Status: Complete

For Reasons Unknown

Chapter 43

Maya’s eyes snapped open as she felt a jabbing pain in her ribs. She turned her head and realised that the pain had been caused by Leana jabbing her to get her attention.

“Seatbelt sweetie; we’re going to be landing soon.” She said with a large smile on her face. Maya took a second to process what she’d said before smiling back at her, pulling her chair into an up right position and fastening her seatbelt.

All five girls excitedly made their way to baggage claim and through the terminal where they knew the guys would be waiting for them in the arrivals lounge.
Once in the arrivals lounge they all began to frantically search the large area looking for their men. Not surprisingly it was Jimmy that they spotted first. He stuck out above everybody else.

“There!” Leana and Gena yelled at the same time pointing in Jimmy’s direction, where they then noticed the other four guys.

The five girls walked quickly towards them, dragging their suitcases behind them. The guys had spotted them and were also walking quickly in their direction.

Maya’s eyes soon found Brian’s as they walked towards each other, smiles growing on each of their faces. It was like one of those scenes in a movie. As they met Maya let go of her suitcase as Brian picked her up and crashed his lips on to hers, her legs wrapping themselves around his waist. Their tongues clashed as Maya’s hands gripped hold of his hair, pulling him closer to her. He pulled slowly out of the kiss and rested his forehead against hers.

“God, I’ve fucking missed you.” He whispered quietly as they both smiled at each other.

“I’ve missed you too.” she replied kissing him again as she lowered her feet to the ground. She turned her head to see the other girls embraced with their men in much the same way.

“Come on, lets go to the bus.” He said picking up her suitcase and turning to leave the airport, his free hand taking a firm hold of hers as he guided them towards the tour bus. The others all followed into the early morning light, across the cold parking lot and onto the warm bus.

“We were thinking that we’d go grab some breakfast and then crash out on the way to the hotel.” Zack said getting onto the bus behind Maya.

“That sounds great, I’m starving.” Gena replied as they began to gather at the sofas.

“Yeah me to. I could eat a scabby horse.” Lacey said collapsing on the sofa with Johnny who wrapped his arm around her shoulder as her head rested against his chest.

Brian climbed into the small bunk next to Maya and pulled her close to him, not that there was any room for her not to be close to him, and kissed her.

“I’m so happy you’re here” he said giving her another quick kiss on the lips.

“I’m happy I’m here too.” Maya giggled as another kiss was placed against her lips.

“I’ve missed you so much.” She added leaning in for another kiss.

“Missed you too, and I can’t wait to get you to our hotel room.” He whispered seductively before placing another kiss on her lips. A small, sexy smile appeared on Maya’s face before she kissed him, this time allowing her tongue to slip into his mouth and collide with his. They both moaned loudly into the kiss before she pulled away.

“I love you.” She whispered looking lustfully into his eyes.

“I love you too.” he replied kissing her again before she turned slowly and awkwardly in his arms and closed her eyes as he snuggled in close to her and placed a soft kiss on the back of her shoulder.

“Baby, wake up, we’re at the hotel.” Brian whispered. Maya opened her eyes and turned to see Brian smiling at her from outside the bunk.

Maya smiled back and slid out of the bunk into his arms. He placed his hands on her hips and kissed her briefly on the lips before taking hold of her hand and guiding her off the bus and into the hotel. Once they were checked in they made their way to the elevator.

Brian and Maya stepped into the empty elevator and Brian began to kiss Maya as he pressed the button for their floor. They were abruptly interrupted by a throat clearing behind them. They broke apart to see an older couple stood next to them, the woman looking at them with a look of sincere displeasure. Her husband on the other hand gave them a sly wink as he pressed for the floor they needed. Maya and Brian couldn’t help but smile back at him as Brian took hold of Maya’s hand in his.

Maya turned quickly and pressed her lips firmly against Brian’s, pushing them backwards against the door, closing it in the process. Her hands found the sides of his face as his found her hips, both pulling the other closer to them as their tongues collided.

Brian began to move them slowly towards the bedroom as they began to pull at each other’s clothes, hungrily kissing each other, wanting each other there and then. A trail of their clothes followed them to the bed where Brian picked Maya up and placed her on the neatly made comforter and quickly climbed on top of her, her legs immediately wrapped themselves around his waist as his lips began to suck roughly at her neck, giving it the occasional nip.

A loud gasp left Maya’s mouth as she felt Brian thrust two of his long fingers deep inside her. They began to massage her as more loud gasps escaped Maya’s mouth as Brian kissed his way down to her breasts.

Maya flung her head back into the pillows and closed her eyes as a wave of heat washed over her body and she felt the tension build in her stomach.

“Brian!” she moaned loudly tightening around his fingers as she came, arching her back up towards him. Slowly he removed his fingers and kissed his way back up to her lips.

“OH GOD” Maya groaned as she felt him plunged his hard length deep into her. She bucked her hips as he began to grind his hips into hers, making her writhe on the bed as he hit her spot. His hot unsteady breath against her neck made goose bumps erupt over her body.

“FUCK” Maya screamed as she felt herself tighten around Brian again.

“Maya! I love you.” Brian growled loudly against her neck as he spilled deep inside her.

“I love you too.” Maya replied taking his face in her hands again and pulling him into a kiss.
Brian pulled Maya into his chest and pulled the sheet around them. He entwined their fingers and kissed her temple.

“It’s going to be so strange having you watch me from the side of the stage tonight.” He said quietly.

“Strange?” Maya questioned raising an eyebrow.

“You know what I mean. In a good way. Having you so close to me when I’m up there playing, it’s going to be awesome.” He replied.

“I know it’s going to be strange for me too not watching you from the crowd.” She replied.

“Just think. The last time I saw you play was the night we met.” She added with a reminiscent smile.

“God yeah, it was. You know, as soon as I saw you I knew there was something special about you.” Brian said placing a gentle kiss against her cheek as she blushed.

“Did you really?” she asked turning to face him. He nodded as he kissed her on the lips as she smiled against his.

“After spending the night with you I knew I would have to find someway of making sure I could see you again – to keep in touch – that’s why I hid your cell phone” he explained as Maya’s eyes widened in shock.

“You hid my cell phone?” she repeated.

“Yeah, remember on the bus and you couldn’t find it and I gave you mine to ring yours to find it?” he asked with a smile as she nodded.

“That was my plan to get your number so I could give you a call at a later date.” He continued.

“Well, I’m glad you did.” Maya replied in a whisper as she placed her lips gently on Brian’s, their kiss quickly progressing and intensifying.
♠ ♠ ♠
So comments then people.... :)
I've got about half of the last chapter to write and then that's the story finished (well for me at least) lol
As I was saying.....Comments.....