Status: Complete

For Reasons Unknown

Chapter 51

Maya woke up to the sound of her cell phone, and Brian’s message tone. With a large smile on her face she reached over to the small table beside the bed and picked up her phone and flipped it open to read the message.

“Morning beautiful. Did you sleep well? I can’t wait to see you later Love you xxx.”
Maya smiled as she began to write her reply.

“I slept OK, think I was too excited to sleep properly. How about you? Love you too. xxx.”

Maya smiled to her self as she thought about the day ahead. Today was her wedding day. The day she’d been looking forward to since the day Brian had proposed. She was interrupted from her thoughts as her phone began to ring again, this time with Brian’s ring tone.

“Hey.” Maya answered with a smile.

“Morning beautiful. How are you feeling?” Brian asked.

“I’m ok. My stomach is doing flips again though. I’m so excited.” Maya replied running her hand over her stomach as the butterflies began dancing at the sound of Brian’s voice.

“Excited or nervous?” Brian asked.

“Excited. Definitely. Why would I be nervous about marrying you?” Maya giggled.

“I don’t know. It’s just one of those things that happen on your wedding day isn’t it? People get nervous. Wedding jitters.” Brian explained.

“I guess. So are you nervous?” she asked as her stomach flipped again. Maybe she was more nervous than what she thought.

“A little. Not about marrying you – that’s all excitement. But I’m nervous about other things. I want today to be perfect. I don’t want anything going wrong.” Brian replied as Maya’s stomach turned again. This time churning up the meal she had the night before.

“Babe, I’m going to have to go.” She said quickly getting out of bed and heading towards the en-suite.

“Maya are you ok?” Brian asked in a worried voice.

“Yeah, it’s just those damn butterflies in my stomach. I love you.” she said quickly as she fell to her knees beside the toilet bowl.

“Love you too.” Brian replied and hung up just as the contents of Maya’s stomach flew into the toilet bowl.

Maya was brushing her teeth to get the taste of vomit out of her mouth when there was a light tap at the bedroom door.

“Come in.” Maya called from the bathroom and heard the door open.

“Hey!” Abi called back as she walked into the bedroom. “I was just coming to see if you were ready for breakfast?” she added walking up to the bathroom door.

“Why are you brushing your teeth?” she asked suspiciously.

“I wanted to get the taste of puke out of my mouth.” She replied simply putting her toothbrush back on the sink.

“You’ve been sick again?” Abi yelled and Maya nodded.

“Honey are you sure you’re ok?” Abi asked with concern.

“Yeah, it’s just nerves.” Maya said with a nervous giggle.

“And you’re definitely sure you’re not pregnant?” Abi queried.

“Yes Abi I’m sure. Between you, the other girls and Brian I’ve taken three tests already this week.” Maya replied walking past her and out of the bedroom.

“Ok, I was only checking.” Abi grumbled as she followed her down the stairs.

“I know, but seriously, don’t you think that at least one of those tests would have been positive if I was? It really is just nerves” Maya said sitting down at the kitchen counter.

“I guess. So what do you want for breakfast?” Abi asked with a smile.

“Pancakes?” Maya asked battering her eyelashes.

“With cookies and ice cream?” Abi asked and Maya nodded enthusiastically.

Maya ate her breakfast and headed upstairs for a shower before the girls and her dad were due to arrive. However, before she could get as far as the shower, Maya was crouched beside the toilet, her breakfast quickly disappearing down the bowl.

Once she was in the shower she thought about the possibility of her being pregnant. She tried to figure out if she was late or not. If she’d missed taking one of her pills. Or if it really was just the nerves and excitement of the wedding getting the better of her.

She got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her body and another around her hair. She pushed open the door of the bathroom cabinet and took out the box that she’d shoved to the back a few days before.

“One more test won’t hurt.” She mumbled to herself as she glared at the box. “Help put my mind at rest so I can concentrate on today.” She added.

