments off those anonomus readers hey!!! That's not to say that you others can't comment mind.... =)