Status: Complete

For Reasons Unknown

Chapter 44

Maya stood at the side of the stage next to Val and Leana. Gena and Lacey had decided to stand on the opposite side as Zack and Johnny spent more time on that side. It wasn’t that cold in the venue but Maya pulled the sleeves of Brian’s hoodie down over her hands as goose bumps had erupted over her body as she watched him perform his solo. Watching him had given her the same reaction at every gig she’d watched over the past week. When it happened the first night she wasn’t really surprised. She’d asked the other girls how they felt watching the guys play and they’d all agreed that they enjoyed watching them.

“After almost ten years of watching him, I still get really turned on seeing him up there.” Val had said on the first night when Maya had asked her.

As the solo ended and Brian walked back over to the side of the stage he caught her eye and smiled widely at her. It was a smile that made her go weak at the knees. If she could have she would have jumped on him there and then, but she would have to wait until the end of the show.

This was the last gig before the girls headed back to California and the guys headed to England. In the morning the girls were catching an early flight home. The week had gone so fast; Maya could only hope that the next six weeks went just as fast and that she would soon be at LAX greeting them as they returned home.

The gig ended and each of the guys quickly joined their girlfriends at the sides of the stage. Brian wrapped his arms around her waist as he kissed her deeply.

“Come on.” Maya whispered taking hold of his hands before turning and leading him by the hand down a lonely corridor.

“Babe, where are you taking me?” Brian asked with a small chuckle.

“Just about here.” Maya replied stopping and looking up and down the corridor to make sure that they were completely alone. She turned and pressed her lips against Brian’s, pushing him against the wall behind him.

“Can’t you just leave her alone for just like five minutes?” Zack asked Brian as he and Maya walked casually onto the tour bus twenty minutes later.

“Dude, that was all her!” Brian said holding up his hands in defence as they sat down on the sofa; a smirk on his face as Maya blushed.

“All her?” Val quirked an eyebrow.

“Ok, so she didn’t need to hold a gun to my head…but it was totally her suggestion – I just didn’t complain!” he said as Maya’s red cheeks deepened as everyone laughed.


“Babe you’re sounding a lot worse today than what you have all week.” Brian told Maya down the phone.

“I know, and I’ve finally given in to Abi telling me that I can’t work like this and have taken myself home to bed, well the sofa.” She replied through a bunged up nose.

“Good, I’ve been telling you all week not to go into work, and if I’d been home you wouldn’t have.”

“Yeah, but then I would have had something to stay at home for.” She replied trying to sound seductive.

“Babe, as much as I love having sex with you, if you look half as rough as what you sound I’d have to decline – too many germs and shit.” He replied through a small laugh.

“Careful it’s going to be hot.” Dan said placing a tray on her lap with a bowl of chicken soup and a mug of hot lemon and whisky. Abi had sent him round after his shift with flu supplies.

“Mmm it smells delicious.” Maya replied as Brian also spoke.

“Sorry Hun, what did you say?” she asked blowing a spoonful of hot soup to cool it.

“I said who the fuck is that?” he repeated.

“It’s Dan; he’s brought me some flu supplies to make me feel better.”

“Who’s Dan?” Brian asked. Maya sensed the tone of his voice and rolled her eyes.

“From the bar. Tall, slim, brown hair.” She began.

“The one that fancies you.” Brian stated through a small growl.

“Yes that’s him.” Maya retorted and she heard Brian give another low growl into the receiver.

“What does the cock sucker doing in my house?” again through a small growl.

“He’s brought me some stuff to make me feel better.”

“How long has he been there?” Brian asked accusingly.

“For as long as it’s taken him to heat up this soup.” Maya retorted picking up on the tone.

Brian mumbled something about him hanging around for other reasons, and taking his chance while he was out of the country. Maya didn’t hear every word but she heard enough for her to know what he was accusing her and Dan of.

