Status: Complete

For Reasons Unknown

Chapter 3

“I give up, I’m no rock star, and I need sleep!” Maya announced. She stood up and climbed clumsily over Syn who had been sat next to her.

“This may sound weird but have one of you got a t-shirt or something I can sleep in, I can’t sleep in this.” She added tugging at her shirt.

“Um, yeah, sure, we’ve got some band shirts around here somewhere you can have” matt said standing up and taking a look around. He found a box and threw over a band shirt.

“Will that fit?” he asked.
“Should be fine, thanks, good night guys, and thanks.” Maya replied before heading upstairs. She changed in the toilet cubicle and climbed into her bed and was soon fast asleep.

She was awoken the following morning by intense throbbing in her head and an urgency to use the bathroom. She moaned as she remembered where she was and made her way to the chemical toilet. As she climbed back into her bunk she became aware that Synyster Gates had crashed out in his bunk, fully clothed and left his curtain open. She lay back down on her bunk and buried her face in her pillow hoping that she could lose her headache there. She listened to the others sleeping, breathing loudly and snoring. She moaned quietly and turned onto her side and watched Syn sleep, thinking about the nights events.

She couldn’t be entirely sure how long she was led there but she’d been dozing on and off and her headache was failing when she was disturbed by a noise. She opened her eyes to see Syn squirming around in his bed causing her to giggle at the sight of him trying to manoeuvre himself around the confined space. Suddenly he turned his head and sleepily looked over at Maya, who abruptly stopped giggling.

“What’s so funny?” Syn asked through slanted, tired, hung over eyes. Maya shook her head with a smile.

“Aren’t you hung over? You drank quite a bit last night as well didn’t you?” he asked croakily.

“Don’t really get hangovers; just get a headache for an hour or so, mine’s almost gone.”
She replied smiling broadly as Syn turned so that he was facing her.

“Lucky bitch, my heads thumping like a bass drum, my eyes can’t focus and my mouth feels like the Nevada desert.” He mumbled trying to get comfortable.

“Did you sleep ok though?” he asked

“Yeah, actually I did, these beds are quite comfy aren’t they?”

“They’ve got to be for the amount of time we spend on tour. So where you from anyway?”

“Stockton, not far from San Fran” Maya replied.

“Yeah I know it, so tell me a bit about yourself then.” Syn asked

“Didn’t I bore you enough last night?” Maya asked smiling smugly. Syn winced.

“Shit, I don’t remember that bit from last night, that’s another problem I get on the odd occasion, I’m sorry, but I really don’t remember you saying anything”

“Oh, thanks a lot!” Maya exclaimed trying to hold back a smile.

“Shit, I shouldn’t talk when I’m hung-over! I’m sorry”

“That’s ok, I didn’t really say that much about my life, I was just testing your memory” she admitted starting to giggle.

“BITCH! I knew I hadn’t drunk that much, I remember everything else – how dare you make me doubt myself like that!”

“Sorry, will you ever forgive me?”

“Yeah, fuck it, I don’t hold grudges, so let’s try again, talk to me-“

“Ok, um, I’m 23, from Stockton; work in a bar with my best mate, Abi, who I also live with.”

“Is that the girl you’re going to make jealous?”

“No, that’s Kat, the other girl I work with, I can’t stand her, its weird. There’s two girls I work with in the bar, Abi who I get on with brilliantly but loves RnB shit and then there’s Kat, who I can’t stand, not one little bit, but she’s totally into the same music as me.” Maya explained.

“She’s an absolute bitch, and that’s why it’s going to be so nice to go into work and show her the pics on my cell, she’s going to be so insanely jealous, she’s going to hate me for weeks!” Maya explained with an evil grin, which Syn mirrored.

“Got your cell on you now? Imagine how pissed she’d be if there was a pic of you and me here.” Syn said

“I think I left it down stairs, I’ll get some more photos later though if that’s ok.”
Syn nodded and then they heard movement from one of the other bunks. Both Syn and Maya moved their heads to see Johnny stumble out of his bunk and head to the toilet.
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Sorry it's so short, but it's only a filler....
I will be updating again on the weekend though.
I'm also kinda making this story a priority - it's defo the one I've got most inspirstion for at the moment :)
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