Status: Complete

For Reasons Unknown

Chapter 47

“I just miss spending time with Abi. I never get to see her properly anymore. She’s been my best friend for more years than I can remember, but since we moved here and had to work opposite shifts I’ve spent more time with Jem and I think Abi is starting to feel a little left out as I’ve got a lot more in common with Jem than Abi.” Maya explained from the sofa as Brian pottered around the house getting ready to go to the studio.

“I know babe. Have a good day. I’ll come and pick you up later and even cook you something to eat if you want.” Brian replied grabbing his keys off the side before leaning over the sofa and placing a kiss on her forehead and then her lips.

“Love you babe.” He said in a whisper against her lips before straightening up and walking out of the house. Maya raised her head to watch him with a smile and then picked up her cell phone and wrote a message.

“Love you too.” she wrote and sent to Brian with a wide grin on her face. She then began to write a message to Abi.

“Do you fancy lunch when I come over later? We could leave Dan in charge for an hour?” he hit send as she lifted herself off the sofa and went upstairs to have a shower and get ready.

“Yeah that sounds good. We haven’t done that in months.” Maya replied Abi’s reply as she looked through her closet for something to wear.

Half an hour later Maya was dressed and was walking down PCH towards the bar.

“Hey, so I was thinking, we could go grab some lunch and then do some shopping.” Maya said cheerfully as she sat down next to Abi at the end of the bar.

“Sounds good to me.” She replied.

“That is as long as Dan doesn’t mind watching the bar for us for an hour or so?” Maya asked with a smile as she fluttered her eyelashes at him.

“What’s it worth?” he asked crossing his arms across his chest.

“An entire weekend off.” Maya offered hopefully.

“Deal.” He said instantly.

“Ok, are you ready to go?” Maya asked Abi who nodded.

“Give either of us a ring if you need us.” Maya said to Dan as she got up and grabbed her purse.

“Well apparently she’s been seeing this guy called Phil.” Abi explained to Maya as they walked out of Hot Topic. Abi had been filling Maya in on some gossip Bridget had told her about Kat.

“But it turns out he’s married and has a three year old son.” Abi added as they walked through the mall.

“Oh my God, I take it his wife hasn’t found out about them yet?” Maya replied.

“Apparently not, but it’s only a matter of time before Kat starts showing and apparently he’s told her that he’s going to be there for them and everything-“ Abi stated.

“Oh My God!” Maya said stopping abruptly, staring straight ahead.

“I know, it’s insane-“ Abi continued before she realised that Maya had stopped for a reason and was staring at someone.

“Abi tell me I’m seeing things and that’s not really”

“Brian and Jem? Sorry honey I see them too.” she said softly as she placed a supporting hand on Maya’s shoulder. Not a hundred yards ahead of them Brian and Jem had just come out of one of the mall’s jewellery stores, smiling at each other. Brian had given her a small gift bag and kissed her softly on the temple as he placed his arm loosely around her shoulders. She had broken out into a large smile as she looked into the gift bag and had placed a kiss on his cheek.

As Maya had watched this she had stood still, her heart being torn to shreds from within her ribcage. It was if she was having an out of body experience as she watched them walk further away from her and Abi. She didn’t even realise she’d slumped to the floor as tears sprung from her eyes and rolled uncontrollably down her cheeks as she sobbed.

“Maya honey, don’t get upset, it maybe totally innocent.” Abi whispered trying to be comforting.

“Really Abi? How? It didn’t look innocent to me! To me it looked like my boyfriend cheating on me with one of my friends.” Maya yelled back.

Abi crouched down on the floor next to her and pulled her into a comforting hug, glaring at the shoppers who dared to stare at them.

“Honey, come on, let’s get you out of here.” Abi suggested after a few minutes of Maya just sobbing uncontrollably onto her shoulder.

“I thought he was different Abi. I thought he was the one. The one I’d marry, have kids with. Grow old with.” She sobbed as she stood up and straightened herself out.

“I know babe, I know.” Was all Abi could think of to say as they walked towards the exit to go back to the bar.

“I love him so much and this is how he treats me” Maya continued.

“And I thought Jem was my friend? I mean I knew she fancied him, I mean she fancies Synyster Gates, but I never thought she’d stab me in the back. Kat. Now Kat I wouldn’t have trusted around Brian at all, she wouldn’t have given me a single thought if Brian had made a move on her. But Jem. I would never have guessed she would be the kind of girl who’d knowingly be with someone who had a girlfriend.” Maya ranted through tears as they walked back down PCH towards the pub.

“Me neither. I didn’t think Brian would cheat on you neither. I thought he loved you. Thought you were happy together.” Abi replied solemnly.

“We are…were. Well at least I thought we were. I’ve had no reason to think other wise.” She said as they walked back into the bar.

“Have fun?” Dan asked cheerfully but Abi quickly shook her head with a glare to signal for him not to mention anything.

“Any problems?” Abi asked. Dan shook his head with a weak smile.

“Can we have three JDs? Doubles. Two on ice.” Maya asked as she walked sullenly over to a booth opposite the bar. Dan nodded and went to pour the drinks. Abi got them before joining Maya, sitting opposite her.

Maya quickly knocked back the straight JD and slammed the empty glass down in front of her as Abi took a slow sip out of her drink. Maya swapped her empty glass for the other one with ice and took a small sip out of it.

“I’ll stay and cover your shift tonight. I don’t think you’re going to be in a state to concentrate tonight.” Abi said quietly. Maya looked up at her and smiled weakly.

“Thanks Abi. I just want to work my way through that bottle of Jack.” She replied waving her hand in the rough direction of the bottles.

“You do know she’s supposed to be working tonight don’t you?” Abi asked cautiously.
Maya glared at her for a second.

“Make her shift hell.” She sneered. “Make her scrub the gum off the underneath of the tables, clean out the store cupboard and the glass washer.” Maya added with a sickening smirk.
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Ohhh! what's going on? and with only about 5 chapters left?
If you want to find out you better get commenting...... more comments = quicker update ;)