Status: Complete

For Reasons Unknown

Chapter 35

“So when are you going Christmas shopping anyway?” Jem asked Maya as she flicked through one of the catalogues on the bar, Maya looking through one of the others.

“Well, I’ve got a day off Wednesday, but it’s going to be strange, for almost 10 years now I have done my Christmas shopping with Abi, but with us having to work opposite shifts now I guess I’ll have to go on my own.” Maya explained. “Unless…” she added raising her eyebrows in Jem’s direction.

“Unless?” Jem questioned, also raising her eyebrows at Maya.

“You’re not working Wednesday are you?” she asked and Jem shook her head.

“Fancy a shopping trip to LA?” Jem’s eyes widened as she nodded yet again.

“Great, we’ll go on Wednesday.” Maya said as Jem walked off to serve a customer.

“Oh, but, I can’t go on the bike.” She said pouting out her bottom lip.

“You’re going to need a SUV or something.” Jem mused as she poured a pint and Maya nodded.

“And her comes just the man who can help with that!” Maya smiled, just as Brian and Zack walked through the door. Maya smiled broadly at them as they walked towards her, closing the catalogues as they approached.

“What can I help with?” Brian asked as he leant down to kiss her.

“I need a large vehicle on Wednesday.” She said smiling up at him as he gave her a puzzling look.

“Me and Jem are going Christmas shopping in LA which I won’t be able to do on the bike.”

“You want to borrow my Escalade?” he asked and she nodded enthusiastically.

“Why are you going to LA?” Zack asked

“Because, there is something I need to get that I won’t be able to get in Huntington.” She replied with a smirk.

Brian smiled back with a glint in his eye. “What are you getting?” he asked now mirroring the smirk on her face.

“Something for me?” he asked when she didn’t reply.

“Maybe.” She said not breaking eye contact with him, but blushing slightly.

“Babe, I hope you’re not going to spend too much on me.” He said lowering his voice slightly.

“Don’t worry I’m not, I’ve just heard that there’s a good flea market opened up.” She said as the smile disappeared momentarily off his lips.

“Do you want my car or not?” he asked moving his face closer to hers, resting his forehead lightly against hers. She pouted out her lip and nodded and he quickly nipped at her bottom lip.

“So what are you getting me?” Brian asked moving himself so that he was stood in front of her as she sat on the bar stool, wrapping his arms around her shoulders.

“I’m not telling you. You’ll find out on Christmas day.” Maya said sternly as it was now Brian’s turn to pout.

“Actually, there was something that I was going to ask you as well.” He said trying to pull her closer to him and she raised an eyebrow.

“Can I take you out to dinner one night this week?” Maya looked into his eyes smiling.

“Wednesday is my only night off this week. What’s the occasion?” she said.

“I’m not telling you. You’ll find out Wednesday.” He said mocking her.

“Meanie.” She pouted.

“I know. And you’re so sexy when you sulk.” Brian whispered kissing her bottom lip.


“I can be ready in about an hour.” Maya said to Brian down the phone as she unpacked yet another shopping bag and hid her Christmas presents in her closet.

“Ok, the table’s booked for eight so I’ll pick you up at quarter to.” Brian replied.

“Ok, I’ll meet you in the bar.” Maya said as she pulled out the outfit she’d treated herself to for the meal.

“So. When are you going to tell me why you’ve brought me here tonight?” Maya asked Brian as they ate their main course. Brian smiled awkwardly as he tried to finish chewing his mouthful of food.

“Well, I’ve got something to ask you.” Brian said his grin widened. Maya said nothing, just widened her eyes as a sign for him to continue.

“Well, when we go on tour, I need someone to look after Pinkly seeing that I can’t take him with me, and I was hoping that you-“ he stopped as Maya began to nod with a wide smile.

“Babe, of course I will. But you didn’t have to bring me out for dinner to ask me that.” She said with a laugh as Brian smiled back at her.

“I know, but that’s not all I wanted to ask you.” He blushed as she took the last mouthful of her chicken. He waited for her to finish chewing before he continued.

“It’s not only Pinkly that will need looking after when I’m away.” He started as Maya looked at him a little confused.

