Status: Complete

For Reasons Unknown

Chapter 28

Maya continued to serve the customers as she covered the staff’s breaks. It was quiet enough for her to decide to send both Craig and Jemima on their break at the same time. She also knew that this way she could get to spend some time with Brian sooner. That’s if he was talking to her. She hadn’t seen him since he’d stormed off.

“Six dollars fifty.” Maya said as she placed the customer’s drinks onto the bar. As Maya handed her the change Val and Lacey appeared in front of her at the bar.

“Hey guys what can I get you?” Maya asked cheerfully.

“A tray of those Sour shots that you were handing out free earlier.” Lacey requested.

“Sure thing.” Maya said turning to get a tray of shot glasses and a bottle of said sour shots.

“Where’s Brian? Is he still in a mood with me?” Maya asked as she poured the shots.

“Well, um, he’s actually up there dancing with one of your friends, Kat is it?” Lacey said. Maya’s eyes almost popped out of her head in shock.

“What? With Kat?” Maya replied over filling one of the shot glasses before Val took the bottle out of her hand.

“Honey, it’s all innocent, nothing to worry about.” She tried to reassure her.

“Not with Kat it’s not innocent!” Maya said quietly before she turned and walked back down the bar to where she could see the dance floor. She felt her heart skip a beat when she caught sight of Brian and Kat on the dance floor together, Kat grinding her ass into Brian’s crotch as his hands rested on her hips. She turned, feeling a lump form in her throat as she grabbed her phone off the back bar and began to write a message.

“Get your ass away from that whore and over here.” She hit send and watched as seconds later Brian took his cell out of his pocket, moving a disgruntled Kat away from him as he did so. She watched him turn his head to look at her and began to walk over towards her. She smiled at him and walked into the glass wash room and he followed her in, stopping and leaning up against the door frame.

“Not jealous that someone is actually spending some time with me are you?” he said with a smirk. Maya whipped around and glared at him.

“Why are you being like this Brian?” she whispered as she felt tears fill her eyes. The smirk on Brian’s face quickly disappeared when he saw the look on Maya’s face.

“Babe, I’m sorry please don’t cry.” He whispered stepping forward, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into his chest.

“Maya, please don’t cry, I’m sorry, I was just pissed off and she just started dancing with me.” he rambled as she sniffed back tears.

“She stole Andrew Griffiths off me in 9th grade; she is not going to steal you as well.” Maya mumbled into his shirt.

“Babe what are you on about?” he asked pulling her away from him with a confused look on his face.

“That’s why I hate her so much. She stole my boyfriend from me and I’m not going to let her steal you from me as well.” She explained as a few tears slipped down her cheeks.

Brian let out a small laugh. “Babe, I’m not going anywhere, no one is going to steal me away from you. I’m yours.” He said cupping her face and gently wiping the tears from her face before kissing her softly on her lips. He pulled his lips back slightly from hers and placed his forehead against hers.

“I fucking love you.” He whispered and kissed her nose.

“I love you too. Sorry I freaked out and haven’t spent much time with you.” She replied in a whisper.

“And I’m sorry for acting like a dick.” He added running his hands up and down her side.

“Come on, let’s go dance, these guys can cope without me for a while.” She replied taking hold of his hand and ushering him out and onto the dance floor where she wrapped her arms around his waist and ground her hips into his crotch as they moved to the music, keeping eye contact the entire time.

They danced for what seemed like hours; holding each other in their arms, getting as close to each other as humanly possible.

Soon though it got time for Maya to cash up and to begin closing down the bar. As she sat in the office counting the nights takings from the last register, she couldn’t help but constantly glance at the CCTV camera screens or at least one in particular. The one situated right above the booth where Brian and the guys were sitting. She watched as he sullenly drank sips from glass as the others chattered around him.

After she finished inputting the takings onto the computer she reached for her cell phone and sent Brian a message. She watched with a smile as he took his cell out of his pocket and read the message and an identical smile appeared on his face before he looked up and around looking for the camera. His smile grew as he spotted the camera and looked directly into the lens and blew her a kiss. She smiled as she placed her cell phone back in her purse and shut down the office before making her way back upstairs.

There were no customers left in the bar, just the staff and Maya’s friends. She walked straight over to the booth, sat down on Brian’s lap and took a sip of the lemonade that she’d asked him to get in the message.

“It’s been a really good night!” Gena said enthusiastically.

“Yeah, brilliant for an opening night, I just hope we can keep it up.” Maya replied through a yawn.

“Tired babe?” Brian asked.

“Yeah, and this is only the beginning, I’m basically working nonstop for the next couple of weeks until Abi can do shifts on her own.” She said before the start of another yawn.

“Oh and that reminds me. Can I stay at yours tonight?” she added turning slightly to look at Brian.

“Of course babe, but um wouldn’t it be easier to stay here if you’ve got to be up to open the bar?” Brian replied.

“Yeah, but the guys are staying here tonight, I told them that they could crash in my room.” She explained as yet another yawn escaped her mouth.

“Sure thing honey, I’ll get up in the morning and make you some breakfast. Now come on guys, drink up so we can get out of here, Maya needs her rest.” He ordered the others and they all obeyed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Also I posted a Brian one-shot back in October, I Stopped To Fill My Car Up and decided to post a sequel which is up now called Not Up to Me, Not Up to You
I would love it if you go check them out and leave your comments.....after you've commented on this story first of course.... =)