Status: Complete

For Reasons Unknown

Chapter 30

Maya smiled as she open her bedroom door to see Brian and her dad talking on the sofa, smiles on both their faces. They both stood up as she walked across to them.

“So where’s good to eat around here?” her dad asked as Brian slid his hand into Maya’s as they walked over towards the door.

“What do you fancy? Chinese? Italian?” Maya asked

“Italian I think. It’s still your favourite right?” Maya nodded with a smile.

“How about Capone’s?” Brian suggested. “It’s good in there.”

Maya nodded. “Ok then, that’s the one on Beach Boulevard isn’t it?”

“Yeah, that’s the one. I was planning on taking you there soon; you know when you had a proper night off.” He replied. Maya smiled up at him and he leaned down to give her a brief kiss.

“How’s Charlotte and the kids?” Maya asked as they walked down the street.

“Charlotte’s great and sends her love; Becky is a typical teenager, trying to be rebellious but nowhere near as much trouble as you were.” He said with a sarcastic tone of voice and a smile.

“Hey, I wasn’t that bad!” Maya protested pouting.

“No baby girl. To be fair your rebellious stage did only last two weeks until you realised that we could compromise on things.” He said through a laugh.

“And Gavin?”

“Gavin did actually want to come out with me.”

“Why didn’t he?” Maya asked disappointed. She missed her half brother and didn’t get to see him that often.

“Well, apart from the fact that I didn’t want him missing anymore school after he was off with measles, um, the thing is he didn’t really want to come over to see you.” Her dad explained.

Maya looked at him confused. “What do you mean?”

“Well, um, when he found out who your boyfriend was, he got rather excited and wanted to come over hoping that he could meet –“

“Jimmy.” Maya said knowing how much Gavin loved the drums.

“Is that The Rev?” her dad enquired and Brian and Maya both nodded.

“So my little brother would prefer to come here to meet Jimmy rather than spend time with me? Charming!” Maya exclaimed as they reached the restaurant door.

“Don’t worry he still loves you, I’m sure if you two lived closer to each other you’d be inseparable. He reminds me so much of you.” He replied as the maître-de greeted them.

“So, Brian. What’s it like being a rock star?” Kieran asked as they waited for their main course.
Maya smiled as she noticed Brian jump slightly at the sound of his name. She gently squeezed his hand as he began his reply.

“Well, um, it’s pretty cool really. I get to travel doing the job I love with my best friends.” He began as Kieran nodded at his answer.

“And of course it’s the reason I met your beautiful daughter.” He added lifting up her hand in his and gently kissing it. She blushed and smiled back at him.

“Isn’t it hard touring though? You know being away from people for so long?” Kieran asked as the waiter brought over their food.

“Yeah, its mega tough, and it’s going to be even harder on the next tour; it was hard enough not seeing Maya for a week, three months is going to be hell.” Brian said causing Maya to blush again.

Kieran looked at the two of them for a second and smiled. “You’ll get through it no problems. You obviously love my daughter and I know she love you too. Three months will fly by.” He said. Maya and Brian looked at each other, blushing and smiling.

“I hope it does. I will be meeting up with them at some point though with the other girls.” Maya replied.

They continued with their food, talking about Maya’s family and the bar as well as the band and the tour. As they waited for their desserts Kieran was telling Brian about when Maya started wearing hats.

“So anytime a fighter jet flew over she’d slam her hand over her hat and close her eyes and then she was safe.” He explained as Maya blushed and Brian laughed.

“She started wearing fedora’s wherever she went. In her two-year-old mind they kept her safe from the jets.” He continued as Maya continued to blush and Brian continued to laugh at the story.

“And on that note I’m going to the bathroom.” Maya said standing up leaving Brian and her dad giggling like school girls.

Once she was out of ear shot Kieran cleared his throat. “Brian, I want to thank you – for being there for her these past couple of months.” he began.

“You wouldn’t believe how hard it is for a father to deal with finding out that something like that has happened to their daughter. But it made it a hell of a lot easier to deal with when I found out that she had people like Abi and you supporting her through it. “ he continued as their desserts were put down in front of them.

“It means a lot to me knowing that Maya has someone who’ll look after her if she needs it, who’ll be there for her.” he concluded.

“Kieran I love her, I’d do anything for her.” Brian said glancing up to see Maya winding her way back around the tables.

“Good, she means the world to me; I don’t like seeing her hurt.” Kieran said as Maya rejoined them.

“So what are we doing tomorrow?” Maya asked as they walked back up the street towards the bar.

“Well, I was thinking I could take you shopping. Get you your Christmas presents and maybe even one or two things for your birthday!” he replied as Maya’s eyes widened.

“Yeay!” Maya squealed “I’ve got to open up for Abi but I’m not in work until 5 so we’ll have most of the day.” She said excitedly as they walked into the bar.

“How’s things going?” Maya asked Abi as they walked towards the end of the bar.

“Great, we’ve had a good night so far!” Abi replied cheerfully.

“Good, Dan can you get me three beers please?” Maya replied.

“Jimmy and Leana are sat up there somewhere.” Abi said pointing up towards the booths.

“Cool, cheers Dan, come on let’s go find them.” Maya said passing Brian and her dad a bottle each and leading the way towards the booths.

“Hey guys.” Brian said as they approached the booth.

“Oh hey.” Jimmy said as they sat down.

“Guys this is my dad, dad this is Jimmy and Leana.” Maya said with a smile.

“He’s the guy that Gavin wants to meet.” Maya added as her dad nodded and Jimmy’s eyes widened.

“My brother Gavin is obsessed by the drums and only wants to come out to visit me because he wants to meet you.” Maya explained.

“Well who can blame him?” Jimmy said modestly making everyone laugh.

The guys stayed in the bar until it was time to close and Maya went to help Abi cash up. Kieran arranged to meet Maya at the pub the following morning before Abi, Maya and Brian went up to the flat.
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Oh and that story about why she wore hats is true.... I started to always wear a hat when I was about 2 or 3 as I believed it would keep me safe from the fighter jets flying over - my mom has photographic evidence and always tell the story to people....