Status: Complete

For Reasons Unknown

Chapter 52

“Are you ready to do this?” Kieran asked Maya as they stood behind the bridesmaids ready to walk down the aisle.
Maya nodded.

“Yeah, let’s do this, I want to be Mrs Haner.” She smiled just as the music began to play and Becky and Gavin began to walk down the aisle, followed by Abi and Leana, Val and Matt, and Zack and Gena.

“I love you and I’m so proud of you.” her dad whispered before placing a soft kiss on her cheek before they began to make their way down the aisle towards Brian.

Maya smiled broadly as everyone in the room turned to face her, watching her intently as she walked slowly, griping hold of her dad’s arm as her eyes fell on Brian.

Brian’s mouth hung slightly open with a smile as he watched her walk slowly towards him. The walk seemed to last forever but Maya was finally stood at the front next to Brian. Her dad gave her another kiss on the cheek before he let go of her arm and she turned to face Brian, who immediately took hold of her hand.

“You look fucking amazing.” He whispered in her ear and he leant in to kiss her cheek. Maya smiled back as she felt herself blush as the minister began the ceremony.

Most of the ceremony passed Maya by in a blur. She vaguely remembered saying her vows and placing the ring on Brian’s finger. It had been like she’d left her body for the entire thing, or put on autopilot.

“You may kiss the bride.” She faintly heard the minister say from somewhere close to her and then felt Brian pull her closer to him and crash his lips onto hers.

“I love you Mrs Haner.” He whispered with a small laugh as they looked longingly into each others eyes.

“Brian.” Maya whispered ready to tell him.

“Brian I’m pregnant.” She whispered into his ear, almost inaudibly. He pulled away from her slightly with wide eyes.

“Really?” he asked quietly and she nodded before his lips crashed onto hers again. He pulled away and laced his fingers with hers before they walked happily back up the aisle and out of the small church where they were showered with confetti and rice as well as flashes form cameras as people began to take photos.

Maya took a sip of her water and carefully wiped the tears from her eyes as she laughed uncontrollably at Jimmy’s best man speech.

“Anyway I think I better stop there before either Kieran or Maya kills me. All I really want to say is that Brian has been my best friend forever and I love him dearly, and it’s so nice to see him truly happy and in love with one of the most beautiful, funny, amazing girls I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting.” He said seriously.

“I know they’re going to be so happy together. They’re perfect together. So I’d like you all to raise your glasses.” He paused so that everyone could pick up their glasses. “To Brian and Maya.”

“To Brian and Maya.” Everyone repeated as Brian took a firm hold of Maya’s hand as they leant in to kiss each other firmly on the lips.

Once the speeches were over with and the guests were taken into another room where the evening party was taking place. The band began to play and people were soon up dancing. The time was flying by and it was quickly time for Brian and Maya to take to the dance floor for their first dance.

Brian led Maya slowly into the middle of the dance floor and wrapped his arms firmly around her waist as the opening riff of Nothing Else Matters began to play. They smiled at each other as Brian began to slowly move them in time to the song as he rested his forehead against hers as their eyes locked.

“I love you.” he whispered as he placed his lips softly against hers.

“I love you too.” Maya whispered back.

“And you’re really pregnant?” Brian asked with a smile. Maya nodded.

“Yeah I took another test this morning after I was sick.” Maya said as there was a flash of light on their left as the photographer took another photo. They both shook the lights from their eyes and smiled.

“You were sick again?” Brian asked with a look of concern.

“Yeah twice. So I decided to take a test and this one was positive. I’m pregnant.” Maya explained smiling back at him.

“So who knows?” Brian asked as other guests began to join them on the dance floor.

“The girls because they were there when I took the test and my Dad, Charlotte and the kids.” Maya explained.

“Are we going to tell anybody else?” he asked.

“The girls can tell the guys whenever and you can tell your parents but everyone else can wait until I’ve had my first scan in a couple of weeks.” Maya said and Brian nodded with a smile as he placed his lips against hers again and they shared a passionate kiss as he ran his hands up her back, pulling her close to him.

Maya was sat sideways on Brian’s lap, her arms wrapped around his neck as his held on tightly to her waist. She was watching Matt as he gently rocked Seth back and for in his arms trying to get him to sleep. Brian gently nuzzled her neck with his nose, placing soft kisses in the crook. Maya moaned softly at his touch and closed her eyes.

“We should have booked a room here.” Maya whispered as Brian’s tongue traced circles against the skin of her neck.

“Mmm. Maybe we should steal someone’s key card? Isn’t your dad staying here?” he asked in between kisses.

“Brian no!” Maya yelled pulling away from him with a glare of displeasure.

“Ok babe. It was only a suggestion.” Brian apologised kissing her cheek.

“Not arguing so soon in the marriage?” Gena asked as she sat down next to them.

“No, Brian just wanted to steal my dad’s key card so that we could, well you know….?” Maya replied with a smirk.

“Yeah I know!” Gena replied with a knowing smile.

“We kind of guessed that you two would want to sneak off at some point.” She added with a smile as Maya blushed.

“That’s why we all decided to book the honeymoon suit for you.” she continued reaching into her purse and taking out a key card.

