Status: Complete

For Reasons Unknown

Chapter 46

“Can’t Abi cover for you?” Brian whined as Maya left the bed to take a shower.

“No, she can’t.” Maya replied simply from the bathroom as she climbed into the warm, refreshing shower.

She sighed deeply with content as she allowed the warm water to cascade over her sweaty body. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back to allow the water to wash over her face. She was enjoying the feeling so much that she didn’t hear Brian join her. She just jumped a little as his arms snaked around her middle and his lips attached themselves to their favourite spot on her neck. She moaned quietly at his touch, her hands going out to grab the sides of the shower cubical as she felt her knees begin to buckle under the feel of his skin on hers.

“You can be late though right?” he whispered softly against her neck as one of his fingers ran it’s way down to start massaging her clit.

“Brian, did you see where my bra landed?” Maya asked as she tried to get herself dressed as he watched, dressed only in a towel, from the bed.

“You mean this one?” he asked playfully, waving the pink lace bra that he was holding.

“Yes.” She said holding out her hand for him to pass it to her. But he just held onto it with a smirk.

“Babe, come on, I’m already late. Pass it here.” She whined.

“Come and get it” he said seductively through the smirk. Maya sighed.

“If I tell you a secret, will you give me my bra?” she asked mimicking his smirk.

“Secret?” he asked quirking an eyebrow. “We don’t keep secrets.” He added sitting up.

“Bra, and I’ll tell you.” she said holding out her hand again. This time he passed it to her.

“Thank-you.” she replied putting it on.

“Hey, come on secret!” Brian ordered.

“OK, but you can’t say anything to any of the guys, not until they tell us.” She said and he nodded.

“They?” he questioned.

“Matt and Val. Val’s telling Matt today, and all us girls know already so it won’t be long before they tell us” Maya began.

“Not much of a secret then if all you girls know.” Maya rolled her eyes.

“Val’s pregnant.” She stated as Brian’s eyes widened.

“Pregnant? But how? I mean, isn’t she on the pill?” he asked in shock.

“She was yeah, but it doesn’t always work. She must have missed one” Maya replied.

“So how long have you known?” Brian asked as Maya finished getting dressed.

“Only since yesterday, she took a test when we were over there.” She explained.

“Wow, Matt’s going to freak out” he yelled causing Maya to turn around quickly to face him with furrowed brows.

“I mean in a good way, he’s always wanted kids. He told us that he wants them to set a date for the wedding. Said he’s left it long enough.” Brian explained as Maya smiled at him.

“Are you coming over later?” she asked as she grabbed her purse.

“Yeah, of course I am.” He replied laying back down on the bed.

“Ok, I’ll see you later babe.” She replied blowing him a kiss, which he caught and slapped onto his cheek.

“I love you.” he called as she walked through the bedroom door.

“Love you too.” she called back.

“Abi, I’m sorry, I-“

“Was distracted by Brian.” Abi interrupted her excuse with a knowing smirk.

“Something like that.” She smirked back.

“Don’t worry. I’ll forgive you. He has only just got back.” Abi replied as Maya sat down beside her.

“Anything exciting happened today?” Maya asked and Abi shook her head.

“Same old shit.” She mumbled.

“Up to anything exciting tonight?” Maya asked.

“Me and Austin are having a night in with a Chinese and whatever film we fancy watching.” Abi replied with a smile as she gathered her stuff of the bar.

“Ok sweetie, have a good night.” Maya replied.

Maya got off her chair and poured herself a glass of coke. Just as she settled back down with one of the newspapers that had been left on the bar her phone vibrated on the desk in front of her.

“Gena, hey what-“

“Maya, have you seen Matt?” Gena cut her off sounding rather panicked.

“Matt? No. Why?” Maya questioned.

“He flipped. When Val told him about the baby. Started accusing her of cheating on him and then walked out on her. She’s in a right state.” Gena explained quickly.

“What? He can’t be serious? Val would never-“

“Well, he thinks she did, he didn’t even think of the fact that she conceived in Germany or France” Gena yelled.

