Status: Complete

For Reasons Unknown

Chapter 8

Maya followed her lawyer into the courtroom, glancing around and finding a set of friendly faces watching her, each with supporting, warming smiles. As she reached her seat she glanced across to the defendant’s bench and caught a glimpse of the man who’d attacked her. Her stomach did a somersault at the sight of him and she quickly found something else to take her gaze. She took her seat besides her lawyer. She raised her head and watched the jury enter and take their seats. Moments later everyone stood up as the judge entered the room, Maya took a deep breath and glimpsed around catching Brian’s eye. He smiled back at her with a reassuring nod of the head, giving her a shot of confidence that she very much needed.

Once the official part was finished with both lawyers had their turn to give their opening speech. Maya tried her best not to listen to either as they both talked about the attack, herself and her attacker.

With the opening statements out of the way it was time for Maya to take the stand. She stood up slowly and took a deep breath before walking slowly yet confidently across the room and took her place at the stand. A lump formed in her throat as she looked up and around the room. Her eyes fell to the defence bench in front of her and the man who’d attacked her.
Looking at him now she felt even more certain that she’d picked out the right man from the line up the three months before. She swallowed hard and searched the room for her friends, finding Brian again, who kept her eye contact and smiled reassuringly at her. She smiled back and quickly and moved her eye’s to Abi’s who also gave her a reassuring smile. She felt herself playing with her rings and entwining her fingers with themselves, her palms becoming sweaty.

Maya’s lawyer was the first to ask her questions, and she slowly and sensitively took Maya through the events of that night. She was taken step by step through the attack, causing her voice to waiver and tears to well up in her eyes. She slowly sipped her way through a glass of water trying to avoid eye contact with her attacker. Her lawyer’s last question was to ask Maya if she could see the man who’d attacked her in the room and if so could she point him out. This was one of the questions that Maya hadn’t looked forward to answering. She nodded quietly and slowly raised her hand and pointed at the guy sat in front of her. She noticed that everyone’s eyes had followed her finger and rested on the man’s physique. Anger washed over her as she saw the smirk that covered his face. There was no remorse there, no guilt, nothing.

“Thank you Maya. No more questions.” Her lawyer said and sat back down. As she sat the defence lawyer stood and approached the bench. Maya took a deep breath to compose herself. She knew this was going to be the hardest part of the whole trial. Her lawyer had warned her that his lawyer would try to discredit her story as much as he could, make it look as if she was lying, that she couldn’t be 100% sure that he was the man who had attacked her, anything to make the jury believe that this was not the man who’d attacked her.

With tears streaming down her face she returned to her seat next to her lawyer.

“I think this will be a good point to break for lunch.” The judge began as Maya took a sip of water to help compose herself again.
“We will reconvene in an hour where we will hear from another witness and Miss Kinder’s psychiatrist.” He added.

“You did really well, that’s the hardest part over and done with, go and get something to eat and I’ll meet you back here in an hour.” Her lawyer said as everyone around them walked out of the courtroom. She glanced around to see Abi, Brian and Jimmy stood waiting for her. She walked towards them and was met by Abi who threw her arms around her.

When they returned after lunch Maya watched Matt take the stand. She knew that his evidence could be the difference between her attacker being found guilty or being allowed to walk free. Once Matt had finished giving evidence he joined the others behind her and Dr Living stone began to tell the jury how the attack had affected Maya over the past few months. She talked about the nightmares, the flashbacks and what they had talked about during their sessions.

After she’d finished the judge decided to have another break for the lawyers to prepare their closing statements, so the entire group consisting of Maya, Abi, Brian, Matt, Val, Jimmy, Zack, Gena and Johnny, went to the small cafe in the courthouse for a coffee.

“Well I think it’s pretty straightforward.” Abi said as the group sat around three tables.

“I don’t know there’s no DNA evidence.” Maya argued.

“That’s not going to make a difference.” Brian said giving her knee a reassuring squeeze. She smiled gratefully back to him as he allowed his hand to linger on her thigh, giving her a strange feeling in her stomach.

“But it’s just his word against mine.” Maya said, despite usually having an optimistic outlook on life she had recently become quiet pessimistic.

“But it’s not only your word. It’s mine as well.” Matt reminded her.

“I guess, I’m just preparing myself for the worst.” She replied with a deep breath and she felt Brian give her knee another gentle squeeze. His hand remained rested on her leg for the rest of the time they were sat in the cafe. Maya felt comforted by it and a part of her wished it could stay there.

Once the closing statements had been given the jury were sent away to decide on the outcome and all were told to return at 10am the following morning, hopefully with a verdict.

Outside the courtroom Maya gave her thanks to Matt for his support before turning to the other guys and thanking them as well. Just them being there had meant such a lot to her.

“I don’t know about the others, but I’ll meet you outside in the morning.” Brian said as she turned to him to thank him for his support.

“You don’t have to-“she began, smiling at his continued support.

“I want to, besides, you need someone here to support you, and Abi told me that she has to work tomorrow.” He said raising his eyebrows. Maya glanced over at Abi who just shrugged her shoulders with a small smile.

“Ok, I’ll see you in the morning. Thanks again guys for your support, it really means a lot to Me.” she said smiling at them all before putting her helmet on and jumping on her bike. Abi joined her and Maya gave them all one last smile and wave before shutting her visor and starting her bike.

“He really fancies you bad!” Abi yelled into her com mike as Maya began to drive off.

“Shut up Abi!” Maya yelled back laughing as she glanced at the guys in her mirror.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it so short! Please don't hate me *runs and hids* - But at least you guys get an update!!!
As always, comments are much appreciated. Please let me know how i'm doing and what you think - it really makes me happy :)
Oh and please don't shout at me if i've got details wrong with how court cases work in the US - Remember I'm from the UK and things work differently here :)
COMMENT - go on - you know you want to!!!