An Unusual Strike


There is no rival to my skill. No threat to my clan, other than the occasional S.I.N. officer.

S.I.N. is the “Society Investigations Network”. Personally, I think it’s ironic and a little stupid, to name a group that is supposed to protect the common folk; with an acronym that is an article of disdain and derision. And it goes against “God”. Oh, the horror (please note the sarcasm)

In my time, “God” is a power of domination and control. She rules over everything, everyone, every time. I know “God’s” a female, there are a few reasons. Number one: “Hell hath no fury, like a woman scorned”, enough said. Number two: a male isn’t smart enough to achieve the role of “God”; to be worshiped and obeyed has always been a woman’s task, even if men robbed it of us in past. Number three: A male, homosexual or not homosexual, wouldn’t demand that every house have a statue of a skimpily dressed female. End of story, those are the three solid reasons. There are more, but those are controversial.

“God” fears the clans. We are the power against her; the only collection of common folk who resist her charm and trickery. There are many other tribes, who rally round “God”. They are my mark, my target, my… man (for lack of a better term).