“Mother Fucker! I can’t believe he’d think that….Gena, I’ll call you back, he’s just walked into the bar” she said lowering her voice as she watched Matt walk up to the bar and demand a bottle of Jack Daniels, waving a $100 note in Jem’s face.

Slowly Maya got up off her stool and walked slowly down to Matt.

“Matt.” She said quietly and he turned to face her. Before she had time to think through what she was doing her right hand had balled into a fist and had hit him across the left side of his face, the force of the hit sending him stumbling backwards. She immediately clutched her knuckles.

“Damn that hurt.” He yelled as he clutched his jaw.

“You’re an arsehole.” Maya replied.

“You’ve heard what’s happened then? You don’t care that Val is a cheating whore?” He retorted.

“Matt, you are the father!” Maya yelled. Matt shook his head.

“I’ve been away for three mon-“

“Are you a complete retard? Six weeks ago we were in Germany” Maya yelled. The expression on Matt’s face suddenly changed when he realised how much of an idiot he’d been.

“I’ve got to go. I’ve got some apologising to do. Thank you, for knocking some sense into me.” He said with a chuckle as he hugged her and placed a kiss on her forehead before running out the bar.

Maya chuckled as she watched him before turning back and walking back to her chair.

“Can I have some ice for my fist? That guy’s got an iron jaw I think.” She chuckled.

“You’ve got a mean right hook as well.” Jem said as she handed Maya some ice wrapped in some paper towels.

“Cheers.” Maya replied as she flipped open her cell phone and dialled Gena’s number.

“Hey, he’s on his way home.” Maya said as soon as she answered.

“How did you?” Gena asked sounding shocked.

“Let’s just say I knocked some sense into him” Maya said with a smile that quickly turned into a grimace as pain shot through her right hand.

“You hit him?” Gena said quietly.

“Yeah, I didn’t really think about it, I just did.” Maya said thinking back over her actions.

“Hey, I don’t care. If it got him to see sense and come back to sort things out with Val then that’s what’s important.” She replied as Maya heard Matt arrive on the other side of the phone.

“Honey, he’s just arrived back, I’ll talk to later, you’re a star.” Gena replied quickly before hanging up the phone.

“Jem, I’ll be down in the office. If you need me just buzz down.” Maya replied discarding the ice into the sink before grabbing her stuff and heading downstairs to the office.

Maya sat in the office catching up with her paper work for about an hour and a half. She would have been quicker but the throbbing ache in her right hand from punching Matt slowed her down. That and she was distracted every five minutes with messages from Brian as well as from the other guys who just wanted to find out if what they’d been told about her hitting Matt was true.

She glanced up to the CCTV screens and her eyes fell on a familiar figure stood at the end of the bar talking to Jem. She smiled as she watched Brian but then she quickly began to frown as he handed her his cell phone and she appeared to type in a number before she handed it back. Confused but deciding not to mention anything about it Maya picked up her keys and phone and made her way up to the bar.

“I’m telling you he stumbled back about that far!” Jem laughed, holding out her arms to demonstrate how far Matt had stumbled back when Maya had hit him.

“Hey.” Maya said simply with a smile as she reached the end of the bar where Brian was sat on the bar stool where Maya had been sat earlier.

Brian turned to face her with a smile.

“Hey babe.” He replied leaning across to place a soft kiss on her lips.

“How’s your hand?” Jem asked.

Maya lifted her right hand up to show them and Brian immediately took it into his to study the bruises that had formed across the knuckles. Slowly he raised her hand to his lips and gently placed three soft kisses along her knuckles.

“I can’t believe you hit Matt.” He chuckled lacing his fingers with hers.

“I didn’t mean to, it just felt like the right thing to do in that split second of time. He needed to realise that he was being a prick.” She shrugged. Brian laughed as he shook his head and pulled her hand to his lips again.
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Well I haven't got much to say tonight apart from THANK YOU as always - you guys mean a lot to me - make writing stories fun :)
All I ask for in return is for you to leave a small comment :)