To Want What You Can't Have

Chapter 1

I sat there just watching her, envy, jealousy, and dare I say....hate boiling within me. She was sitting on his lap. his fingers trailing down her arm, he whispered something into her which made her laugh. She turned around and prepared to playfully slap him but he caught her hand and kissed her, then she pulled back and whispered something to him.
It wasn't fair, it wasn't fair that she was the most popular girl in school, it wasn't fair that she was captain of the cheer leading squad and president of the drama club, or that every guy in school wanted her, and it really wasn't fair that she had him.

Kevin Jonas

Yes Jonas, as in Paul Jonas, the guy who owns the New York Yankees and a WHOLE bunch of other stuff, and his wife Denise Jonas, the founder of Ell-E the worlds top fashion magazine. He's their son, well one of them, but I'll tell you about the rest of them later.

Kevin Jonas: Captain of the football team and most popular and hottest guy in school. Every girl in school wants him and every guy want to be him. He has pale but not to pale skin, beautiful hazel colored eyes. curly dark brown almost black hair that when straightened reaches his neck, and sideburns that only he can pull off. He stands at exactly 6 feet tall and he's built, just the sound of his name makes girls swoon...including me. Who Am I?

Oh I'm sorry, let me introduce myself. I'm Gabriella Keyshia Jeter. yes Jeter as in Derek Jeter, he's my dad......well step-dad. He and my mom got married when I was 8, I don't know who my real dad is and I really don't want to. He left my mom when she refused to abort me, Derek is the only father figure I've ever known and after they got married he changed my last name to Jeter. I'm 16 years old and I have Hershey chocolate colored eyes, creamy caramel colored skin, auburn red hair that reaches about an inch past my shoulder. I'm pretty short, being 5 foot 3 and I have peach colored lips. My best feature is probably my chest, which is a 38 D (Yes I know but thats what happens when you hit puberty at 9). I'm so girly to the point where its not even funny, I'm outgoing, caring, ghetto (at times), creative, smart, and when I wanna be, sarcastic.

And the she that I was talking about earlier, well thats my sister. Danielle but everybody calls her Dana. Dana is 18 and has tan like skin,light brown eyes that sometimes look Hazel, her hair is jet black and barely touches her shoulder. She's 5 foot 8 (Yeah I know) and has an exotic beauty that attracts men of all ages....literally. Even though she may not sound like it Dana is drop dead gorgeous. She and I look nothing alike, that being because we have two different fathers. I dint really know what happened to her dad, she doesn't really like talking about it.... And we are complete and total opposites, she's selfish, stuck up, shallow, arrogant, full of herself, rude-

"Right Gabby?" I was broken out of my chain of though by Nicola's question, her and Mickie must be fighting over something stupid again and are now dragging me into it.

I re-focused my attention "I'm sorry what was the question?" Alyaa chuckled and shook her head as she picked at her lunch, Mickie and Nicole groaned in frustration.

Glaring at me she cleared her throat, "Were you not listening?" She asked looking at me, annoyance and frustration clearly evident in her voice.

"Well it's obvious she wasn't considering she had to ask you to repeat the question." Alyaa remarked, pushing her tray away and pulling out her black Ipod touch. Mickie covered her mouth unsuccessfully trying to cover her giggles.

Nicola glared at Alyaa, "Oh shut up." She shot back, though I don't know why since Alyaa now had the headphones in her ear blasting out "Save You" by Simple Plan, her head tilted back, so it's not like she heard her...

Mickie rolled her eyes, "I don't think she heard you Nicki." Nicola turned her glare from Alyaa to Mickie, here we go again..
The two started fighting after Nicola insulted Mickie in someway, rolling my eyes I pulled up my purse and started looking for my Ipod.

"Dana wants to talk to you." I looked up and saw Mary, Dana's friend, her hand on her hip the other texting. Groaning I got up from the table and followed back to where Dana was sitting, AKA The Cool Table. She wasn't sitting on Kevin's lap anymore, but she was sitting next to him talking to another one of her fake wannabe Barbie friends. While I was waiting some jock walked by and slapped my ass, I pushed him towards the table which only earned me a mockful laugh from him and his friends. Ugh! Stupid Jocks!

"What do you want Dana?" She finally turned her attention from Barbie to me, she smiled a bright, big, fake as can be smile at me pretending that she didn't know I was there.

"Oh Gabriella, I didn't notice you were there" She laughed her signature Barbie laugh,and it took everything in me not to turn up my nose in disgust. My sister was truly a fake Barbie doll. We never really did get along for some reason...she never liked me...

"Oh yes, I need you to do my Science homework for me tonight."

"What? Again? Thats the third time this week Dana, whats your excuse this time?" I crossed my arms across my chest, my weight leaning on my left side.

Her fake smile quickly turned into a hard stare, "Excuse me? Unlike you Gabriella, I actually have a life, and I don't have time to be doing some gay homework assignment that will never be any help to me in the real world." I was about to respond when another jock came over to the table and did some guy hand shake with Kevin, he turned around and caught sight of me, walking slowly towards me he checked me out head to toe and stopped when he reached my chest. He sat down on the other side of Kevin his eyes going back and forth from my eyes to my chest. Ugh perv!

"Damn baby...your body is like a temple." I scoffed at him my cheeks probably burning red with fury, I hated to be treated like some outfit that was on display, I was going to hit him but I caught myself, and smirked when I thought of a comeback.

I leaned over the table giving them a nice view of my well developed cleavage,"Sorry there there are no services today." My voice was sexy and taunting but yet sarcastic at the same time, and as soon as I said that, his stupid smirk fell and his friends turned up a chorus of 'Oooohs'.

I turned my gaze back to Dana, "And as for you Barbie" Her mouth dropped open in shock "Why don't you go outside and play, hide and go fuck yourself." Literally everyone at the table cracked up at that one (minus Dana of course) even Kevin was laughing. Smirking in victory, I walked back to my table, Mickie, Nicola, and Alyaa all had their jaws dropped to the floor. I sat in my chair and leaned back with my arms crossed. Alyaa was the first one to talk.

Her dropped jaw was now a huge smile, "Way to go Gabs!" We hi-fived each other, childish I know. "About time someone else besides me stood up to that fake ass, wannabe Barbie, bitch sister of yours." You see, most people are afraid of my sister and therefore are afraid to stand up to her, the only one who ever does it is Alyaa...and now me I guess. For the rest of lunch we just sat and talked, I was pretty much happy the rest of the day, but the secrets I was hiding were tearing me up on the inside.
What are the secrets ?

1:I'm secretly in love with Kevin and have been since I was 13.
2: 3 months ago I got drunk at one of Kevin's parties, and woke up the next day in bed with him.
3:Dana never found out...but she's about to....wanna know how? It's quite simple actually...

I'm Pregnant.
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This is something that just came to me when I was in the shower, strange right? But anyway Alyaa is played by DyingAngelx3 who made the layout for me. The other characters I'll post a link in my profile for later. So review and tell me what you think!

And also this is AU.