“Someone will have to keep an eye on my house as well.” He explained and again Maya giggled.

“Babe. Do you want me to keep an eye on your house?” she asked.

“Well, yeah, but I was kinda thinking that you’d look after it, like live there.” He said taking hold of her hand. She smiled and nodded as the waitress took their empty dishes away.

“There’s one more thing that I want to ask you.” Brian said as he scooted his chair closer to Maya’s.

“I was wondering and hoping that when I get back off tour you’d stay.” He said, again blushing as he took both her hands in his. A broad smile spread rapidly across Maya’s face and for a moment she lost the ability to speak.

“Maya?” Brian asked when she took too long to reply.

“Are you asking me to-“

“Move in with me. Yes.” Brian elaborated and Maya’s smile grew again. Before she could reply they were interrupted by the waitress coming over and asking if they wanted anything from the dessert cart.

Before starting on the bowl of ice cream in front of her Maya’s eyes found Brian’s again.

“Well?” he whispered with pleading eyes.

“I’d love to.” She replied also in a whisper as the smile on his face quickly grew to match the one on hers. His lips suddenly crashed onto hers and she almost fell off her chair with the force. She giggled as she regained her composure.

“You don’t know how happy you’ve made me.” He replied giving her another brief kiss.

“You won’t be saying that once you’ve lived with me for a week.” She laughed. “Charlotte always said you need the patients of a saint to live with me sometimes.” She added taking a mouthful of her ice-cream.

“So when do you want me to move in?” Maya asked as they walked slowly down PCH towards the bar. Brain was walking behind Maya, with his arms wrapped around her waist and his chin resting on her shoulder.

“As soon as possible.” He replied as he softly placed a kiss on her jaw line.

“Well, I’m not really going to get the chance to move before Christmas.” She started with a moan escaping Brian’s throat. “So how about straight away in the New Year.” She suggested.

“That sounds good to me.” He replied ushering her through the door of the bar.

“Guess I better tell Abi then.” She said quietly as she saw her best friend sat at the end of the bar.

“Do you think she’ll be ok with it?” he asked and Maya nodded slowly.

“Hey, how was dinner? Did you find out what the occasion was?” Abi asked enthusiastically as they approached her.

“It was lovely.” Maya said as she stood at the edge of the bar with Brian still wrapped around her, nuzzling his face into her neck.

“And?” Abi asked desperately.

“Oh, um, well Brian wants me to look after Pinkly and his house while he’s away.” She began.

“So you’ll be living there for three months?” Abi asked sounding slightly disheartened.

“Um, yeah, but the thing is, I um, will be staying there when he gets back too.” She added as Abi’s face dropped.

“You’re moving out?” she asked in a slightly raised voice and Maya nodded, making Brian lift his head.

“Honey, don’t be sad. You’ll still see me everyday. And don’t forget that Austin will be moving down in a couple of weeks.” As she explained all this a smile reappeared on her face.

“I guess you make a fair point.” She said as Maya returned her smile.

“So when will you be moving out?” She asked as Maya loosened herself from Brian’s grip and walked down to one of the fridges and took out a bottle of beer and then proceeded to pour herself and Abi a glass of white wine each.

“Early in the new year.” Maya replied. She walked back up to Brian and Abi and handed them their drinks.

“Well, in the light of recent events” Abi began, holding up her glass. “I propose a toast; to you guys and to moving in together. And to best friends.” She said smiling broadly again. Maya and Brian both lifted their glasses with large smiles on their faces and drank their toast.

“But trust me Brian, there are going to be certain times when you are going to wish you never asked her. I’ve lived with this girl for five years and I love her more than my own sister, but there are times when I’d gladly have taken a cardboard box over living with her.” Abi said holding back a smile.

“But I will give you some advice. Always have chocolate, ice cream and coffee in the house, oh and Dr Pepper is always handy too.” She began and Brian nodded against Maya’s shoulder.

“Oh and she owns the remote and she’s a better cook than what she lets on so get her doing her fair share.” She added.

“Duly noted.” Brian said with a smile before taking a sip of his beer.
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I've done quite a bit of writing this weekend...I'm rather impressed with myself :)
Comments would be lovely.... :) :)