Status: Complete

For Reasons Unknown

Chapter 37

“Babe, I don’t know what you’re worrying for.” Brian said taking hold of her hand as he drove them to his Dad’s house.

“They’re going to love you.” He added giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. Maya sighed deeply. No matter how much he tried to reassure her she still felt nervous about meeting his Dad and step-mom and his brother and sister.

“Count yourself lucky as well; at least you’ve had some warning before meeting my parents. Your dad just showed up unannounced. While I was waiting in the bath for you.” He said as they pulled up at a set of lights.

He turned to face her and leaned over to kiss her quickly on the lips. She smiled and relaxed slightly and leant across to kiss him on the cheek as the lights changed.

As they pulled up outside Brian’s dads house Maya let out another deep sigh before getting out of the car. Brian had already got the presents out of the back and walked around to her side. He put the three bags of presents into one hand and placed the other one on her hip.

“It’s going to be fine.” He whispered as he leant towards her had kissed her softly on the lips. Maya smiled against his lips before he pulled away. He entwined the fingers of his free hand with hers and began to lead her up the driveway. He let go of it briefly to ring the doorbell, giving Maya another reassuring kiss on the lips as they waited to be let in. On the other side of the door they heard a woman’s voice call.

“Brent! Can you get that please!” this was followed by a male mumbling and footsteps approach the door.

“Brian? Why the fuck did you ring the doorbell?” Brent yelled.

“Merry Christmas to you too Bro.” Brian replied walking past him into the house, Maya following still holding onto his hand tightly.

“Who is it Bre- Brian!” a woman, Maya guessed to be Suzy, cheered as she entered the living room.

“Hey Suzy, Merry Christmas.” He said placing the bags of presents onto the sofa and letting go of Maya’s hand to hug Suzy.

“Merry Christmas Brian, aren’t you going to introduce us?” she hinted smiling at Maya.

“Suzy, this is Maya. Babe, this is my Step-mom Suzy and this is Brent.” He said pointing over to his brother. “And that’s Dana, Brent’s wife.” He added as a woman entered the living room.

“Hi Maya, it’s so nice to finally meet you.” Suzy said taking a step forward, extending her hand.

“Hi.” Maya replied shyly as she shook her hand with a smile.

“We’ve been on at Brian to bring you over for-“

“Where is dad?” Brian interrupted before she could embarrass him.

“He and McKenna popped over to the Overfields to give them their Christmas present. I think McKenna only went with him hoping that Frank will let her have a glass of wine and give her some money like they do every holiday.” Suzy explained.

“They should be back any minute.” She replied just as the front door opened.

“Brian! Happy Christmas son!” the man stood in front of them cheered as he walked over to them.

“Merry Christmas Dad.” Brian replied giving his dad a hug.

“This must be Maya. Nice to meet you.” He added turning to face Maya, placing a kiss on her cheek.

“Maya meet my Dad and my little sister McKenna.” Brian said returning to Maya’s side and taking hold of her hand again.

“Hi” Maya and McKenna said at the same time.

“Right. Make yourselves comfortable, dinner will be another half and hour or so.” Suzy said retreating into the kitchen. Brian led Maya to the sofa and sat down, pulling her close to him, his arm falling around her shoulder as he placed a soft kiss on her cheek.

“Kenna, get everyone a drink.” Suzy called from the kitchen just as she sat down.

“Oh mom!” she groaned getting back up.

“You can have one too.” She replied and a wide smile appeared on McKenna’s face as she entered the kitchen.

During dinner Maya had been reassured by Dana who had told her that she was just as nervous when she first met Suzy and Brian, and that they are a lovely family who she gets on great with. However Maya still didn’t feel right. There was something not sitting right in her stomach and she was hoping that it was still just nerves and not the food she’d eaten.

“Right everyone around the sofas. There are presents to be exchanged” Brian senior yelled even though it was only him and Suzy who weren’t already sat at the sofas.

“Kenna, pass me those two bags.” Brian said pointing at the two gift bags beside the sofa. He was sat in the arm chair with Maya sat quietly on his lap. McKenna grumbled something under her breath as she got up and passed the bags to Brian.

The exchange of gifts started with the siblings exchanging theirs and Brian and Brent giving their dad and Suzy theirs.

“Dana and Maya, Merry Christmas.” Brian senior said holding out a small parcel to the both of them. Maya looked up in shock.

“Maya we didn’t know what to get you so we just got a Hot Topic gift card.” Suzy explained as Maya took the parcel off Brian senior.

“Yeah same here!” Brent said throwing an envelope over at her.