“Oh my god! Seriously?” Maya yelled as she took the card from Gena.

“Seriously. We had a hunch that you would want to sneak off at some point during the wedding. There should be a couple of bottles of champagne up….well, one glass won’t hurt.” Gena said realising that Maya wouldn’t be able to enjoy it.

“Gena, trust me, the last thing we’ll be thinking about when we’re up there is champagne!” Brian smirked as he gently lifted Maya out of his lap.

“We’ll see you later.” He smiled as he led Maya out of the reception hall and towards the elevator.

Brian picked Maya up and carried her bridal style into their hotel room and kicked the door shut. He carried her through into the bedroom and went to lay her down on the bed but was stopped when she yelled.

“Wait! I can’t go back down with messed up hair. We’ll have to do it somewhere else.” Brian smiled and put her down and quickly scanning the room.

“How about there?” he smirked pointing to the counter where the TV was stood. Maya nodded.

“Now, let’s get you out of this dress.” Brian smirked as his hands went to the back of her dress to find the zip. As he slowly pulled the zip down her back Maya removed his tie and unbuttoned his shirt.

Brian stepped back as Maya’s dress fell down her body to reveal her underwear. He smiled broadly before picking her up and out of the dress and placing her on the counter and attaching his lips to her neck as she began to unbutton his suit pants.

She moaned deeply as his lips brushed the skin at her pulse point and his fingers slowly made circles through the material of her thong.

As his pants fell around his ankles, his lips captured hers; his hands caught a firm hold of her hips and pulled her close to the edge of the counter. Her fingers tangled themselves in his short, spiked hair as she pulled him closer to her. One of his hands left her hip and slowly pulled the thin silky material over to one side, making sure that he rubbed her clit as he did so before slowly pushing himself into her. She moaned loudly as she felt him every inch of him work its way into her as he slowly ground his hips into hers.

“God Brian. You’re fucking killing me!” Maya moaned as she longed for him to quicken the pace.

She felt Brian smirk against her lips as he continued with the slow pace. Maya growled, wanting him to go faster and slowly removed her lips from his and began to lick down to his shoulder. He let out a moan of pleasure as she began to suck and lick the soft skin at the top of his shoulder.

“Ahh. Fuck” Brian growled as Maya suddenly sunk her teeth into the area of skin she’d just been licking. She smirked against his neck and licked up to his ear.

“Faster.” She whispered before kissing her way back down his neck as Brian immediately quickened the pace.

“OH GOD!” Maya screamed as Brian hit her spot with every thrust. As she tightened around him she wrapped her legs tighter around his waist, pulling him ever closer to her, and dug her manicured nails into his back. He growled loudly into her neck as she spilled over him, arching her back.

“GOD MAYA!” he yelled as his continued thrusts sent her over the edge again.

“Oh God Brian.” Maya screamed as she felt him shudder inside her, calling out her name as he spilt deep inside her.

Breathlessly, Brian rested his forehead against hers and kissed her deeply.

“I love you Maya Haner.” He said with a smile plastered across his face.

“I love you too Brian Haner.” Maya replied with a similar smile before kissing him.

“Thank you Gena.” Maya said sitting down beside her with a smile.

“For what?” Zack asked.

“For the room we all got them. Where do you think they’ve been?” Gena replied with a smile as Zack nodded in understanding.

“Come on Aunty Gena, get some practice in.” Matt said as he joined them still holding Seth.

“Me and Val want to dance.” He said as he was about to gently pass the sleeping five month old to Gena.

“I’ll hold him.” Maya said and Matt turned around to place him in her arms instead.

“I need the practice too.” she whispered as she smiled at the 5 month old image of Matt in her arms, fast asleep.

“Are you?” Matt asked, obviously hearing what she’d just whispered. She looked up at him with a smile and nodded.

“Oh my god. Congratulations.” He yelled leaning down to kiss her cheek.

“Shh, not many people know yet.” Maya replied.

“I did.” Gena said with a smile as both guys turned to face her.

“All us girls know; we were there when she took the test.” She smiled as Brian joined them with a tray of drinks.

“I take it he knows?” Matt asked pointing at Brian.

“I know what?” Brian asked.

“That you’re going to be a daddy.” Maya said with a smile.

“Yeah, great news isn’t it?” Brian replied crouching down beside Maya and kissing her cheek.

“Congratulations dude.” Matt said slapping his back.

“Yeah congratulations man.” Zack said with a smile.

“Right if you’re ok with him I’m going to dance with my beautiful wife.” Matt said as Maya nodded in response.

“You’re going to make a great mother.” Brian whispered looking between Seth and Maya.

“You’re going to be a pretty great dad as well you know.” She replied as she kissed him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh My God I can't believe that I've only got the Epilogue left! It seams like I've been writing this story forever! I can't believe it's finally coming to the end!
Click here if you want to see my little montage of wedding stuff.
I'm going to save my big thank yous for the next update I would really like to say a huge thank you to all my readers, subscribers and mainly to all who left me comments - I love you all xoxox
Comments will get you to the Epilogue quicker :) Come on.....there are still a lot of readers and subscribers who haven't left a comment...... :)