Status: Complete

For Reasons Unknown

Chapter 31

“Ok, so I’ve got a till up and running, a change float ready, fridges are on, tables wiped over, Jem is walking through the door and breakfast is here.” Abi trailed off the list of things that she’d done in preparation for the bar to open as Brian walked into the bar with Jem carrying a bag of food that he’d gone out to get for the girls.

“If Jem is late, blame me, I bumped into her on the way to the deli and insisted that she come with so I could get her breakfast as well.” Brian said as he walked down towards Maya who was sat at the end of the bar.

“That’s ok; I’ll just have to punish you later.” Maya said with a smirk as he set down the bag of food in front of her, smirking back at her.

“Oh god, please tell me you’re staying over Brian’s tonight!” Abi exclaimed as Maya got everyone’s breakfast out of the bag.

“Why?” Brian asked trying to sound innocent. Abi just looked at him with her eyebrows raised.

“I think we all know what she means Brian.” Maya said before she took a bite out of her bagel.

Everyone surrounded the end of the bar in silence as they ate their breakfast and drank their coffees. Just as Maya went to take the last bite of her bagel when there was a knock at the door.

“Morning dad.” Maya greeted as she let him into the bar, leaving the door open ready for the customers.

“Morning Sweetie. Are you ready to go? Morning everyone.” He said walking towards them.

“Almost, just finishing breakfast.” Maya said as she sat back down next to Brian and picking up the last bit of her breakfast.

“Never go shopping on an empty stomach do you.” Her dad stated with a chuckle.
Maya shook her head as she finished her coffee.

“Ok, now I’m ready.” She said taking her jacket off the back of her bar stool and putting it on before grabbing her purse as well.

“Are you ready for this?” she asked her dad.

“I have my credit card, which you can take to its limit.” Her dad said calmly and Maya smiled.

“Abi call me if you need anything. Will you be around when I get back?” she said turning to face Brian.

“Probably not, we’re in the studio for most of the day, but I’ll be over later.” Brian replied.

“Ok I’ll see you later. I love you.” She replied as she leant in to kiss him.

“I love you too.” Brian replied before kissing her again. They both pulled away smiling at each other.

“See you guys later.” Maya said still looking at Brian.

“Come on you. Let’s go spend my money.” Kieran said ushering her out of the bar.

“No, that is one place I am not taking you.” Kieran yelled as Maya pleaded with him to let her go into Victoria Secret.

“Oh but dad.” She pleaded.

“No, I am not going sex clothes shopping with you.” He kept protesting.

“Dad! They’re not sex clothes!” Maya continued to plead.

“So you wouldn’t be thinking about which ones Brian would like when you were browsing?”
Maya just blushed.

“Of course you could help me pick something out for Charlotte if you really want to go in there.” Kieran suggested with a devilish smile.

“Ew! No! Dad that’s so very wrong!” Maya yelled quickly turning away from the store.

“Exactly, just as wrong for a dad to shop with his daughter for her lingerie. Now where else do you want to go?” he said with a laugh.

“Um, how about The Shoe Lab? “ Maya said taking her dad in that direction.

“Dad, I want to ask you a favour as well. I was thinking about it last night and this morning.” Maya asked as they wandered around the store.

“Sure baby girl what is it?”

“For my birthday, could you, Charlotte, Becky and Gavin come out to visit me? I miss you all, and it’s been ages since I saw you all.” She asked.

Kieran looked at her for a moment and smiled. “Of course I can arrange that. We all miss you as well baby girl, and I know we’d all love to come over to see you.” He replied as she smiled broadly back at him.

“Thank you Dad. That would be the best birthday ever.” She said throwing her arms around his neck and pecking his cheek.

“Hey, I’d do anything for you, you know that.” He whispered and she smiled up at him.

“So which colour are you going for?” he said referring to the two shoes she held in her hands.

“I really don’t know, I like them both.” She stated looking down at the shoes.

