An Unusual Strike

Once upon a time...

Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess whom all the people of the kingdom admired. She had long blonde hair and blue eyes that shone like the stars. She was a true princess, delicate, caring and loved by all. NOT!!!!!!

I am NOT going to tell you a story like that. Those are so boring; I mean come on… who wants to read about a foolish, weak girl being rescued by a strong, handsome man. In reality no intelligent girl is going to be so defenseless that they have to rely on some stupid jock to save them… but then in reality there aren’t dragons and vengeful brothers of the king and things like that (so far as we know). My story is a bit more exciting than that.

What you’re about to read isn’t the story of some good little hero who saves the day, or a tale about the end of the world. In this book any way you look at it I’m the “bad guy”, the villain. Not a princess, a gang member.
♠ ♠ ♠
your my best friend foreve_
But no "r" cause that would be the end of forever