Status: Complete

For Reasons Unknown

Chapter 39

Abi screamed as arms snaked around her waist and Maya began to giggle.
“Surprise baby!” Austin whispered turning Abi in his arms as she squealed with excitement. Without a word Abi flung her arms around Austin and began to kiss him passionately. Seeing that she was deserted at the dance floor, Maya made her way back to Brian. She sat back down on his lap.

Maya finished her drink before turning her head so that she was facing Brian and kissed him gently on the lips. She pulled away and looked longingly into his eyes. Slowly their lips met again this time the kiss turned into more of a make out session and their hands pulled each other closer.

Maya pulled out of the kiss and moved her lips to his neck when she kissed him once before whispering into his ear.

“I’ve got some things to do in the office.” Brian let out a sigh of disappointment and Maya lifted her head to look him in the eye again.

“You Brian.” She said quietly with a smile. Brian quickly smiled as well as Maya got off his lap and took his hand in hers and led them down to the staff area.
Maya hastily punched in the key code for the staff area door and slammed it shut behind them. Brian quickly took her in his arms and they began to kiss passionately down the corridor to the office.

Maya broke away briefly as they reached the door and fumbled around with the keys as Brian attacked her neck area with his lips. Once in the office Brian turned Maya around in his arms again and slammed the door shut behind them. His hands ran down her body, lifting her legs up around his waist as their tongues battled for dominance.

Maya let out a loud gasp as Brian pinned her up against the filing cabinet and moved his lips to her collarbone. He held her there, nipping at her skin around her shoulder as he quickly worked loose his belt and allowed his pants to fall around his ankles. Maya then quickly pulled at the waistband of his boxers as he pulled her lace shorties across to one side before plunging his full length into her.

Another loud moan left Maya’s mouth as her head bounced against the metal cabinet. Brian thrust quickly into her as her leg wrapped itself tightly around his waist, pulling him as close to her as it could.

She quickly found herself ready to burst as each of Brian’s thrusts hit her spot. She let out a loud moan of pleasure as she tightened around him.

“Oh God Brian.” She gasped as a wave of heat washed over her body, causing her to bite down sharply on his shoulder which in turn caused him to growl throatily as they climaxed together. Brian thrust quietly into her for a moment longer, resting his head against the side of Maya’s as they allowed their breathing to slow down again. Brian slowly kissed up the side of her neck before placing his lips fully against hers.

“I love you.” Be breathed quietly against her lips.

“I love you too.” She replied before he slowly pulled out of her.

After straightening themselves out Brian wrapped his arms around Maya’s waist and nuzzled his nose into her neck, placing soft kisses against her soft skin. Maya opened the office door to the sound of footsteps walking down the corridor. She looked up to see a startled Abi and Austin stop wide eyed in front of them. Maya bit her lip briefly and laughed.

“Hey I’m not going to judge!” she said holding up her hands in peace. “Just have fun.” She added as she started to walk up the corridor again. Abi blushed vigorously as they passed each other, but as Brian closed the door behind them she heard her giggling before the office door slam shut.

“And where have you two been?” Gena asked with a smile that told them that she’d already guessed the answer.

“I had something to do in the office.” Maya began, smiling broadly as Brian let go of her and whispered that he was going to the bar.

“And you really needed Brian’s help?” Val questioned also smirking at her as she nodded.

“Couldn’t have done it without him.” Maya replied trying to keep a straight face, biting the inside of her lip.

“Well, that’s one impressive hickey you’ve got on your neck that wasn’t there when you left.” Matt chimed in, causing Maya to slap her hand over the side of her neck that Brian had been sucking on in the office. Everyone laughed as Maya turned a deep shade of red just as Brian returned to her side, handing her a drink.

“Everything ok?” he asked looking at Maya who still had her hand over her neck.

“We were just admiring your work.” Johnny yelled from the other end of the booth. Brian looked at him with a confused look before turning to Maya with the same look. Slowly she removed her hand and a smirk appeared on his face when he saw the bruise that had formed.
Brian didn’t say a word he just leaned in and kissed her forcefully on the lips before turning back to the others.

“Oh shit is it that time already?” Maya exclaimed as the DJ announced that there was only half an hour left of the year.

“Guys get your drinks in now. There may be a bit of a cue form now when I announce that I’m shutting the bar for 20 minutes.” She added as she stood up from Brian’s lap ready to go and make the announcement.

Without a word Jimmy shot up from the table and ran to the bar, followed a little slower by Matt and Brian.

“He’s starting to freak me out” Leana said watching jimmy at the bar. “I want to know why he’s acting so weird.” She added.

“Honey he’ll be fine. He’s just having an off day. We all have them.” Val said calmly, trying to reassure her.

Maya gave her a reassuring smile and made her way across the dance floor towards the DJ booth. Before she could get there though she was interrupted as a tall figure jumped in front of her.