“Better get both pairs then.” He dad said. “There should be enough on my card to get both.” He added smiling at her.


“Wow, is there anything else left to buy?” Abi said as they walked back into the pub a little while later, both of them carrying a number of shopping bags.

“Only things not in her size I think” Kieran laughed.

“Everything go ok here?” Maya asked and Abi nodded smiling.

“Cool, ok, right, I’m going to take all this stuff upstairs and then I’ll be down to take over.” Maya replied turning to leave again.

“I’m going back to the hotel to pack; I’ll pop in on the way to the airport.” Kieran said as they returned to the bar.

“Ok dad, I’ll see you later.” Maya replied.

A little while later, Maya was sat in the office doing paper work when she spotted a familiar figure walk into the bar on the CCTV screen. Smiling broadly she left her paper work and made her way back to the bar.

“Hey you.” Maya said as she approached the bar, causing Brian to turn and face her, where she saw that he was wearing a similar smile to her.

“Hey, good day shopping?” he asked as she reached him, wrapping her arms around his neck as his arms slid around her waist and they leant into each other for a kiss.

“Not bad.” She replied “How about you? Good day in the studio?” to which he simply nodded.

“Beer?” she asked as they sat down on the bar stools beside the bar.

“Please.” He replied simply, placing his hand in hers on his knee.

“A beer and a Coke please Sophie.” Maya asked and Sophie happily went to get their drinks.

“I asked my dad if he would bring my family over to visit for my birthday.” Maya explained.

“And is he?” he asked and Maya nodded enthusiastically.

“Um, babe, this may sound bad, considering that we’ve been dating for four months, but,
um, when exactly is your birthday?” Brian asked blushing. Maya laughed.

“Oh my god, I’ve never told you have I? I guess I just took it for granted that you knew cos I know yours.” She said laughing.

“It’s January 23rd”

Brain’s face dropped. “I’m away for it. We go on tour January 10th.” He said.

“I know, but that’s ok, it’s not your fault.” Maya said seeing the disappointment in his eyes.

“Guess so, we’ll just have to celebrate it before I go.” He said pouting out his lips. Just at that moment Maya’s dad made his way back into the bar.

“I can’t stay long; I’ve got a cab waiting outside.” He said as Maya stood up to meet him.

“Bye dad, it’s been lovely seeing you.” She said hugging him tightly.

“Yeah, it’s been great seeing you as well; I should really come over more often.” He said as they pulled apart.

“And it was nice meeting you too Brian.” Kieran said stepping forward to shake Brian’s hand.

“You make sure you take good care of my daughter.” He added with a wink. “She means the world to me.”

“I will, she means everything to me as well.” Brain replied wrapping his arms around Maya’s waist and resting his head on her shoulder, kissing her cheek.

“Good, now I’ll call you when I get home and I’ll make arrangements for the four of us to come back out here for your birthday.” He said smiling.

“Ok dad, I’m looking forward to it already.” Maya said following her dad out to the cab, Brian still attached to her. She broke away to give her dad another hug before he got into the cab and immediately returned to Brian’s arms to wave good-bye as the cab pulled off.

The rest of the shift passed by quietly with only a handful of customers. God bless Tuesday’s. They were always the quietest days. Towards the end of the shift Brian suggested that he go and run the bath and they have the bath that he’d planned the day before. So when she was cashing up he went upstairs and run the bath and then she followed him up once the bar was closed.

Maya dumped her purse on the sofa and kick off her shoes and walked into the bathroom to find Brian lounging in the tub playing with the bubbles. Silently Maya began to strip as Brian watched her intently.

Maya let out a soft moan of pleasure as she sunk into the hot scented bath and lent back against Brian’s chest.

“I feel a million times better already.” She whispered as Brian’s hands wrapped around her middle and pulled her closer to him.

“I wish my dad could have stayed for longer.” She whispered as she relaxed against Brian’s chest.

“You’re really close to him aren’t you?” Brian observed.

