Status: Complete

For Reasons Unknown

chapter 6

The psychiatrist was right. Between her first and second session she only had two nightmares and neither of them were as intense as what they had been. Two weeks later she found an official looking letter in her mail box. Knowing what it was she opened it, her hands shaking her heart beat quickening every second. In very polite, official terms the letter told her that a date had been set for the trial and she would be required to give evidence on Thursday 15th August. She stared at the letter, reading it over and over, taking in the information. A thought suddenly entered her head and she reached for her cell phone and began to write a new message.

“Did Matt get his letter yet?” to which she got an immediate reply.

“We’re still on the road but he’s calling his mom now to see if there’s any important mail for him. I take it you got one.”

“Yeah, arrived this morning – court date’s been set for August 15th.”

“Yeah, Matt’s letter has arrived as well, don’t worry this will soon be over, and remember, if you ever need to talk I’ll be here for you. I’ll be at the court house as well.”

Maya smiled broadly as she read the message and typed out her reply – “thanks Brian, your support means a lot to me, I need friends like you to help me through this.”

“That’s ok babe. I’ll see you august 15th.” Maya couldn’t get rid of the smile that had covered her face. She’d always believed in fate and things happening for a reason. Was her being attacked just fates way of getting her to meet Brian?

“Don’t be stupid Maya!” she told herself.
“You’ve been listening too much to Abi.” Ever since Abi had found out about Brian texting her Abi had kept on teasing Maya about how he likes her.

She folded the letter up and placed it on the small shelf beside the TV cabinet. She finished her coffee and picked up her helmet, jacket and gloves. She had another appointment with her psychiatrist and was again feeling positive.

“So Maya, how’ve you been since we last met?” Dr Livingstone asked handing her a fresh cup of coffee.

“I’ve been good; I’ve been sleeping a lot better lately.” Maya replied.

“Good, you look like you’re more rested. So have you had anymore nightmares?”

“Only one since the last session and it wasn’t even the full dream, it was just his face.”

“Well that is good news, so is there anything else you would like to talk about today?”

“Well, um, yeah, I had a letter this morning to let me know that a date has been set for the trial.”

“Ok, so how do you feel about that?”

Maya sat silently for a second thinking. How did she feel about that? She hadn’t really had the chance to really think about it let alone work out how she felt about it.

“Well, um, it’s strange, I don’t know really. I guess that it’s a relief in a way. I mean, I always knew that I’d have to go to court if they caught the guy, and once I’d picked him out of the line up I knew that it wasn’t going to be too long before it was taken to court. But I think I’m also a bit anxious or apprehensive about it. Seeing him again. Having to go through the details of the night again. Bringing back all those memories I’ve been trying so hard to forget and push to the back of mind.” She stopped, thinking about what she’d just said and unsure of what else to say.

“Well, that’s perfectly normal, and don’t get too alarmed if you start to regress slightly and begin to have nightmares and anxiety attacks leading up to the court date, especially closer to the day itself. But have you got anyone who you can talk to about any anxiety? Parents? Best friend? Work colleague? Or anyone you would feel comfortable talking to between our sessions?”

“Well, I’ve got my best friend Abi; I can talk to her about anything.” She began and her mind suddenly thought of someone else she may be able to talk to and a small smile appeared on her face.

“Anyone else?” Dr Livingstone added smiling back, showing that she’d seen her smile. Maya blushed.

“Well, um, there is someone who’s been texting me recently who’s told me that I can call him if I ever need to talk to him.” Dr Livingstone smiled and nodded giving Maya the sign to carry on.

“His name’s Brian, he’s in the band and he’s being really supportive.”

“He’s friends with the other witness?” she questioned with a hint of a frown.

Maya nodded. “Yeah, they’re in the band together.” Maya said.

“Just be careful, you don’t want to be accused of having too much contact with witnesses, I don’t want you being accused of consulting with the witness about the details of the case.” She warned and again Maya nodded.

“I’m not saying don’t talk to this guy, but be careful what you say to him about the case.
Without thinking you could say something that he could repeat to the witness.” She explained.

“Ok, I’ll be careful.” Maya replied.

“Now, as you’ve been doing so well, we’ll leave it there for today, unless there’s anything else you would like to talk about?” she stopped for Maya’s answer, which was a simple shake of her head.
“Ok, so, if we arrange another session for the week of the trial, just so that we can meet up and have a talk about how your feeling a little closer to the time. We can also meet up after the trail to talk about how things went – positive or negative – it’ll be good for you to talk the proceedings over to get closure.” She explained smiling. Again Maya nodded, also smiling.
“So, let’s see, what date’s the trial?”

“August 15th.” Maya stated.

“Ok,” Dr Livingstone said opening up her planner and turning a few pages, scanning for a free slot...

“Ok, do you want to do the day before?” she asked.

“Yeah, that’s fine.”

“Ok, so the 14th. At 2pm?”

“Yeah, that’ll be fine.” Maya agreed.

“And then let’s say a week later, just in case the case is dragged out a bit, same time?”
Maya nodded smiling,

“Yeah, that shouldn’t be a problem.”

“Ok, so I’ll see you on the 14th.” Dr Livingstone said getting up from her chair. Maya followed suit and picked up her bike gear and her bag. She said good bye and left the building and set off for her shift at the pub.
♠ ♠ ♠
Not my best chapter but hey it's a mid week update- you won't get many of those! lol
I'm updating tonight for two reasons:
1) I'm being subjected to football (or soccer if you're in the US) all night by my husband and his mates! and
2) I was really stoked earlier when I saw that I had 20 Subscribers! This story is definately doing better than any of my others.
So Comments please xoxo They'll make me even more happy ;)