“Happy New Year Maya.” A very drunk Dan yelled bringing her into a hug.

“Hey Dan, having fun?” she asked trying to pull out of the embrace.

“Yeah I am.” He slurred as his eyes scanned Maya’s dress.

“You look beautiful.” He slurred again and Maya giggled.

“Thanks Dan, I’ve got to go make an announcement, I’ll see you later.” She said politely.

“No don’t go. Dance with me!” Dan yelled holding on to her hand as she tried to walk away.

“Later Dan, I’ve got to work.” She said pulling her hand away from his and continuing her way to the DJ booth.

“Hey Guys, sorry to interrupt the party but I’ve got an announcement to make.” Maya began as the music level lowered and her customers groaned in unison.

“Just a quick announcement to say that the bar will be closing at 11:50 –“ she stopped for another groan.

“For just twenty minutes so that my staff can see the New Year in with us as well. So get your new years drinks in now.” Maya yelled before handing the mic back to the DJ as he put the music back up to full volume. As Maya walked back to the guys she noticed that their was quite a queue forming at the bar.

“Babe, I’m going to help out at the bar for five, just to get these people served before ten to.” Maya told Brian.

“Ok” he said pouting out his lower lip.

“I’ll bring us back drinks.” She said kissing his lip as he began to smile.

“Just no bending down for glasses and drinks in that dress.” He yelled after her and she turned and giggled. Damn she hadn’t thought about that. This was going to be a challenge.

“Right, sorry guys, if you’re not getting served now, you’ll have to wait until the bar re-opens at ten past.” Maya yelled at the customers who were waiting to be served. She’d already continued to serve until five to midnight as there had been so many waiting to be served.

There were a few groans but Maya shot them all a warning look before turning to get drinks for her and her friends.

“Get you and the other’s drinks and put them on table 69 and come and join us for New Year.” Maya told Jem as she gathered her drinks onto the tray and carried them over to the guys.

“One minute left guys!” the DJ announced and Brian grabbed hold of Maya and turned her to face him, wrapping his arms around her waist and staring silently into her eyes.

“Thirty seconds.” The DJ called and Maya glanced around to see the all her friends were coupled off in much the same way as what she and Brian were. Brian was quietly swaying them back and forth in time to the low music that was playing across the countdown.

“Ten, Nine, eight…” the DJ began to count down, everyone joining in.

“Three, two, one! Happy New Year!” everyone cheered and Brian’s lips crashed onto hers. They pulled away at the sound of a scream from close by them. They turned their head to find the source, as did everyone else in the bar.

“Leana will you marry me?” Jimmy said, crouching on one knee, a small black box in his hand. He looked ready to pass out. Maybe this explained why he’d been acting so strange.

“Oh my god Jimmy. YES!” she screeched and a smile flooded his face. She fell to the floor with him and began to kiss him, causing him to fall fully to the floor. The bar was filled with whoops and cheers as they both got back up. Once they were on their feet again Jimmy took the ring out of the box and gently placed it on her finger with the widest smile on his face that anyone had ever seen.

“I love you Leana Silver.” Jimmy said beaming with joy.

“I love you too James Sullivan.” She replied with a giggle before they shared another brief yet passionate kiss.

“I guess this calls for some champagne!” Maya announced smiling. “Craig! Can you get me two bottles of champagne and 12 glasses please?” Craig smiled with a nod and turned to get their drinks.

“Oh man, I’m glad that’s over with.” Jimmy said placing an arm around Leana as the group gathered around their table again.

“Is that why you’ve been acting so strange today?” Gena asked and Jimmy began to nod.

“I’ve been shitting myself. I’ve been so nervous.” He explained as Craig placed 12 glasses on the table and Sophie gave Maya and Abi a bottle of champagne each.

“Cheers guys. Sophie you can finish now if you want, we’re quiet enough for Jem and Craig to cope on their own.” Maya said as she began to take the foil wrapping off the top of the bottle.

“Cheers boss.” Sophie smiled.

“Go get yourself a drink and have fun.” Maya said with a smile and Sophie and Craig walked back towards the bar.

“Jimmy, would you like to do the honours?” Maya said passing him the bottle to open. Abi passed the bottle she’d been holding to Leana and they both smiled at each other before starting to shake the bottles.

The champagne went everywhere with only enough left to pour a mouthful into everybody’s glass. Not that it mattered.

“To Jimmy and Leana!” Matt yelled picking up a glass and holding it in the air. Everyone around the table picked up a glass and drank a toast to Jimmy and Leana.
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So I've been able to update early as I've been sent home from work early because of the snow! Yeay! I would have gone down the park with a sledge or to build a snowman but by the time I got home the sun was out melting it all :(
Anyway, I'm going to be writing so more now so you may get another update later :)
Comments would still be good though :)