
You had me, you lost me

“No Way…” all three of them looked shocked, “You mean to say that you have never heard of ‘The Jonas Brothers’?!?”

“Jah-ay-den,” Mimi called from behind her.

“Please excuse me, thee small devil… she beckons,” Jaden left leaving them slightly perplexed. Joining her sister, Jaden asked, “Yes, daughter number two, may I help you?”
Mimi glared, “Yes, mom wants you to help bring some of the smaller boxes into the house…”

“Why me?” Jaden asked a hand on her hip.

Mimi rolled her eyes, “Because you’re daughter number one… Why, don’t want to live up to your title?”

Jaden pondered this thought, “Hmm… good point,” She wondered off toward the moving truck.

Mimi turned to the three people still standing when her sister had left them. The one who looked the oldest was saying, “I can’t believe she, a teenage girl, doesn’t know who we are.”

“Yeah there’s actually a good reason for that.” The group jumped a little when Mimi spoke walking up to them, “However, if I were to tell you and she were to find out that I told you… well, there would be hell.”
fter a moment the one with curly hair spoke up, “Um, hi. You’re Mimi right. Well I’m-”
Mimi cut him off, “Nick. You’re Joe. Plus Kevin. Combined the Jonas Brothers, right?”

“How did you know that, but you’re sister didn’t?!?” Kevin looked dumfounded.

“As I said if I were to tell you and she were to find out that I told you… we would all have to die. I would have to die for telling you and you three would have to die for knowing.”
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Don't hate me because I'm beautiful...
Okay, hate me because I'm beautiful