Maya nodded. “Yeah, growing up he was a father and mother to me, we did a lot together so we were naturally very close.” Maya replied. “I guess he just wanted to make sure that I didn’t feel left out or different because my mom wasn’t around.” She added solemnly.

“Where was she?” Brian asked cautiously.

“She left us when I was less than a month old.” Maya began and she heard Brian take a sharp intake of breath in her ear.

“Apparently she couldn’t cope with the fact that I was a girl. Dad told me that there was a mistake made on the sonogram and that they got told that they were having a boy. My dad didn’t really care either way but mum was over the moon when they told her I was a boy. I don’t know why she didn’t want a girl but that’s what she said in the note she left me and my dad when she left. She said that if I was a boy she would have stayed that the thought of leaving wouldn’t have crossed her mind. But she couldn’t stay with her daughter. Said that she wasn’t cut out to be the mother of a little girl.” Maya said as a single tear rolled down her cheek. She closed her eyes as she felt Brian’s grasp tighten around her stomach and his soft lips press against her shoulder.

“My dad told me the truth when I was 12 and he also told me that specialists at the time said that it was an intense case of post natal depression, that she couldn’t cope with the reality of being a mother and blamed it on the fact that I was a girl after being told that I was going to be a boy.” Maya concluded.

“Oh babe, I’m sorry. That’s such a sad story.” Brian said and Maya nodded.

“It’s ok, I dealt with it a long time ago, had all the therapy and counselling and I’ve got a great Step-mom in the end anyway. And a step-sister and half-brother who I consider my real family.” Maya said. There was a moment of silence when they just relaxed in each other’s arms before Maya felt Brian’s hand slip down from her stomach to her inner thighs.

“Well if it’s any consolation, I’m glad you’re not a boy.” He whispered as his fingers gently began to caress her clit. She subconsciously opened her legs to give him more room and his fingers immediately entered her causing her to moan quietly at his touch.

As she leaned back as he continued to pleasure her with his fingers she felt him hard against her lower back. Their position made it difficult for them to do much more though so Maya decided to pull away earning her a confused look from Brian.

“We can’t do anything in here, let’s go to my room.” She whispered jumping out of the bath. Knowing Abi was out Maya had no hesitation in leaving the bathroom naked and was soon joined by Brian who wrapped his arms around her waist and began sucking at the sweet spot on her neck.

Still soaking wet Brian flung Maya onto the unmade bed and climbed on top of her, attaching his lips to her neck as he thrust three fingers into her. She gasped loudly as they massaged her internally. She bucked her hips towards his hand and wrapped her legs firmly around his waist pulling him closer to her. Her fingers buried themselves in his thick black hair, tugging at it as he made her squirm as a fourth finger entered her.

“Oh fuck!” she whispered pushing her hips up against his hand again. Before she knew what was happening he pulled his fingers out and thrust deeply into her and began pumping away.

“Oh God Brian.” She yelled as she felt herself tighten around him as every thrust hit her spot. His lips left her neck and moved to her lips where his tongue quickly entered her mouth and began to stroke hers. Maya gasped into the kiss as she felt her orgasm hit her.

She tightened her grip around his waist and with all her force pushed him up and over so that she was on top. She began to ride him as his hands quickly made their way to her hips to take control of the pace. She felt his one hand move so that his thumb could rub her spot as she rocked quickly on top of him, the pressure building quickly again in the pit of her stomach.

“Holy fucking shit. God Brian.” She screamed as again she tightened around his throbbing shaft, spilling over him.

“Fuck. Maya.” He growled, tightening his grip on her hips as he came deep inside her body. The tightness of his grip sent aftershocks of pleasure through her body as he guided her slowly down to meet his lips.

“I love you.” He whispered against her lips.

“I love you too.” She replied.
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I know it was long and kind of a filler but I wanted to give you an insight of what happened with her mom and why she's so close to her dad, and then I reallised that I hadn't given you guys a sex scene since Chapter 25! and i thought that was too long....