Status: Complete

For Reasons Unknown

Chapter 29

“Oh god Brian. That feels amazing. I swear you must have magical fingers or something.” Maya moaned as Brian’s fingers worked their way over her neck, head and shoulders as he gently gave her a massage. She was sat on a bar stool at the end of the bar just ten minutes before the end of her shift. This was the first day since the bar had opened that she had been able leave Abi in charge of the bar for a shift. All she had to do was come back in a couple of hours to watch her close up to make sure she was doing it correctly.

“I’m just gifted I guess.” He replied modestly.

Again Maya moaned under his touch; feeling a million times better already.

“Pass me your keys.” He said quietly. Maya did but with a puzzled look on her face.

“I’m going to go up stairs and run you a nice hot bubble bath ready for when you finish.” He explained leaning down and kissing her forehead as he took the flat key off the bunch. Maya smiled broadly up at him as he gave her a small wink and placing the other keys back on the bar in front of her and walked away.

“Ok, it’s people like him who give people like me a bad name.” Daniel said shaking his head.

“Well, take notes and learn. Surprise your girlfriend. Become a guy like him.” she said taping her fingers on the bar.

“A guy like who?” Abi said cheerfully as she sat down next to Maya.

“Like Brian.” Maya replied smiling. “He’s just gone upstairs-“

“To run you a bubble bath, yeah I passed him on the way down.” She finished.

“So are you ready for your first night in charge?” Maya asked and Abi began to nod slowly.

“I’m happy knowing that you’re coming back down to help me cash up and stuff.” Abi replied.

“Hey, you’ll be fine, you know everything, you just need to keep reminding yourself of that fact.” Maya said, getting up off the stool and gathering her things.

“There’s not much to do, some cleaning and if you want you can do the spirit stock check.” Maya said as she walked back up the bar with her keys.

“Oh and Rob called-“she began to continue from the wash room but was cut off by Abi.

“Oh my God, Maya get out here!” Maya quickly spun around and her eyes almost bugged out of her head when she saw who was stood smiling at her.

“Oh My God Dad!” Maya screamed as she ran around and into her father’s open arms.

“Hey sweetie.” He replied as they hugged tightly.

“What are you doing here?” Maya replied stepping back.

“Didn’t you get my card? I said I’d be over before Christmas.” He replied smiling.

“Yeah, but why didn’t you call, tell me you were coming over?”

“I wanted to surprise you. I’ve been dying to see your bar and meet this new boyfriend of yours, make sure he’s good enough for my Angel.” He said as Maya’s face flushed to a deep red.

“Dad!” Maya whined.

“What? I’ve got to make sure!” he protested looking at Abi to back him up.

“Don’t worry Kieran, he’s a good guy!” Abi reassured him to which Maya smiled and her dad nodded.

“I still want to make sure.” Maya’s dad said with a wink as Maya’s phone buzzed on top of the bar.

“Hey babe. Give me one second.” Maya answered with an ever growing smile, holding the phone away from her. “Abi, I’ll see you at closing time.” she said grabbing her purse and keys.

“Hey babe.” She said again into the receiver.

“Hey, this bath is really relaxing, how long before you join me?” Brian whispered seductively down the phone. Maya giggled and felt herself blush again.

“I thought it was meant to be a relaxing bath for me?” she said quietly as she led the way out of the bar and up to her flat.

“It was but then I thought that this bath is just the right size for the two of us to relax in.” He said and she could hear the splashing of water on the other end of the phone.

“Babe, that would sound good, but um, we’re going to have to pass on that idea, um, my dad has just arrived, we’re just getting into the flat now.” She replied looking through the bunch of keys for her flat key but then remembered that Brian had taken it off to let himself in.

“Your dad?” he replied in almost a yell.

“Yeah, um, Brian, you’ve locked me out.” She replied biting her top lip.

“Oh shit, sorry Hun, I’ll be right out.” He said and Maya heard some fumbled splashing before he hung up.

“What’s going on?”her dad asked as Maya hung up.

“Well, Brian came up to run me a bath and has locked me out, but um, he was in the bath waiting for me.” she explained feeling herself blush yet again as she heard movement on the other side of the door.

The door opened to reveal a very wet Brian with a towel wrapped around his waist. Maya’s eyes ran down Brian’s body and subconsciously licked her lips at the sight before her. She was brought back to reality by the look Brian gave her.

“Um, hey babe.” she said stepping forward to stand at his side.

“I want you to meet my dad. Dad this is Brian.” She said nervously as the two men shook the other’s extended hand.

“Nice to meet you.” Brian said as he shook her dad’s hand, his other hand resting around Maya’s waist.

“Same, Maya’s talked about you quite a bit when we’ve spoken on the phone; I’ve heard some good things about you.” He replied, both Brian and Maya blushing this time.
Maya tilted her head to look up at Brian and smiled as he slowly leant down towards her and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

“I’m going to dry and get dressed.” Brian said pecking her lips again.

“Ok babe. So how long are you in town for?” Maya said walking into the living room.

“Only today and tomorrow unfortunately.” He replied following her.

“Ohh, so what are we going to do tonight?” she asked.

“Well, I was hoping to take the two of you out for dinner, if you didn’t have any plans.” He said raising an eyebrow.

“No, that sounds great, I’ll quickly go freshen up make yourself at home.” She said bouncing off the sofa and across to her bedroom.

Maya walked into her bedroom where Brian was pulling his shirt over his head.

“Dad’s taking us out for dinner.” she said excitedly closing the door behind her and undoing her belt buckle.

“Both of us?” Brian asked looking a little worried.

“Yeah, he’d like to get to know you better, and I want you to meet him properly.” She said sliding her work pants off.

“So I’m going to need to change?” he asked rather than stated.

“Um, yeah.” She said simply as she removed her shirt leaving her in just her underwear. She turned to find that Brian watching her. She smiled seductively at him as she walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling his head down to kiss him.

“Your black shirt is in my closet if you wanna wear that one.” She said quietly pulling away.

“How did I end up leaving that here?” he asked walking over to the closet.

“I don’t know, but I found it in my laundry basket last week.” Maya replied fixing her make-up.

“Do I have to go out there on my own now?” Brian whined spraying himself with his cologne that he keeps in Maya’s flat for when he stays over.

“Yes, don’t be a pussy, he’s only my dad. Go talk to him.” Maya ordered as she looked through her closet for something to wear.

“But babe...” again he whined.

“But babe nothing. Go. Let me get dressed.” She said pointing towards the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeay I got my new laptop! =) and it took me all of last night to load everything on it!
I've been suffering a bit with writers block and haven't actually written anything for this story since Friday..... but i've got the rest of the story pretty much mapped out anyway!
And I've had a few ideas for new stories and for stories I've already started....
Anyway....Comments you lovely people!!!