“Thank you.” Maya began in a broken voice. “But I wasn’t expecting anything off you, either of you,” Maya added as tears pricked her eyes. Suzy went to say something but Maya continued.

“I’m so sorry, I feel terrible, I haven’t got you anything.” She whispered as tears began to fall silently down her cheeks.

“Don’t be silly Maya-“ Suzy began as Maya stood up from Brian’s lap.

“Excuse me for a moment.” She said quietly clasping her hand over her mouth and running towards the stairs.

The others watched in shock and confusion as she ran up the stairs.

“Brian go after her and make sure she’s ok.” Suzy said to Brian who was already standing up.

“Tell her that it’s ok, that we weren’t expecting anything.” She added as Brian began his way up the stairs.

Maya had run down the corridor to the bathroom and slammed the door shut locking it after her before collapsing in tears at the toilet bowl where her dinner had re-emerged as tears streamed down her face.

Just as she finished she heard the faint sound of footsteps approach the door before there was a quiet tap at the door.

“Maya. Babe. Are you ok? Can I come in?” Brian’s voice said calmly from the other side of the door. Maya reached up and flushed the chain before standing up and opening the door.

“Babe what’s wrong?” Brian whispered as he took Maya into his arms as she collapsed her head on his chest and sobbed.

“I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” She said in between sobs as he soothingly rubbed her back.

“You know they weren’t expecting anything off you” Brian said as her sobs slowly stopped.

“I know, but I don’t think that’s what’s wrong.” She said as he continued to hold her.

“Was it something you ate? Have you been sick?” Brian offered a suggestion.

“Yeah I’ve been sick, but I don’t think it was the food.” She mumbled into his chest.

“Could you be-?” Brian asked pulling out of the embrace to look at her. Maya shook her head.

“No, definitely not.” She replied placing her head back on his chest. They stood in silence for a moment with Brian just holding her in the doorway of the bathroom, running his hands up and down her back.

“Maybe I’m homesick.” Maya began thoughtfully. “You know this is the first Christmas I’ve not spent with my dad.” She said raising her head to look at Brian who nodded.

“Why don’t you give him a call then? That might make you feel better.” He suggested and she nodded.

“Come on you can use my old bedroom to call him.” He said leading her from the bathroom, back down the corridor to his old bedroom. He led her in and switched the light on.

“Come back down when you’re done.” He said leaning down to kiss her briefly.

“Oh and Babe,” he started reaching his hand into the pocket of his jeans and placing the object he’d taken out into her hand.

“You may want one of these.” He concluded as he let go of her hand with a smile and a wink as he turned to leave. Maya opened her hand and looked down at the small pack of gum that was in her hand and smiled as she felt herself blush.

“Is she ok?” Dana asked as Brian walked back down the stairs.

“Yeah, we think she may be just homesick. She said this is the first Christmas she hasn’t spent with her dad so she’s upstairs calling him now. Hopefully she’ll feel better once she’s spoken to him.” Brian said as he sat back in the armchair and grabbed his beer off the table.

“You told her not to worry about the presents?” Suzy asked bringing in a tray of chips and nuts and placing them on the coffee table.

“Yeah, she thinks she freaked out because she was homesick. She’s really close to her dad and they’re always together at Christmas. I think it all came too much for her being around another family, that she doesn’t even know, and she freaked out.” Brian said thoughtfully, taking a sip of his beer.

Just a little over an hour later Maya slowly made her way back downstairs where the family were sat around watching Home Alone 2. They all looked up briefly from the TV as they heard her make her way towards them and Brian gave a warm smile as she made her way to sit back on her lap.

“Feeling better? How’s your dad?” he whispered wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her cheek.

“Much better now, and dad and the others are all great. He said he was going to call a little later anyway.” She whispered back as she relaxed in his arms and began to watch the movie.

“I remember me and my Dad going to watch this in the cinema when it first came out.” She whispered.

“We sat there roaring with laughter through the entire film.”

“My Dad loves it too – it’s on almost every Christmas in this house.” Brian whispered back.
As the film was coming to an end Maya turned to whisper in Brian’s ear.

“Are we leaving after the film?”

“I guess if you want to.” He replied and Maya nodded.

“Yeah, I want to feel you deep inside me.” She whispered seductively into his ear, nipping at his earlobe. Brian growled lowly and tightened his grip of her waist.

“We’re going to be leaving when this ends.” Brian announced causing his family all to look up at him.
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I just want to say a big thank you to everyone who read my journal and wished me good luck with my work.... I've already got a lot of it done as I think I've been spurred on by my support from you guys and wanting to finish this story (I've only got a few more chapters left to write I think)
Anyway....Thank you all again - I love you all - Go Comment.....