Status: Complete

For Reasons Unknown

Chapter 4

“Thank you for breakfast guys I definitely needed that.” Maya said as the group walked out of the small cafe that was around the corner from where the tour bus was parked.

“You are welcome.” Zack said walking alongside her.

“Exactly, now we better get you home so that we can get on the road again.” Matt said as they approached the bus.

As they drove, most of the group sat around the sofa’s again talking, apart from Johnny who was still feeling hung over and went back to bed and Matt who’d decided to crash out in his bed after admitting that the sofa wasn’t the best and most comfortable place to sleep.

“Have you seen my cell guys? Maya asked returning from the toilet as they neared Stockton.

“Didn’t you say you left it downstairs last night?” Syn asked.

“Yeah I did but it wasn’t in my bag.”

“Do you know your number off by heart?” The Rev asked.

“Yeah, why?”

“Phone your cell so you can hear it!” he replied.

“Oh yeah!”

“Here, borrow mine.” Syn said passing her his cell.

“Cheers” she replied taking it off him and dialling her number. Shortly after the sound of Green Day “She” could be heard quietly playing from somewhere close by. Everyone began to look around for Maya’s cell, lifting pillows and magazines.

“Got it!” The Rev said picking up the cell and passing it to her.

“Cheers Syn.” Maya said passing his cell back to him. She then put her cell into her bag and sat down next to Zack on the sofa.

“So how long are you guys on tour for now?” she asked

“Three months, around the States, then if it all goes well, we’ll be heading to the UK and Europe.” Zack explained.

“Wow, that’s a long time to be on the road, being away from your family and girlfriends.”

“Yeah, you’ve gotta keep reminding yourself that you’re lucky to be doing this, it’s what we’ve wanted to do for so long and we’re finally getting to do it.” Syn said the other’s nodding in agreement.

“And those of us with girlfriends will get the chance to fly them out later” The Rev explained.

“Maya, we need directions down here please” Matt called down from the front of the bus where he was sat next to the driver. Maya stood up and pulled the strap of her bag over her head and walked down to the front of the bus and started giving the driver directions to her home.

“Take the next left, and about 200 yards down the road there’s a small apartment block on the right, a Harley parked outside.” She explained. Matt turned round and looked at her with raised eyebrows. “Your Harley?” he asked.

“Yeah, my pride and joy, a 1991 FXR Super Glide.” She said proudly. “My dad got it for me as a reward for getting my licence, although it was really an excuse for him to go out and buy the new model.” She explained as they pulled up outside her home, her bike parked up as she said it was.

“Nice bike!” Matt said staring in awe at it through the bus window.

“Thanks, and thanks for all you’ve done for me these past couple of hours.” She said with a warm smile.

“Don’t worry about it, now have you got everything?” he replied opening the bus door and stepping out.

“Yeah” she replied tapping her bag, stepping out after him. She was followed by the other four guys.

“So this is home for you huh?” Syn asked taking off his hat and spinning it around on his fingers.

“Yeah, second floor” she said pointing up towards the windows of her apartment.

“Well, I guess we’ll see each other in court if they ever catch the guy.” Matt said.

“Yeah, I guess we will, I hadn’t thought of that.” Maya replied. “Well, thanks guys, have a great tour, and I’ll look forward to the next album and the next tour.” Maya added and found
Matt stepping forward to hug her. His embrace was warm and welcoming. After pulling away from Matt she was met with hugs from the others.

“It was nice meeting you Maya, you’re a good laugh.” Syn said the last one to hug her. As he left her embrace he gently placed his hat onto her head. “The ultimate way to piss your friend off.” He said in a low voice. “It’s signed on the rim.” He added and Maya glanced up at the rim where she could see a scribble.

“Thanks Syn, that’s the coolest present anyone has ever given me, apart from my bike.” Maya said hugging him again. “No worries, I got like a million.”

One by one the five guys made their way back onto the bus and Maya retreated towards her apartment building. She turned at the sound of the bus moving off and waved at the five faces that stood in the window smiling and waving back at her. As she watched the bus drive to the end of the street she glanced up at the rim of her hat again and smiled. Apart from a nightmare five minutes the past 18 hours or so had been the best of her life and she’d never forget them.
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Another short chapter but if you guys are nice and leave me enough comments I may update again before the end of the weekend ;) So Comments please and Thank you to all my readers, subscribers and comment-leavers xoxo