She took the test out of the box and sat on the toilet seat and tried her hardest to pee. But there was nothing. Sighing she got up and walked out of the bedroom and towards the stairs. As she walked down she heard some familiar voices and soon realised that the other girls had arrived.

Maya walked out into the kitchen where Abi, Val, Leana, Gena and Lacey were all sat at the counter drinking coffee.

“Hey honey. How you feeling?” Val asked.

“I’m good. How’s Brian?” she replied looking at Leana.

“He’s good too. I know he can’t wait to see you walking down the aisle towards him.” Leana smiled back as Maya poured herself a glass of water.

“Abi said that you’ve been sick again.” Val asked as she quickly drank the entire glass before refilling it.

“Yeah. And I may as well tell you that I was sick again after breakfast.” She replied before quickly drinking the second glass full of water.

“Are you sure you’re not pregnant?” Gena asked subconsciously rubbing her hand over her small baby bump.

“That’s why I’m drinking all this water.” Maya began. “I’ve got one more tester kit upstairs but can’t pee. If it comes up negative again I’m concluding that it is just nerves and excitement and I’ll be able to relax for the rest of the day.” She added before gulping down a third glass of water.

“And if it’s positive?” Leana asked.

“Then I’m not going to be able to have champagne at my own wedding reception.” Maya said with a smile.

“What about Brian?” Lacey asked.

“Brian can drink for the both of us.” Maya replied dryly and Lacey rolled her eyes.

“You know exactly what I meant!” Lacey replied.

“I know. But I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it. Right now I really need to pee!” she replied before running back up the stairs.

Maya took a deep breath and picked up the test stick off the back of the toilet to read it. Two bright pink lines had appeared in the little window. She was pregnant. She was getting married in a little over three hours and was clutching a positive pregnancy test in her hand. Would Brian be happy? When would she tell him? Should she call him now? No. She’d tell him after the ceremony. And of course he’d be happy. She saw the faint look of disappointment in his face when she had a negative test a few days ago.

She was brought out of her thoughts when she heard a faint noise from the other side of the door. Slowly and quietly she walked over to the door and pulled it open. On the other side the door the five girls all jumped at the door opening and started at her.

“Well?” Abi asked as a large grin appeared on her face.

“I’m pregnant.” Maya whispered.

The five girls squealed and rushed towards Maya to hug her. “Oh my God, this is such great news!” Gena yelled just as the doorbell rang.

“Shit, that’s probably my dad.” Maya said pulling away from them.

“Abi will you go let him in?” she asked “I’ll be down in a second.”

Abi nodded and went to answer the door, followed by the other four girls.

Maya took a deep breath and adjusted herself before following the girls downstairs. They were all talking in the living room to her Dad and Charlotte as Gavin and Becky started arguing over the remote.

“Hey dad.” Maya said as she reached the bottom of the stairs. He looked up at her and smiled broadly.

“Hey sweetie. Nervous?” he asked placing a kiss on her cheek.

“A little, but um, I’ve got some news that I want to tell you.” she said quietly.

“Baby girl? What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Nothing Dad. But, um, well, I just took a test, and I haven’t even told Brian yet so please don’t going saying anything to him until I do, but, um….I’m pregnant.” She rambled as a huge smile spread across her dad’s face.

“Pregnant? Baby girl that’s wonderful news!” he smiled bringing her into a hug.

“You’re going to have a baby?” Gavin asked turning around on the sofa to look at them. Maya nodded.

“Yeah, you’re going to be an Uncle.” She smile as he thought for a second before he nodded with a smile.

There was another knock at the door. Gena answered it and let in the three girls from her salon who she’d asked to come and do their hair and make-up.
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Ok, so I can hear you all screaming through my laptop - I know I could have made this story a lot longer if I'd put in Val and Leana's weddings and the lead up to this one - but it would have been just a string of fillers which I really didn't want to do!
Anyways, you guys are running out of chances to comment on this story so please go now - I've really been working hard on this story!
Oh and let me know if you want me to let you know about my new story that will be starting soon as I promised. :)
The more comments I get the quicker I update.... ;)