Status: Complete

For Reasons Unknown

Chapter 36

Maya was awake but hadn’t opened her eyes. She was aware of a dim light bearing down on her and knew it was morning. She could feel Brian breathing heavily against the back of her neck, his arm draped loosely around her waist. She smiled to herself as she realised what day it was and slowly turned to face Brian and opened her eyes. She smiled again as she saw the corners of his mouth upturn slightly into a smile and she knew he was also awake.

“Merry Christmas” she whispered brushing her lips against his. He murmured quietly against her lips as he kissed back. His hands moved to tighten his grip around her waist, pulling her closer to him. She pulled away with a deep breath causing Brian to groan loudly as he opened his eyes. She smiled broadly at him and he willingly smiled back.

“Merry Christmas beautiful.” He whispered with another brief kiss, rubbing his nose against hers.

“This is already promising to be the best Christmas he added followed by another brief kiss.

“How do you figure that so early on in the day?” Maya asked placing another soft kiss on his lips.

Brian blushed. “Because I’ve woken up next to a fucking beautiful woman, who I love more than I could ever imagine.” He said as Maya blushed, a smile spreading across the width of her face.

He kissed her again, this time allowing his lips to linger against hers as he pulled her closer to him causing her to moan as she tried to inhale deeply. As his tongue ran along her bottom lip she felt his leg lift up so that it was on top of hers, pulling her even closer to him so there was not even room for air between them. Their tongues collided and Maya’s hand whipped up to the back of Brian’s neck, running her fingers through the ends of his hair.

Brian’s lips left hers and began to leave small kisses towards her earlobe as he quietly moved himself so that he was on top of her. He continued to kiss his way down her neck to her collar bone as Maya took his head in her hands, her eyes closed as she moaned quietly at his touch. She was enjoying what his mouth was doing so much that she didn’t even notice that his hands were slowly rolling her tank top up her torso. She only noticed what he was doing when he stopped kissing her to lift the top over her head.

She gave out a small giggle as he licked his lips before his mouth returned to her body, slowly kissing down her toned stomach to the waistband of her pyjama shorts where her stomach leaped in pleasure.

Maya let out a loud moan as she felt his teeth nip roughly at the skin on the edge of her waist band as he began to slowly work it down. Very quickly, Brian removed her shorts and boy pants and Maya gasped loudly as his tongue began to circle her clit.

Another loud gasp left Maya’s mouth as slowly pushed two fingers into her as he continued to lick and suck at her spot. She squirmed underneath him, raising her hips to his face as she continued to moan uncontrollably. She felt the burning sensation build in the pit of her stomach and was almost sent over the edge as Brian slipped another finger inside her and twirled all three of his fingers deep inside of her.

“Holy Shit.” Maya called out as she felt herself about to burst. Brian began to raise his head but Maya grabbed fistfuls of his hair, trying to force him to stay where he was. He groaned loudly against her and flickered his tongue roughly again against her before he forced his head up just as she came, loudly calling out his name in a whiny voice as his fingers continued to curl inside her.

His lips brushed her ear and he gently nipped at her earlobe as she continued to squirm underneath him, pushing his boxers down off his hips, moaning softly at the feel of his touch.

“You taste so fucking sweet.” Brian growled softly into her ear before he kissed his way back to her lips. As his tongue entered her mouth she tasted herself on his lips and tongue, but she didn’t have time to think about it as his fingers left her body and were quickly replaced by his penis slipping into her as he ground his hips into hers, both of them letting out a loud moan.

Maya’s breathing came in short gasps as Brian thrust firmly into her, sending shockwaves through her body, into the pit of her body, where she could feel another orgasm building quickly.

“Fuck” Maya screamed as she felt herself hit her peak yet again. As the orgasm hit her she dug her non existent fingernails into Brian’s bare back causing him to growl loudly and grind his hips firmly into hers, making her come again as the aftershocks from her orgasm ran through her body. Moments later they were yelling each other’s names as Maya came as she felt Brian shudder and spill deep inside her.

“This Christmas just keeps improving.” Brian whispered with a small laugh as he collapsed beside Maya, pulling her into his chest and kissing her temple.

“Yeah, this Christmas is shaping up to be one of the best, and I haven’t even had a present yet.” Maya mused with a smile.

“When do you want to exchange gifts? Do you want to wait ‘til we’re over my dad’s?” Brian asked.

“Do you really expect me to wait until we get to your dads? You can count yourself lucky I didn’t make you go get them as soon as I woke up.” She said with a giggle.

“After breakfast then?” Brian asked raising an eyebrow and Maya nodded.

“What are you making me?” Maya replied with a smile.

“Babe, come on we’ve got presents to open!” Maya yelled from in front of Brian’s tree in the living room. Brian was tidying up the kitchen after breakfast.

“Yeah I’m here.” Brian said as he walked back into the living room. Maya looked up at him and smiled before grabbing the present she had had her eye on ever since Brian put it there three days ago.

“Can I open this one first?” she asked jumping up and down in her kneeling position. Brian laughed at her enthusiasm.

“Of course you can. Which one should I open first?” Brian asked as Maya began to peal open the wrapping paper. She stopped and glanced around the bottom of the tree for one of Brian’s gifts.

“This one” she said passing him a neatly wrapped gift before quickly returning to unwrap hers.

“Oh my God Brian! It’s gorgeous!” she yelled taking the watch out of the box to get a better look at it. He stopped unwrapping his present for a moment to look at her with a smile.

“Thank-you.” She yelled throwing her arms around his neck and smashing her lips against his.

“Glad you like it.” He replied smiling as he finished unwrapping his present and pulled out a watch. He looked up at her and gave a small chuckle.

“What’s so funny?” Maya said with a frown. “Don’t you like it?” she snapped.

“Babe, of course I do. I laughed cos I thought it was funny that we both got each other watches and both opened them first.” He explained leaning over to kiss her slightly pouting lip.

“Thank you.” He whispered on her lips as a smile worked its way across her face.

“So which one are you opening next?” he asked and she turned quickly to look at the group of presents under the tree with her name on it.

“This one.” She said picking up a small gift. Brian smiled at her and picked another one of his neatly wrapped presents.

Maya’s next three gifts were a necklace, bracelet and earrings; while Brian opened up a bottle of vodka an X-box game and an affliction belt and shirt.

They carried on opening their presents form their friends until they both had only one present each left to open. Maya passed Brian’s to him before grabbing her last one from under the tree.

As she finished ripping the paper off to reveal a box she realised that Brian was just sat watching her.

“Why aren’t you opening yours?” she asked and a smirk appeared on his lips.

“I want to see you open it.” He smiled.

Maya eyed him up cautiously before returning to her present. She slowly lifted the lid off the box and smiled as she lifted the lingerie out of the box.

“I think this is really more a present for you rather than me.” She smirked as she held it up against her. Brian smirked back and nodded.

“Go try it on so I can see that it fits.” He said still smirking seductively. Maya smirked back and quickly jumped up and ran up the stairs quickly.

“Well. What do you think?” she said only a few minutes later as she stood at the top of the stairs wearing only the outfit.

Brian growled deep in his throat before sprinting up the stairs towards her, picking her up bridal style and carrying her into the bedroom.
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necklace, bracelet and earrings;
affliction belt and shirt.