Status: Complete

For Reasons Unknown

Chapter 27

Once the doormen had taken over on the door Maya spent some time with Brian and the rest of her friends but also had to keep an eye on the bar and her staff and mingle with the guys from head office.

“Sorry for interrupting your night guys” Maya started as she spoke into the Mike on the stage.

“But I’ve been told to come and say a few words before Band-e-oke starts. I would just like to say a big thank you for you all coming here tonight and I hope to see a lot of you on a regular basis.” She began as a crowd formed and most of the customers stood still to listen to what she had to say.

“I would also like to thank Rob and the guys from head office for giving me this opportunity – I will not let you down, and to Mike and of course Bridget, who can’t be here tonight for employing me two years ago in Stockton and training me up so that I was able to take this job. And finally I would like to thank my friends who have supported me; all you guys from Stockton, I’m going to miss you all loads, and to Brian and all my friends in Huntington, I love you guys as well and thank you for making me feel welcome, it’s really made the process easier.” She continued smiling over at Brian.

“And that’s it really, all I’ve got to do now is hand over to the band-e-oke guys and hope you all enjoy the rest of your night.” she added and went to leave the stage.

“Um, Maya, before you go, we all thought that it would be appropriate if you were our first singer tonight.” The guitarist of the band said into the Mike, causing her to stop and turn around to face him, a look of horror on her face.

“Come on now Maya, I know you’ve got a good voice, get back on this stage.” He said with a wide smile spread across his face. Maya just shook her head frantically.

“You all think she should get up here and sing don’t you?” he called into the crowd. Maya turned to see everyone cheer in favour, including Brian and the guys who were all nodding enthusiastically. She turned back as she felt someone grab her hand. It was the bassist dragging her up on stage.

“Come on, your friends from Stockton have picked out a song for you and everything.” He said handing her the microphone.

“Oh my god, what song have they chosen?” Maya asked worried.

“Abi told us that it was your favourite song to sing up in Stockton.” The bassist said with a smile as Maya went pale, knowing what song it was. Abi was a bitch.

“No, I can’t. Not that song. Have you seen who’s in here tonight?” Maya pleaded as the band just smiled back at her, the guitarist pressing a little button on the remote of the lyrics screen.

“After three.” The drummer yelled ready to count them all in as the words of the first line of the song appeared on the screen.

“Oh fuck” Maya mumbled into the mic, taking a deep breath.

“One, two three.” The drummer yelled tapping the beat out on his drumsticks.

“Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost It's empty and cold without you here, too many people to ache over”
Maya began singing quietly, making sure she avoided eye contact with any of Avenged Sevenfold and the girls. She stared at the lyrics screen even though she didn’t need it as she knew every word.

It was funny though, the effect this song had on her. She soon forgot her fears and allowed the song to take over. Her eyes left the screen and she began to walk around the stage

“Will you take you take a journey tonight? Follow me past the walls of death? But girl, what if there is no eternal life?”
she continued to sing, daring to glace around the crowd. She was glad to see most of the customers carrying on with their night, some just singing along if they knew the words. Then just as his solo kicked in her eyes fell on Brian. He was smiling like a kid with free pickings in a candy store. She smiled back and glanced around at the others who were smiling just as much. She was smiling so much back at them that she almost lost her cue.

As the song finished Maya was met by a loud round of applause with a few whistles and cheers thrown in as well.

“Thank you Maya, now, who else wants to come and have a go?” the guitarist said as she handed him the microphone and ran off the stage into the waiting arms of Brian.

“That was awesome. I never knew you could sing.” He said after kissing her.

“It’s not like I’ve got a fantastic voice, I only do singing on karaoke and when I’m cleaning.” She replied.

“Now, I’ll be back shortly, I’ve just gotta go and kill my best friend.” She added pecking his lips as she spotted Abi smiling at her.

“Abigail Key, I’m going to fucking kill you! I know that was all your doing!” Maya yelled as she approached Abi who was trying to hind behind Austin.

“It wasn’t just me! It was Damien as well!” she yelled from behind Austin’s back.

“I know you must have been the ring leader, of all the songs you could have gotten me to sing!”

“Oh come on, you sang it brilliantly, all the guys enjoyed it!” Austin yelled with a smile.

“Thanks Austin, but that really isn’t the point here!” Maya replied.

“Ok I’m sorry, I won’t do it again, but admit it – you enjoyed yourself up there!” Abi said moving to Austin’s side.

Maya had to admit it. Abi was right. After the initial shock she did enjoy herself up there, she always did enjoy karaoke, and the guys did seem to like it as well.

“Ok, I forgive you, but next time give me some warning, especially if the original singer is stood in the room with me.” Maya replied with a smile.

“Ok deal!” Abi replied smiling back at her.

“Shit is it that time already? I’ve got to start giving these guys their breaks” she said

“Honey, do me a favour, tell Brian that I’m going to be covering these guys for a bit but once I’ve done that I’ll come and spend some time with him.” Maya asked Abi as she made her way around the bar.abi nodded and tuned to look for Brian.

“Ok, Daniel, go and have your break, be back in 20 minutes.” Maya said as Daniel finished serving one of the customers.

“Ok, cheers.” He said simply and disappeared.

“When he comes back, Sophie you can have your break, then I’ll give Craig his and then Jem you can have yours.” Maya said as she served a customer. They all nodded in acceptance and carried on with what they were doing.

“And 5 cents change. Thank you.” Maya said to the customer as she handed her the change with a smile.

“A double vodka please.” Maya smiled as she looked over to see Brian leaning against the bar.

“On ice?” she asked with a smirk, leaning down to get a glass for his drink. He nodded so Maya turned to get his drink.

“Anything else?” Maya smirked as she handed him the glass. Before he gave his answer he quickly drank his drink.

“Another one please beautiful.” He said passing the glass back to her, licking his lips. She smiled at him and poured him another double vodka. There was no need to re-fill the ice as he hadn’t given it time to melt. Again he took it quickly drank it before Maya could turn to serve the next customer.

“Another?” Maya asked raising her eyebrows and taking the glass from him again. This time Maya added a little more ice and proceeded to fill the glass with vodka.

“Make this one last a little longer; I do have other customers who need serving.” She said quietly into his ear, not taking her hand off the glass until she had pulled away from him fully.

“I’ve got to find some way to spend time with my girlfriend!” he growled as he took a sip and Maya began to serve the next customer. She turned and glared at him.

“Brian. Do not start. You know I’ve got to work. I’ll be able to spend some time with you once I’ve covered breaks.” She growled through gritted teeth.

“Take your time.” he muttered under his breath before he turned and stormed off towards the dance floor.

“He can be so childish!” she mumbled as she continued to serve her customers.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I was going to update last night but my computer was being a motherfucker and kept timing out on me =(
But I am hopefully getting a new laptop on Sunday =)
Comments? =) Please...... go on you know you really want to....