Status: Complete

For Reasons Unknown

Chapter 32

“I may actually know someone who would be interested in the position if that’s ok?” Maya was sat at the end of the bar speaking to Rob on the phone.

“Yes of course that would make life a lot easier.” Rob replied as Maya waved and smiled at Brian and Matt as they walked into the bar.

“Talk to the person you’ve got in mind and let me know so we can get the ball rolling.” Rob continued as Brian kissed Maya’s temple.

“Ok, I’ll try and get hold of him ASAP and let you know.”

“Ok, we’ll that’s it for now, I’ll talk to you soon. Bye Maya.”

“Bye Rob and Thanks.” Maya said before hanging up the phone.

“Hey babe.” Brian said leaning in to kiss her again, on the lips this time.

“Hey. Hey Matt! Guess what?” she said enthusiastically, bopping up and down on the bar stool, clapping her hands. Both Brian and Matt laughed at her and shrugged their shoulders.

“That was Rob from head office, he wants us to start serving food, which I guessed we’d be doing at some point seeing that we’ve got a bad ass kitchen downstairs, but for that we need a chef and he wants me to find someone ASAP so we can start doing food.” Maya said at a million miles a second as Matt and Brian stared at her trying to take in all that she was saying.

“So, I had this idea when he was telling me about it, Austin has finished his catering course and has experience in the kitchen, I’m going to give him first refusal on the job. He can move down here and be closer to Abi and work here with her and it’ll be perfect.” Maya continued still at high speed with Brian and Matt nodding slowly showing that they were keeping up.

“And that’s not the best part” Maya began again. “Rob has just given Abi the thumbs up to open and close all by herself! Do you know what that means?” she squealed. Still wide eyed and smiling Brian and Matt shook their head.

“It means that I can finally have a proper day off! Where I don’t have to worry about getting up to open for Abi or coming back her in the night to close up. A proper day off.” Maya said calming down at the last part.

“Babe that’s great news, you’ve been working so hard since this place opened.” Brian said smiling at her.

“I know, it’s been six weeks since I last had a proper day off, and now I can actually work the rota so that I get as good as three days off.” Maya said and Brian raised an eyebrow.

“Well, you see I can work tomorrow morning and then Abi can work tomorrow night, Monday and Tuesday, they’re quiet and then she can do Wednesday daytime and I’ll work Wednesday night all day Thursday and Friday. So I get from tomorrow at five until Wednesday at 5 off.” She explained scribbling it down onto the rota in front of her that she’d been working when Rob had phoned her.

“So you’re going to be totally free tomorrow night?” Brian smiled, raising an eyebrow.

“And Monday night and Tuesday night.” Maya replied suggestively as she ran her hand up and down his thigh.

“Well I meant for Zack’s birthday meal. Remember? You can stay out now and not worry about coming back to lock up. Not that I’m saying we won’t take full advantage of the rest of your time off.” He replied seductively leaning across to kiss her, briefly allowing his tongue to slip into her mouth and brush against hers.

“Yeah, I’ll be able to stay out all night now. Now I’ve got to finish this rota and let Abi know the news.” She said picking up her cell phone and beginning to type a message.

“Is she still upstairs with Austin?” Brian asked with a chuckle. Maya nodded as she hit send and closed her phone.

“Has been since he arrived this morning.” She giggled as she filled in the missing gaps on the rota.

“Dan can you do a split shift next Saturday? Craig has booked a day off!” she called down the bar to Dan who was serving. He thought for a moment before nodding.

“Sure thing boss, I can do with the extra cash for Christmas.” He replied.

“Great, I love you.” She called back down to him.

“Boss, you promised you wouldn’t say anything, not with Brian sat there.” Dan said trying to keep a straight face.

“Oh shit, Brian it means nothing. It’s just sex.” Maya said finding it hard to keep a straight face.

“Just sex? Can he make you scream like I can?” Brian asked and Maya shook her head, biting her bottom lip.

“Ok, I can deal with that.” Brian replied calmly and took a sip out of his beer. Maya giggled and picked up her phone that had just beeped to indicate she had a new message.

“Abi and Austin will be down shortly.” Maya said putting the phone back down.

“Ok, me and Matt are going to play some pool.” He replied kissing her temple as she returned to her rota.

“So what’s this great news you’ve got to tell me and why do you need Austin as well?” Abi said as she walked into the bar hand in hand with Austin.

“Well, firstly Rob’s been on the phone and he has told me that I can now let you open and close by yourself, which does hold some bad news for you as I’m taking advantage of it and putting you down to work all day Monday and Tuesday.” She said wincing, waiting for Abi’s reaction to doing two AFD’s in a row.

“Without you opening and closing for me?” Abi stuttered in shock.

“Yeah, you can do it, you know you can, and he’s also going to enter you for the licensee exam in the new year.” She continued as Abi’s eyes bugged out of her head.

“Oh my god that’s awesome news.” Abi yelled smiling “So what do you want Austin for?”

“Ok, Austin, you’ve completed your catering course yes?” he nodded looking puzzled.

“So you could work in a kitchen?” Maya asked and again he nodded.

“Ok, so we’re going to be opening the kitchen soon and start serving food and we’ll need a chef.” Maya said watching his reaction.

“Me?” Austin asked and Maya nodded her head with a wide smile.

“If you’re willing to move to Huntington, the jobs yours.” Maya said.

“Oh my god, really? Yes I’d love to. Thank you Maya.” He yelled cheerfully letting go of Abi’s hand to hug Maya.

“It’s a pleasure.” Maya replied as he let her go and turned to Abi and spun her around making her laugh.

“I’m moving to Huntington baby.” He sang before crashing his lips against hers.

“I’m guessing he said yes!” Brian said appearing beside Maya who was watching Abi and Austin with a smile on her face.

“Yeah, I better phone Rob back and let him know, and then I’ve got to go and get ready for tonight’s shift.” Maya said kissing Brian briefly on the lips before turning to pick up the phone.

As she dialled the number for head office she felt Brian’s arms snake around her waist and his lips attach themselves to her neck.

“Hey Rob its Maya from Huntington.” She said trying hard not to moan as Brian circled the soft skin on her neck with his tongue. “I’ve got us a chef; he’s got to work his notice at his other job though so he’ll be able to start in the New Year.” She said, closing her eyes as Brian sucked lightly on the soft skin of her neck.

“Maya you’re a star. We won’t be opening the kitchen until the new year anyway so just e-mail me his details and his CV.” He replied as Maya still struggled to concentrate on the conversation rather than what Brian was doing to her.

“Ok, I’ll do that, bye Rob.” She said and quickly hung up.

“Abi, I’ll be back at around 8.” She called grabbing her keys and phone and then Brian’s hand and leading him towards the door.
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Ok, So here's the plan.... I'm currently 7 chapters ahead of you; so for every chapter I update on my computer I'll also update for you guys as well!
It's also my guess that there's going to be between 50 - 60 chapters to this story by the time I've finished it which is WAY MORE than what I first anticipated and that's mainly down to my lovely readers giving me the inspiration to write more..... THANK YOU ALL :)