“Fuck you Haner, I’m not in the mood with your jealousy crap.” And with that she hung up and shut her phone off. She really wasn’t in the mood to deal with him if he was going to be like that. When was he going to realise that she loved him and wasn’t interested in anyone else?

“Is everything ok? Do you want me to leave?” Dan asked timidly. Maya had forgotten he was there. She looked up at him and smiled weakly.

“No, don’t be stupid. He’s just being a class A idiot. Let’s put that film you brought over on. I need cheering up.” She said before taking another spoonful of soup.

As Maya finished her soup Dan put Shaun of the Dead on. She curled up on the sofa with the duvet wrapped around her and quickly fell asleep. When she woke up the TV was off and she was alone, well apart from Pinkly who had curled up at her feet. At the sign of movement he made his way up to her face and licked her nose. She caught hold of him and pushed herself up on the sofa. She took hold of her phone to check the time but then remembered that she’d turned it off and the reason why.

Sighing she turned the phone back on again and waited a moment as a train of new messages and answer phone messages came through. She scrolled down the list of messages first, seeing that they were mainly from Brian but there were also some from the girls. She decided to read these first. She’d read what Brian had to say for himself after that.

She opened the message from Gena.

“Honey, are you ok? Zack text me and said that you and Brian had a fight and you’re not answering his messages or calls. Do you want me to come over?”

She sighed and scrolled to a message off Leana.

“Babe, Jimmy just rang, he said Brian’s worried cos you’re not answering. He said you had a fight. You ok?” Maya sighed again. The next couple of messages she opened were similar. There was messages from Val, Lacey, Abi, Zack, Matt, Jimmy and Johnny as well as 7 from Brian. She read each one and then started on the answer phone messages. There was one from Leana and Abi and two from Brian. She listened to the first three messages and then began to listen to Brian’s second message. She glanced at the time and realised that it had been left just ten minutes ago.

“Babe, please, I’m sorry. I’m a dick. I don’t deserve you, but I love you. I need you. I um, I can’t…listen, I’m due to go on stage in like twenty minutes, but I’m not going until I hear back from you…. I love you Maya.” His voice has sounded broken and shaky. Maya ended the call and scrolled down to Brian’s name and pressed the call button. It barely rang once when Brian answered.

“Babe?” he yelled causing her to wince at the volume of his voice.

“Hey. Have you stopped being a prick yet?” she replied.

“Babe, I’m sorry, I know I’m an idiot. I know you’d never cheat on me. But I guess I just didn’t like the fact that a good looking guy was looking after you. That’s my job not his.” He said in one long breath.

“Babe, the thing that pissed me off is that it’s not the first time you’ve been jealous of Dan. And I don’t know why?” she replied.

“I don’t know, I guess I’ve just seen the way you two laugh with each other behind the bar. And he’s good looking.” Brian replied timidly.

“Um, Hello? Have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately? Have you seen the way my eyes light up every time I see you? Have you heard me scream your name every time-“

“Ok, so I’m just a complete idiot. Will you forgive me?” Brian cut her off.

“Brian. I love you. And I will forgive you, but you are going to stop getting jealous of other guys. None of them could come remotely close to you.” she replied calmly and she heard him sigh loudly in relief.

“Maya. I am sorry. I will try but I just automatically think that all other guys would do what I would do if you were someone else’s girlfriend. I would try it on with you, and keep trying until I either got you or got beat up by your boyfriend.” He explained.

“Brian. You’re a dumbass but I love you. Now go play the show and call me later.” Maya ordered.

“Ok, I love you too, bye babe and I’m sorry again for being such a prick.” He said.

“Bye babe.” She replied with a chuckle before they both hung up.
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So I'm almost finished with this story, I've just got to finish the epilogue, which i was hoping to finish tonight but I've run out of time - but it will be finished tomorrow evening! Once it's finished I'll post the last couple of chapters and finally get started on my new story!
Anyway, as always a big thank you to everyone who reads this, subscribes and comments!
The more comments I get the quicker you guys get the last 9 chapters :)